Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Chatham House


Chatham House has been the home of the Royal Institute of Institute of International Affairs for over eight decades. Our mission is to be world-leading source of independent analysis, informed debate and influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and secure world for all.

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Founded in 1920 and based in St James's Square in London, Chatham House celebrated the 80th anniversary of the granting of its Royal Charter in 2006. The Chatham House Rule, famous worldwide for facilitating free speech and confidentiality at meetings, originated here.

Additional Materials from Chatham House: Policy Briefs | Journals: International Affairs | Journals: The World Today

Working Papers

General Working Papers

Title: Transit Troubles: Pipelines as a Source of Conflict
Authors: Paul Stevens
Date: March 2009

Title: The Outlook for Tokyo: New Opportunities or Long-term Decline for Japan's Financial Sector?
Authors: Vanessa Rossi
Date: March 2009

Title: New Ideas for the London Summit: Recommendations to the G20 Leaders
Authors: Paola Subacchi, Alexei Monsarrat
Date: March 2009

Title: Cyberspace and the National Security of the United Kingdom: Threats and Responses
Authors: Paul Cornish, Rex Hughes, David Livingstone
Date: March 2009

Title: Ready to Lead? Rethinking America's Role in a Changed World
Authors: Robin Niblett
Date: February 2009

Title: Food Futures: Rethinking UK Strategy
Authors: Susan Ambler-Edwards, Kate Bailey, Alexandra Kiff
Date: February 2009

Title: The Feeding of the Nine Billion: Global Food Security for the 21st Century
Authors: Alex Evans
Date: January 2009

Title: Against the Gathering Storm: Securing Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Authors: Edward Thomas
Date: January 2009

Title: Iran: Breaking the Nuclear Deadlock
Authors: Richard Dalton (ed)
Date: December 2008

Title: A British Agenda for Europe: Designing Our Own Future
Authors: Stephen Wall
Date: September 2008

Title: The Coming Oil Supply Crunch
Authors: Paul Stevens
Date: August 2008

Title: Ending Dependence: Hard Choices for Oil-Exporting States
Authors: John V Mitchell, Paul Stevens
Date: July 2008

Title: The Gulf as a Global Financial Centre: Growing Opportunities and International Influence
Date: June 2008

Title: Lost Opportunities in the Horn of Africa: How Conflicts Connect and Peace Agreements Unravel
Authors: Sally Healy
Date: June 2008

Title: The European External Action Service: Roadmap for Success
Authors: Brian Crowe
Date: May 2008

Title: India and its Neighbours: Do Economic Interests Have the Potential to Build Peace?
Authors: Charu Lata Hogg
Date: November 2007

Title: Contemporary Chinese Views of Europe
Authors: Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron
Date: November 2007

Title: Changing Climates: Interdependencies on Energy and Climate Security for China and Europe
Authors: Antony Froggatt, Bernice Lee
Date: November 2007

Title: Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Technical Study No. 3 -- The Relevance of Bioeconomic Modelling to RFMO Resources: A Survey of the Literature
Authors: Trond Bjørndal, Sarah Martin
Date: October 2007

Title: Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Technical Study No. 2 -- Practice of RFMOs Regarding Non-members
Authors: Daniel Owen
Date: October 2007

Title: Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Technical Study No. 1 -- Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Progress in Adopting the Precautionary Approach and Ecosystem-Based Management
Authors: Marjorie L Mooney-Seus, Andrew A Rosenberg
Date: October 2007

Title: Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
Authors: David Anderson, Terje Løbach, Michael W Lodge, Gordon Munro, Keith Sainsbury, Anna Willock
Date: August 2007

Title: Sierra Leone: Reform or Relapse? Conflict and Governance Reform
Authors: Brian Thomson
Date: June 2007

Title: Growth and Responsibility: A Review of Business Action for Africa between the UK and German G8 Presidencies 2005-7
Authors: Richard Reeve
Date: June 2007

