Collection of Foci since 2000.
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
April 2015: The Conflict in Yemen
March 2015: Reforming the Eurozone
February 2015: The Iran Nuclear Deal
January 2015: Guarding Against Cyber Attacks
December 2014: NATO After Ukraine
November 2014: The U.N. Report on Climate Change
October 2014: Syria's Foreign Jihadists
September 2014: Obama's Strategy for Taking on Islamic State
August 2014: Ukraine at a New Turning Point
July 2014: America's Immigration Debacle
June 2014: Conflict and Democracy in Iraq
May 2014: America's Pivot to the Far East
April 2014: Update on Afghanistan
March 2014: Gender Equality and State-building
February 2014: Security Concerns at the Sochi Olympics
January 2014: The Illicit Drug Trade and Conflict in the Americas
December 2013: Innovative Interventions in the Global Fight against HIV/AIDS
November 2013: Ending the War in Afghanistan
October 2013: The International Response to Fragile States
September 2013: Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones
August 2013: Russia's Foreign Policy
July 2013: BRICS and the Global Economy
June 2013: Resource Development and Foreign Policy in the Arctic
April 2013: North Korea's Nuclear Program
March 2013: Developing Nations and the Global Arms Trade
February 2013: The Coup d'Etat in Mali
January 2013: Issues in International Cybersecurity
December 2012: Political Reform in Myanmar
November 2012: The Surge in Global Oil Production
October 2012: Iran's Nuclear Standoff with Israel and the West
September 2012: Haiti Looks to the Future
August 2012: International Organized Crime
July 2012: U.S. Drone Strikes in the War on Terror
June 2012: Maritme and Port Security in the 21st Century
May 2012: The Arab Spring and the West
April 2012: China's Foreign Aid
March 2012: The Syrian Uprising
February 2012: Europe's Escalating Debt Problem
January 2012: Pakistan, Islam and the State
December 2011: Central Africa and the Lord's Resistance Army
November 2011: World Population Now Exceeds 7 Billion
October 2011: The Palestinian Bid for UN Membership
September 2011: INTERPOL and Transnational Crime
August 2011: Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia
July 2011: The U.S. Debt Crisis
June 2011: The IMF and Global Economic Recovery
May 2011: Al-Qaeda without Osama Bin Laden
April 2011: Japan's Nuclear Crisis
March 2011: What Now for the Middle East?
February 2011: Days of Rage in Egypt
January 2011: Referendum in Southern Sudan
December 2010: Global Cybersecurity
November 2010: The International Criminal Court
October 2010: The Floods and Political Instability in Pakistan
August 2010: Global Financial Reform
July 2010: Afghanistan's National Security
June 2010: America's Dependence on Foreign Oil
May 2010: Debt Crisis in Greece
April 2010: Global Climate Change after Copenhagen
March 2010: India's Economic Powerhouse
February 2010: Global Defense Spending
January 2010: Catastrophe in Haiti
December 2009: Brazil on the Rise
November 2009: Update on Maritime Piracy
October 2009: The People's Republic of China turns 60
September 2009: The Global Economic Crisis (Part II)
August 2009: Health Care around the Globe
June 2009: Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control
May 2009: Global Infectious Diseases
April 2009: International Narcotics Trafficking
March 2009: The Global Fight against AIDS
December 2008: What the World Expects from President Obama
November 2008: The Global Economic Crisis
October 2008: The Presidential Debates and U.S. Foreign Policy
September 2008: Russias August War in the Caucasus
August 2008: The World Food Crisis
July 2008: Reducing the World's Carbon Footprint
June 2008: Iraq after the Surge
May 2008: The U.S. Economy and Sovereign Wealth Funds
April 2008: Anti-Chinese Uprising in Tibet
December 2007: Update on the Darfur Crisis
November 2007: Population and the Environment
October 2007: Myanmar's Pro-Democracy Movement
September 2007: Kosovo and the Road to Independence
July/August 2007: Troop Surge in Iraq
May 2007: The Standoff between Secularists and Islamists in Turkey
April 2007: Musharraf and the Upcoming Elections in Pakistan
March 2007: Somalia on the Brink of Chaos
February 2007: The National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq
January 2007: U.S. Foreign Policy and Vietnam
December 2006: Global Warming and the U.S. Supreme Court
November 2006: North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program
October 2006: The Taliban Insurgency
September 2006: International Higher Education
August 2006: Israel's Invasion of Lebanon
June 2006: The Immigration Debate
May 2006: Iran's Nuclear Capabilities
April 2006: Post-War Reconstruction in Liberia
March 2006: The Reunification of China and Taiwan
February 2006: The Shifting Political Landscape in Latin America
January 2006: Natural Gas and European Energy Security
December 2005: Human Rights and the War on Terror
November 2005: The Kashmir Conflict
October 2005: Pulling Out of Gaza
September 2005: Constitutional Struggle in Iraq
August 2005: The Globalization of Terrorism and Counterterrorism
July 2005: Russian and American Nuclear Arsenals
June 2005: The European Union Constitution
April 2005: Maritime Piracy and the Malacca Straits
March 2005: Syria, the United States and the Middle East
Ferbruary 2005: Maoist Rebellion in Nepal
January 2005: Indian Ocean Disaster
December 2004: Elections in Ukraine
November 2004: Nuclear Power and Weapons Proliferation
October 2004: The U.S. Candidates and Foreign Policy
September 2004: Continuing Crisis in Sudan
June 2004: Cryptology and Information Security
April 2004: The Chemical Weapons Convention
February 2004: Iran's Elections
January 2004: India and Pakistan
October 2003: The State of the Transatlantic Alliance
August 2003: Transnational Criminal Activities
June 2003: Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
February 2003: U.S. policy on North Korea
January 2003: Landmines and Their Effects
December 2002: US Policy and Iraq
November 2002: NATO Summit in Prague
September 2002: The Troubled U.S. - Saudi Relationship
July 2002: Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden
May 2002: The Crisis in the Middle East
April 2002: Current Multilateral Treaties
February 2002: World Economic Forum
January 2001: Afghanistan, Terrorism, and September 11th
December 2001: Afghanistan and Terrorism
October 2001: September 11th Terrorist Attacks
August 2001: The Global Environment and Whaling
July 2001: Conflicts in Africa
June 2001: Albania and Macedonia
April 2001: European Challenges and Changes
March 2001: Afghanistan and the Taliban
December 2000: The Middle East
October 2000: US Foreign Policy
August 2000: Issues for the Next Presidency
July 2000: Ballistic Missile Defense