As from the outset of the war, it remains clear that the work to
rebuild Iraq will be monumental. Repairing the physical structure of
Iraq is a major task, but dealing with the psychological aftereffects — to Iraq, the region, and the transatlantic alliance — will be an enormous political undertaking. Daunting
questions remain unanswered, including who will be in charge of a post-war Iraq,
who will keep the peace in the interim, and what role the United Nations
will play in the near future. With the major regional actors and Iraqi
elites watching every move, the edict from Iraq's leading Shiite cleric, Grand
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, to not "interfere with the U.S.-led invasion
of troops" may signify the beginning of a trend. Analysts argue that
putting religious and tribal leaders in charge of keeping the peace will have
long-term ramifications. But who to back? Meanwhile discussions have
begun on what role the United Nations would play in post-war Iraq.
Secretary of State Colin Powell is playing down concerns that United
States and British interests are being served first, while other,
notably European, countries are being left out. Without complete international
backing, critics note that it will be difficult for the United Nations
to take on a role in the rebuilding of Iraq.
This month CIAO focuses on rebuilding Iraq.
From CIAO's database:
Critical National and Regional Infrastructures
US Policy Toward Iraq: The Calculations of Governments in the Middle East
An Attack on Iraq: The Military, Political, and Economic Consequences. Scenario Briefing
Iraq: The Day After
Iraq and Beyond: The New U.S. National Security Strategy
Outside Links*:
Office of the Iraq Programme: Oil-for-Food
UNDP in Iraq
DefenseLINK, U.S. Department of Defense
Rebuilding Iraq: Japan Is No Model
* Outside links are not maintained. For broken outside links, CIAO recommends the Way Back Machine [http://www.archive.org/].