Title: Climate Change, Competitiveness and Trade
Authors: Aaron Cosbey, Richard Tarasofsky
Date: June 2007

Title: Good Governance of the National Petroleum Sector
Authors: Glada Lahn, Dr Valérie Marcel, John Mitchell, Dr Keith Myers, Prof Paul Stevens
Date: April 2007

Title: The Doha Round and Beyond: Towards a lasting relationship between the WTO and the international environmental regime
Authors: Alice Palmer, Richard Tarasofsky
Date: February 2007

Title: The CBRN System: Assessing the threat of terrorist use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons in the UK
Authors: Dr Paul Cornish
Date: February 2007

Title: The UK Contribution to the G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2002-06
Authors: Paul Cornish
Date: January 2007

Title: Anti-Corruption Challenges in Post-Election Democratic Republic of Congo
Authors: Muzong W Kodi
Date: January 2007

Title: Nigeria-Related Financial Crime and its links with Britain
Authors: Michael Peel
Date: November 2006

Title: Child Recruitment in South Asian Conflicts: A comparative Analysis of Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh
Authors: Charu Lata Hogg
Date: November 2006

Title: EU and NATO: Co-operation or Competition?
Authors: Dr Paul Cornish
Date: October 2006

Title: Turkey and the EU - Four Scenarios: From Train Crash to Full Steam Ahead
Authors: Kirsty Hughes
Date: September 2006

Title: Contemporary Indian Views of Europe
Authors: Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron
Date: September 2006

Title: Iran, its Neighbours and the Regional Crises
Date: August 2006

Title: A New Era for Oil Prices
Authors: John V Mitchell
Date: August 2006

Title: Advancing Economic Growth: Investing in Health
Authors: Rifat A Atun, Susan Fitzpatrick
Date: February 2006

Title: The Importance of Politics to Nuclear New Build
Authors: Malcolm Grimston
Date: December 2005

Title: Producer-Consumer Dialogue: What can energy ministers say to one another?
Authors: John Mitchell
Date: November 2005

Title: OPEC and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: Tatiana Bosteels, Jacqueline Karas
Date: November 2005

Title: Angola - Drivers of Change: An Overview
Date: May 2005

Title: Reinvigorating European Elections: The Implications of Electing the European Commission
Authors: Julie Smith
Date: May 2004

Title: EU Emissions Trading: Challenges and Implications of National Implementation
Authors: Jacqueline Karas, Fiona Mullins
Date: November 2003

Title: Angola's Future
Date: November 2003

Title: Living with the Megapower - Implications of the War on Terrorism: A report on the series of consultations held at Chatham House July 2002-July 2003
Date: September 2003

Title: Iraq's Oil Tomorrow
Authors: Valerie Marcel, John Mitchell
Date: April 2003

Title: Europe and the Dutch Parliamentary Elections of January 2003
Authors: Robert Harmson
Date: April 2003

Title: Elections in Africa: The Past Ten Years
Authors: Heather Deegan
Date: April 2003

Title: WTO Implications of an International Timber Licensing Scheme
Authors: Duncan Brack
Date: March 2003

Title: Towards an Improved Governance Agenda for the Extractive Sector
Authors: Malaika Culverwell, Izabella Koziell, Bernice Lee
Date: March 2003

Title: Toward a European Strategy for Iraq
Authors: RIIA
Date: March 2003

Title: Keeping the Lights On: Working Paper 1: Overview: The Electric Challenge
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: March 2003

Title: Integrating European Business
Authors: RIIA
Date: March 2003

Title: Doves Vote Hawk: The January 2003 Elections in Israel
Authors: Yossi Mekelberg
Date: March 2003

Title: Post-Election Bulletin: Seychelles 2002
Authors: Heather Deegan
Date: February 2003

