Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers


International Studies Association

1999, Washington, D.C.

Columbia International Affairs Online has made available for the first time online papers from the 1999 International Studies Association Annual Meeting. Participation in this experimental project is voluntary. We will continue to post ISA papers as we receive them.

Title: Asia-Pacific Regionalism And Northeast Asia Subregionalism
Author: Tsuneo Akaha
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Defending Democracy in the Western Hemisphere: A Behavioral Analysis of the Organization of American States
Author: Dexter S. Boniface
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Conundrum: Illicit Narcotics and Theoretical Approaches in International Politics
Author: Angela S. Burger
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Role Theory, Foreign Policy Advisors, and U.S. Foreign Policymaking
Author: Steven J. Campbell
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: “In the Service of Peace”: Reflexive Multilateralism and the Canadian Experience in Bosnia
Authors: Erin Carrière, Marc O’Reilly, and Richard Vengroff
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The International Studies Curriculum: Infusing Global and Area Studies Perspectives
Author: Harry I. Chernotsky
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Sovereign-State System, International Law and Institutions, and Environmental Protection
Author: Thomas J. Cioppa
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Sovereignty, Global Civil Society, and the Social Conferences: NGOs and States at the UN Conferences on Population, Social Development, and Human Settlements
Authors: Ann Marie Clark, Elisabeth J. Friedman and Kathryn Hochstetler
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Security and Development in the Lens of Complexity Theory: The Baltic and Russia, A.D. 1000 to 2000
Author: Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: International Negotiation: A Semantic Analysis
Author: Raymond Cohen
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Explaining Political Corruption
Author: Michael W. Collier
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: American Environmentalism and the Problem of Consumption in a Global Political Economy
Author: Ken Conca
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Studying “Masculinities” in International Relations: Reinforcing or Challenging Patriarchy? Homophobia, Masculinities, Gender and International Governance
Author: Tom Davies
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Popes, Kings and Endogenous Institutions: The Concordat of Worms and the Origins of Sovereignty
Author: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Neorealism’s Logic and Evidence: When is a Theory Falsified?
Author: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Hidden Agendas of Participatory Politics in an Era of Globalization
Authors: Rebecca DeWinter and Sohini Sarkar
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Can Japan Craft an International Nuclear Disarmament Policy
Author: Anthony DiFilippo
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Israeli-Palestinian Water Conflict and its Resolution: A View through International Relations Theory
Author: Shlomi Dinar
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: ‘Trafficking’ and Controlling Borders: State’s Interests versus Women’s Freedom of Movement
Author: Jo Doezema
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Construction of States in International Politics
Author: Amy E. Eckert
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Passage-Making and Service Creation in International Migration
Author: Miriam Feldblum
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Using Online/Simulated Interventions to Transfrom the 1982 Falkland Islands Lessons into Student's Experiential Learning
Author: Nora Femeniar
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Designing the Ocean Policy Future: Or How Am I Going To Do That?
Author: Robert Friedheim
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Interests, Schminterests: Precision in Descriptions of and Assumptions About State Motivations
Author: Kenneth Lloyd Forsberg
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Civic and Ethnic Allegiances: Competing Visions of Nationalist Discourse in the Horn of Africa
Author: Eric Garcetti
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Problems of Transitional Justice: The Politics and Principles of Memory
Author: Stephen A. Garret
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: European Security, NATO and the Transatlantic Link: Crisis Management
Author: Heinz Gärtner
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Semantics or Substance? Showdown Between the United States and the Palestine Liberation Organization
Authors: Deborah J. Gerner and Ian S. Wilbur
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Brief Overview of the Millennium Project
Author: Jerome C. Glenn
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Long Live the Beta Version - Active Learning and Technology in the Information Age: Memoirs of a Cyberprof and a Proposal for the International Studies Association
Author: Lev Gonick
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Kosova and Metohija Migration Issues at the End of the 20th Century
Author: Vladimir Grecic
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Gender Relations and Political Legitimacy: Replacing Patrilineal with Ancestral Inheritance of Power in Ancient Mayan Society
Author: Lowell Gustafson
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Water and International Conflict
Author: Helga Haftendorn
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: What’s Fair?—International Justice from an Environmental Perspective
Author: Paul G. Harris
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: ‘Rogue’ States and International Relation
Author: Paul D. Hoyt
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Contested State and Competitive State: Managing the Economy in A Democratic Taiwan
Author: Xiaoming Huang
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Diplomacy and the Conflict in Kosovo — Notes on Threats and Fears
Author: Zlatko Isakovic
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: In/security, Life-chances and Conflict
Author: Susie M. Jacobs
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The European Integration Process as a Tool for Conflict Resolution: Accession to the EU and the Search for a Settlement of the Cyprus Conflict
Author: Joseph S. Joseph
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: History, Identity and Water Disputes: The Case of the Tigris-Euphrates
Author: Jack V. Kalpakian
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Integrating Offensive Realism and Domestic Politics
Author: Eric J. Labs
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Pursuit of Justice and Reconciliation: Responding to Genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda
Author: Wendy Lambourne
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Politics of Stigmatization: Global Cultural Change and the Transnational Campaign to Ban Antipersonnel Landmines
Author: Andrew Latham
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Missing the Target? European Competitiveness Policies Revisited
Author: Thomas C. Lawton
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Democracy and Preventive War: Israel and the 1956 Sinai War
