The CERI, founded in 1952, within the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP), is France's foremost center for research on the international political system. As a joint FNSP-CNRS research unit, the CERI is made up of some sixty researchers and about fifteen support staff who handle financial management, documentation, publications and communication.
The CERI's mission is to bring together area studies specialists and international relations experts. It analyzes the contemporary political world, with a strong emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach: its research fellows include not only political scientists but also economists, sociologists, historians and anthropologists.
The CERI has a twofold objective: to contribute to an in-depth understanding of political societies abroad and the dynamics of the world system; to provide expert analysis on today's major international issues.
Its topics of study are issues central to international relations research, including: globalization, forms of regional integration - particularly the building of the European Union - new forms of conflict, democratization, migrations, nationalism and other political identities.
Its relations with the international scientific community are essential to the CERI's research activity: hosting foreign scholars, participating in international programs, attending major world conferences.
The Russia Papers are published by the Center for International Studies and Research (CERI) at Sciences Po University in Paris. The Editor is Marie Mendras. The series offers original analyses on Russia in the fields of internal politics, economic affairs, demographic and social issues, culture and identity, and foreign policy. In a comparative and regional perspective, The Russia Papers are open to studies on other former Soviet republics.
General Working Papers
Title: Before the Cut: The Global Politics of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Authors: Srdjan Vucetic
Date: June 2013Title: Facing Iran's Military Nuclear Ambitions: The International Challenge and Israel's Concerns
Authors: Emily B. Landau
Date: May 2013Title: Options for Canada's Future in Euro-Atlantic Organizations (2013-2030)
Authors: Frédéric Mérand, Nicola Contessi, Jérémie Cornut, Dominika Kunertova
Date: March 2013Title: What's Behind Saudi Arabia's Nuclear Anxiety?
Authors: Frederic Wehrey
Date: December 2012Title: The Worrisome State: Assessing North Korea's Security Challenges
Authors: Mark Fitzpatrick
Date: October 2012Title: Al Qaeda and U.S. Homeland Security after Bin Laden
Authors: Rick "Ozzie" Nelson
Date: November 2011Title: Managing Frenemies: What Should the United States Do About Pakistan?
Authors: Ashley J. Tellis
Date: October 2011Title: Turkish Foreign Policy and the Middle East
Authors: Henri J. Barkey
Date: June 2011Title: The BRICS Against the West?
Authors: Zaki Laïdi
Date: February 2011Title: Les usages pratiques du patriotisme en Russie
Authors: Françoise Daucé, Myriam Désert, Marlène Laruelle, Anne Le Huérou, Kathy Rousselet
Date: June 2010Title: Marché, bureaucratie, formes de la domination politique. Une économie politique weberienne
Authors: François Bafoil
Date: April 2010Title: La langue amère des temps nouveaux : dynamique de la violence au Rwanda rural
Authors: Emmanuel Viret
Date: August 2009Title: Le parcours du combattant : une approche biographique des militant(e)s sikh(e)s du Khalistan
Authors: Laurent Gayer
Date: May 2009Title: L'analyse des transferts internationaux de politiques publiques : un état de l'art
Authors: Thierry Delpeuch
Date: December 2008Title: Politiques du moment colonial. Historicités indigènes et rapports vernaculaires au politique en "situation coloniale
Authors: Romain Bertrand
Date: October 2008Title: En quoi les "partis ethniques" sont-ils "ethniques" ? Les trajectoires du MDL en Bulgarie et de l'UDMR en Roumanie
Authors: Antonela Capelle-Pogacean, Nadège Ragaru
Date: June 2008Title: Le concept de situation thermidorienne : régimes néo-révolutionnaires et libéralisation économique
Authors: Jean-François Bayart