Title: Iraq: The Regional Fallout
Authors: Rosemary Hollis
Date: February 2003

Title: China's Stock Market: Eight Myths and Some Reasons to be Optimistic
Authors: Stephen Green
Date: February 2003

Title: Reforming China's Economy: A Rough Guide
Authors: Stephen Green
Date: January 2003

Title: Does Capital Market Reform Boost Savings? Evidence from the UK Pension Reforms
Authors: Brigitte Granville, Sushanta Mallick
Date: January 2003

Title: Developing an Effective Follow-up Process for WSSD Partnerships: the role of the Commission on Sustainable Development
Authors: Fanny Calder
Date: January 2003

Title: Al-Qaeda: the Misunderstood Wahhabi Connection and the Ideology of Violence
Authors: Maha Azzam
Date: January 2003

Title: Living with the Megapower - Implications of the War on Terrorism Part 3
Authors: RIIA
Date: November 2002

Title: The Political Context of EU Accession in the Czech Republic
Authors: Sean Hanley
Date: October 2002

Title: Global Environmental Institutions: Perspectives on Reform
Authors: Duncan Brack, Joy Hyvarinen
Date: August 2002

Title: Security of European Natural Gas Supplies
Authors: Jonathan Stern
Date: July 2002

Title: Renewing Energy Security
Authors: John V. Mitchell
Date: July 2002

Title: Double or Quits? The Global Future of Civil Nuclear Energy
Authors: Peter Beck, Malcolm Griston
Date: April 2002

Title: A New Interpretation of the Kyoto Protocol - Outcomes from the Hague, Bonn and Marrakesh
Authors: Christiaan Vrolijk
Date: April 2002

Title: The European 'Roma Question'
Authors: Martin Kovats
Date: March 2002

Title: The Convention on the Future of Europe
Authors: Mariana Tsatsas
Date: March 2002

Title: Drafting the securities law: The role of the National People's congress in creating China's new Market economy
Authors: Mariana Tsatsas
Date: March 2002

Title: EU Immigration and Asylum Policy: From Tampere to LaeKen and Beyond
Authors: Christina Boswell
Date: February 2002

Title: Climate Change in Focus: The IPCC Third Assessment Report
Authors: Joanna Depledge
Date: February 2002

Title: Running the Planet
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: January 2000

Title: Can Public Service Survive The Market? Issues For Liberalized Electricity
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: July 1999

Title: The Buenos Aires Climate Conference: Outcome And Implications
Authors: Christiaan Vrolijk
Date: April 1999

Title: Renewable Energy Investment And Technology Transfer In Asia
Authors: Tim Forsyth
Date: October 1998

Title: The Basel Convention And Transboundary Movements Of Hazardous Wastes
Authors: Jonathan Krueger
Date: May 1998

Title: EMU: Political and Economic Implications
Authors: Wolfgang Munchau
Date: November 1997

Title: Redefining the European Union: Eastward Enlargement
Authors: Heather Grabbe, Kirsty Hughes
Date: May 1997

Title: Trade and Environment: An Update on the Issues
Authors: Duncan Brack
Date: February 1997

Title: Israel's New Government
Authors: Joel Peters
Date: January 1997

Title: Liberalizing European Electricity: Impacts on Generation and Environment
Authors: Michael Grubb, Walt Patterson
Date: November 1996

Title: Hysteria, Complacency and Russian Organized Crime
Authors: Phil Williams
Date: October 1996

Title: The 1996 Indian General Election
Authors: James Chiriyankandath
Date: June 1996

Title: Economic Regionalism in Tajikistan
Authors: Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh
Date: March 1996

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Working Papers on Transforming Electricity

Title: Electricity: Network Futures
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: November 1997

Title: Electricity: Liberal Futures
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: November 1997

Title: Electricity: International Futures
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: November 1997

Title: Electricity: Decentralized Futures
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: November 1997

Title: Electricity: Business Futures
Authors: Walt Patterson
Date: November 1997

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