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CIAO Focus, March 2010: India’s Economic Powerhouse

Over the past two decades, India has made sustained progress on a scale, size and pace that is unprecedented in its own history. A low-income country with mass poverty at the time of Independence in 1947, India now has a diminishing pool of very poor people and is poised to cross the threshold to join the ranks of the world’s middle-income countries. Over the past 62 years, the country has been successful on a number of fronts:

Source: World Bank

From the CIAO Database:

The United States and India 3.0: Cave! Hic Dragones

India's Strategic Defense Transformation: Expanding Global Relationships

Can India catch up with China?

The Internationalization of Indian Companies: The Case of Tata

Markets and Manu: Economic Reforms and Its Impact on Caste in India

Higher Education Reservations and India's Economic Growth: An Examination

EIU Country Briefing: India


Outside Sources: *

India: Data, Projects & Research (World Bank)

A Country Study: India (Library of Congress)

Country Office for India (World Health Organization)

India Country Profile (BBC News)


* Outside links are not maintained. For broken outside links, CIAO recommends the Way Back Machine.