Date: March 2008Title: L'analyse de la "rivalité" dans les relations internationales. Le cas de l'Inde et de la Chine
Authors: Renaud Egreteau
Date: December 2007Title: Le Sangh Parivar et la diaspora hindoue en Occident : Royaume-Uni, États-Unis et Canada
Authors: Christophe Jaffrelot, Ingrid Therwath
Date: October 2007Title: Le Sangh Parivar et la diaspora hindoue en Occident : Royaume-Uni, États-Unis et Canada
Authors: Christophe Jaffrelot, Ingrid Therwath
Date: October 2007Title: L'invention de l'aide française au développement. Discours, instruments et pratiques d'une dynamique hégémonique
Authors: Julien Meimon
Date: September 2007Title: Sovereignties, the World Conference against Racism 2001 and the Formation of a Dalit Human Rights Campaign
Authors: Dag Erik Berg
Date: April 2007Title: Sovereignties, the World Conference against Racism 2001 and the Formation of a Dalit Human Rights Campaign
Authors: Dag Erik Berg
Date: April 2007Title: L’invention de l’aide française au développement. Discours, instruments et pratiques d’une dynamique hégémonique
Authors: Julien Meimon
Date: April 2007Title: Viewing the “New” South Africa. Representations of South Africa in Television Commercials: an Experiment in Non-directive Methods
Authors: Ebrahim-Vally Rehana
Date: December 2006Title: Viewing the "New" South Africa. Representations of South Africa in Television Commercials: an Experiment in Non-directive Methods
Authors: Rehana Ebrahim-Vally, Denis-Constant Martin
Date: December 2006Title: Les sciences sociales et le « moment colonial » : de la problématique de la domination coloniale à celle de l’hégémonie impériale
Authors: Romain Bertand
Date: June 2006Title: Les sciences sociales et le "moment colonial" : de la problématique de la domination coloniale à celle de l'hégémonie impériale
Authors: Romain Bertand
Date: June 2006Title: Le débat russe sur l’informel
Authors: Myriam Désert
Date: May 2006Title: "Qui a le bâton, a le buffle". Le corporatisme économique de l'armée pakistanaise
Authors: Amélie Blom
Date: December 2005Title: CERI: A Long Road to Damascus. Syria and the Peace Negotiations with Israel
Authors: Marwa Daoudy
Date: November 2005Title: CERI: Solving Europe's Binary Human Rights Puzzle. The Interaction between Supranational Courts as a Parameter of European Governance
Authors: Laurent Scheeck
Date: October 2005Title: CERI: Reconciling Enlargement and Security on the EU New Eastern Border. The Romanian-Moldovan Chapter
Authors: Odette Tomescu-Hatto
Date: September 2005Title: CERI: Human Security: Concepts and Implications - with an Application to Post-Interventions Challenges in Afghanistan
Authors: Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh
Date: September 2005Title: CERI: The Thaksin System: A Halt to Democratization or Democracy the Thai Way?
Authors: Nicolas Revise
Date: June 2005Title: CERI: Les analyses de l'engagement associatif en Russie
Authors: François Dauceé
Date: June 2005Title: CERI: The Catholic Church and "civil society" in Cuba
Authors: Philippe Létrillart
Date: March 2005Title: CERI: Burma: The army closes off political options
Authors: Renaud Egreteau
Date: March 2005Title: CERI: "Shadow States"? State building and national invention under external constraint in Kosovo and East Timor (1974-2002)
Authors: Raphaël Pouyé
Date: February 2005Title: CERI: Russian Foreign Policy Discourse during the Kosovo Crisis: Internal Struggles and the Political Imaginaire
Authors: Guillaume Colin
Date: December 2004Title: CERI: Political Opposition, Nationalism and Islam among the Uygurs in Xinjiang Abstract
Authors: Rémi Castets
Date: October 2004Title: CERI: The European Union's New Neighbours. Identity-based Strategies and Politics in the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
Authors: Alexandra Goujon
Date: September 2004Title: CERI: Sudan. From one conflict to the next
Authors: Roland Marchal
Date: September 2004Title: CERI: Regional integration in Asia since China's entry into the WTO
Authors: Diana Hochraich
Date: July 2004Title: CERI: Eighteen months into Lula's presidency, how is Brazil faring?
