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CIAO Focus, January 2011: Referendum in Southern Sudan
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that brought to an end two decades of civil war in Sudan stipulated that there shall be a referendum on self-determination for Southern Sudan and a referendum on the status of Abyei to be held simultaneously in 2011. According to the CPA, the referendum on Southern Sudan “shall be an internationally monitored referendum, organized jointly by the GoS and the SPLM/A, for the people of South Sudan to: confirm the unity of the Sudan by voting to adopt the system of government established under the Peace Agreement; or to vote for secession.”
Legislation for the Southern Sudan Referendum was enacted by the National Assembly in December 2009 and the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) was established on 8 July 2010. Southern Sudan Referendum is scheduled to be held on 9 January 2011 leaving the SSRC very little time to prepare for an event of tremendous importance and significance to Sudan and its people. The Southern Sudan Referendum Commission will face enormous challenges in conducting well-organized and credible referendum and will require considerable support from the GoNU, GoSS, United Nations and international community.
--Support to the Southern Sudan Referendum (UNDP)
From the CIAO Database:
The Sudan Referenda: What Role for International Actors?
Secession and Precedent in Sudan and Africa
Why is violence escalating in Southern Sudan?
Why Sudan's Popular Consultation Matters
Negotiating Sudan's North-South Future
Outside Sources: *
Background Note: Sudan (U.S. Department of State)
Southern Sudan Referendum Commission
African Studies Center: Sudan Page (University of Pennsylvania)
Support to the Southern Sudan Referendum (UNDP)
On eve of South Sudan independence vote, UN ramps up its multiple roles
(UN News Centre)
* Outside links are not maintained. For broken outside links, CIAO recommends the Way Back Machine.