Author: Jack S. Levy and Joseph R. Gochal
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Forms of State, Governance and regime: Reconceptualizing the Prospects from Democratic Consolidation in Africa (PDF Format)
Author: Staffan Lindberg
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Extending Politics: Enfranchising Non-Resident European Citizens
Author: Willem Maas
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: French Policy Toward Iraq Since the Gulf War: A Realist Dream Case?
Author: Alex Macleod
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Reluctant Campers Too Far From Home: The Enigma of Australia and New Zealand ...
Author: Michael McKinley
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Global Change and the Political Economy of Sustainable Development in Brazil
Author: Valérie de Campos Mello
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Domestic Politics and International Relations in Trade Policymaking: The United States and Japan and the Gatt Uruguay Round Agriculture Negotiations
Author: Christopher C. Meyerson
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Political Economy of Energy Taxes, OECD 1973-1995: The Role of Political Institutions, Public Opinion and Ideology (A Pre-Test)
Author: Svetlana Valerie Morozova
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Atlantic and Pacific integration — A comparative study of postwar Western Europe and East Asia
Author: Lars Mjøset and Kristen Nordhaug
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: If Regime Type Doesn’t Matter, Why Do States Act Like It Does?
Author: John M. Owen, IV
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Nation Versus State: The Dilemma of Seoul’s Foreign Policymaking Toward Pyongyang
Author: Tong Whan Park
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Explaining the Post-Cold War Order: An International Society Approach
Author: Mark E. Pietrzyk
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Harmful Tax Competition in the EU
Author: Claudio M. Radaelli
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Aggressive Multilateralism: The Determinants of GATT/WTO Dispute Initiation, 1948-1998 (PDF Format)
Author: Eric Reinhardt
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Mediating Ethnic Conflict: A Task for Sisyphus?
Author: Oliver P. Richmond
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Turkey and the European Union: A Never Ending Story
Author: Andrea K. Riemer
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Regionalisation and Development in Latin America—Labour Involvement in National and Regional Transformation Processes: The Case of Chile
Author: Marieke Riethof
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: International Relations in Cyberspace
Author: Alan J. Rosenblatt
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: What Money Can Buy: Conceptualizing a Palestinian-Israeli Water Market
Author: Michelle Sachs
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Reuniting, When Does It Feel So Good? The Causes of Irredentist Movements or Four out of Five Irredentists Agree: Size Does Matter, Relatively
Authors: Stephen M. Saideman and R. William Ayres
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Mercosur’S Open Regionalism and Regulation: Focusing on the Petrochemicals and Steel Sectors
Author: Claudia Sanchez Bajo
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Toward A Non-Threatening US-Japan Alliance
Author: Yoichiro Sato
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Foreign Policy and International Transitions: The Case for Foreign Policy Paradigms
Author: Phillip C. Saunders
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: When Networks Blind: Comparing Different Periods of Transnational Human Rights Activism in Kenya
Author: Hans Peter Schmitz
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Detecting United States Mediation Styles in the Middle East, 1979-1998 (PDF Format)
Author: Philip A. Schrodt
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: NATO Enlargement: International Relations or Civil-Military Relations?
Author: Glen Segell
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Internal Dynamics of the Organization of American States: Hegemonic Influence and Organizational Autonomy
Author: Carolyn M. Shaw
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Agenda Formation and the Negotiation of Investment Rules at the WTO: The History of a Campaign
Author: Elizabeth Smythe
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Eight Theses in Search of a Nail: Historical Materialism, Ideology, and the Politics of Globalization
Authors: M. Scott Soloman and Mark Rupert
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Research on the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes: A Review of the State of the Art
Author: Detlef F. Sprinz
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Legitimacy and the Limits of Nationalism: China and the Diaoyu Islands
Author: Erica Strecker Downs and Phillip C. Saunders
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Experiments With an Artificial Mediator: A Progress Report (PDF Format)
Author: Charles S. Taber
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Security Under Anarchy: Defensive Realism Reconsidered
Author: Jeffrey W. Taliaferro
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Conflict-Cooperation for Interstate and Intrastate Interactions: An Expansion of the Goldstein Scale
Authors: Charles Lewis Taylor, Joe Bond, Doug Bond, J. Craig Jenkins, and Zeynep Benderlioglu Kuzucu
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: NATO’s Identity at a Crossroads: Institutional Challenges Posed by NATO’s Enlargement and Partnership for Peace Programs
Author: Marybeth Peterson Ulrich
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Unveiling Human Rights: A Postcolonial Feminist Analysis of Women, Veiling, Human Rights and Western Geopolitical Discourse
Author: Jessica L. Urban
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Between Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: The Macedonian Perspective of the Kosovo Crisis
Author: Bilyana Vankovska-Cvetkovska
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Preventing Deadly Conflicts: Failures in Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Kosova
Author: Raimo Väyrynen
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Critical Assessment of the Achievements of FR Yugoslavia’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
Author: Vatroslav Vekaric
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Multidimensionality of Globalization, Environmentalism, and the New Transnational Social Forces
Author: Eduardo Viola
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Bargaining and Conflict Resolution (PDF file)
Author: R. Harrison Wagner
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: The Economics of Integration, The Politics of Regionalism: Interdependence and Integration Theory Revisited
Author: Barbara Marga Weiss
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Ideas Toolkit: The Role of Culture in the Transboundary Air Pollution Issue in Northeast Asia
Author: Kenneth E. Wilkening
Date of Paper: February 1999

Title: Re-distribution of Authority: The South African Case
Authors: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro
Date of Paper: February 1999

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