Authors: François d'Arcy
Date: July 2004Title: The mysteries of Vietnamese "socialist democracy". Evolution of the people's assemblies and of the legal system since the launch of the Dôi moi
Authors: Matthieu Salomon
Date: May 2004Title: CERI: The socio-political effects of forced migrations linked tomajor hydraulic projects in China. The example of the Three Gorges dam.
Authors: Florence Padovani
Date: April 2004Title: CERI: Religion and Politics in Greece: The Greek Church's 'Conservative Modernization' in the 1990s
Authors: Anastassios Anastassiadis
Date: January 2004Title: CERI: Public Administrations and Modes of Government in the Face of Europeanization: A Comparison between Southern Europe and Eastern Europe
Authors: François Bafoil, Béatrice Hibou
Date: December 2003Title: South Korea, a new model for the new economy?
Authors: Christian Milelli
Date: September 2003Title: CERI: Barter and Inter-business Transactions in Russia: Trade Normalization in View after the Ruble Crisis of 1998?
Authors: Caroline Dufy
Date: September 2003Title: CERI: Developing Border Cooperation between China and Russia
Authors: Sébastien Colin
Date: July 2003Title: CERI: The United States and Europe and the conflict in Colombia
Authors: Frédéric Massé
Date: June 2003Title: CERI: For a theory of nationalism
Authors: Christophe Jaffrelot
Date: June 2003Title: CERI: Le voleur et la matrice : Les enjeux du "cybernationalisme" et du "hacktivisme"
Authors: Laurent Gayer
Date: May 2003Title: CERI: Latino Power? Political Access for Latinos in the United States
Authors: Emmanuelle Le Texier
Date: May 2003Title: CERI: Municipalities in South Africa: A Shifting-Pole Autonomisation
Authors: Ivan Crouzel
Date: April 2003Title: Les marchés de la vertu : la promesse des fonds éthiques et des micro-crédits
Authors: Javier Santiso
Date: February 2003Title: Analyser le massacre. Réflexions comparatives
Authors: Jacques Sémelin
Date: September 2002Title: Analyser les modes de représentation des intérêts dans l'Union européenne : construction d'une problématique
Authors: Sabine Saurugger
Date: June 2002Title: CERI: Les relations civilo-militaires en Croatie, 1990-2001
Authors: Renéo Lukic, Jean-François Morel
Date: February 2002Title: CERI: New Perspectives on EU-Member State Relationships
Authors: Simon Bulmer, Christian Lequesne
Date: January 2002Title: CERI: Politics Behind The Mask: Studying Contemporary Carnivals in Political Perspective, Theoretical and Methodological Suggestions
Authors: Denis-Constant Martin
Date: November 2001Title: "Injustes" sanctions : les constructions internationales de la dénonciation des embargos et l'escalade de la vertu abolitionniste
Authors: Ariel Colonomos
Date: November 2001The Russia Papers
Title: Back to the Future? Thoughts on the Political Economy of Expanding State Ownership in Russia
Authors: William Tompson
Date: July 2008Title: Le vote confisqué en Russie. Etude des élections régionales de 2007
Authors: Mikhaïl Sokolov
Date: June 2007Title: La démocratisation en Géorgie à l'épreuve des élections
Authors: Salomé Zourabichvili
Date: April 2007Title: Religion et "idée nationale" dans la Russie de Poutine
Authors: Alexandre Verkhovski
Date: July 2006Title: Biélorussie 2006. Manipulation électorale dans une dictature post-soviétique
Authors: Jean-Charles Lallemand
Date: June 2006Title: Vladimir Putin and The Russian Television "Family"
Authors: Floriana Fossato
Date: January 2006