Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research


The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, founded in 1943, is dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of freedom-limited government, private enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong foreign policy and national defense-through scholarly research, open debate, and publications. AEI is located in Washington, D.C., and is one of America's largest and most respected "think tanks."

AEI research covers economics and trade; social welfare; government tax, spending, regulatory, and legal policies; U.S. politics; international affairs; and U.S. defense and foreign policies. The Institute publishes dozens of books and hundreds of articles and reports each year, and an influential policy magazine, The American Enterprise. AEI publications are distributed widely to government officials and legislators, business executives, journalists, and academics; its conferences, seminars, and lectures are regularly covered by national television.

Additional Materials from American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: Videos | Books | Working Papers

Policy Briefs

General Policy Briefs

Title: The future of journalism and citizenship
Authors: Christopher Caldwell
Date: July 2013

Title: Israeli corporate tax policy: A pro-growth system at risk
Authors: Alex Brill
Date: June 2013

Title: Defense Spending, the Super Committee, and the Price of Greatness
Date: November 2011

Title: Warning: Hollow Force Ahead! The Effect of Ever More Defense Budget Cuts on US Armed Forces
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Gary J. Schmitt
Date: July 2011

Title: China's Military Build-up: Implications for U.S. Defense Spending
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Gary J. Schmitt
Date: March 2011

Title: Setting the Record Straight on U.S. Military Spending Requirements
Date: October 2010

Title: Obama Appointees with Strong Union Ties Could Push National Labor Relations Board in Wrong Direction
Authors: Thomas P. Gies, |
Date: April 2010

Title: Climategate and Climate Science
Authors: Steven F. Hayward, Kenneth P. Green
Date: December 2009

Title: Building Up to Tearing Down the Wall
Authors: Ronald W. Reagan
Date: November 2009

Title: Addicted to the Physician Payment "Fix"
Authors: Bryan E. Dowd
Date: November 2009

Title: In Memoriam--Irving Kristol
Authors: Christopher DeMuth
Date: October 2009

Title: Getting the Story Right: The True Origin of the Financial Crisis
Authors: Peter J. Wallison, John H. Makin, Vincent R. Reinhart
Date: September 2009

Title: The Environmental State of Canada
Authors: Kenneth P. Green, Ben Eisen
Date: June 2009

Title: The Fed Battles Deflation and Class Warfare
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2009

Title: Inflation Is Better Than Deflation
Date: March 2009

Title: The Crisis and Fix Cycle
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2009

Title: The Fed Makes History
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2009

Title: Print Money and Cut the Payroll Tax
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2008

Title: More Panic
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2008

Title: Risk and Systemic Risk
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2008

Title: Panic
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2008

Title: Tipping Point
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2008

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Asian Outlook

Title: China invests (somewhat) more in the world
Authors: Derek M. Scissors
Date: January 2014

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Economic Outlook

Title: Another Slowdown
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 2011

Title: The Year to Date
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2011

Title: Hope Floats
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2010

Title: Myths about Budget Deficits
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2010

Title: The Year Ahead
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2010

Title: China and the United States
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2009

Title: Postcrisis Risks
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2009

Title: Wall Street Is Dancing Again
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2009

Title: Three Lessons from the Financial Crisis
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2009

Title: China: Bogus Boom?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2009

Title: Inflation Scare: Crazy but Real
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2009

Title: Can China Keep Growing?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2009

Title: The Fed's Dilemma
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2008

Title: Wealth Enhancement and Storage
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2008

Title: Denial, Hope, and Panic
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2008

Title: The Risk Cycle
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2008

Title: Japan's Lost Decade: Lessons for the United States in 2008
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2008

Title: Fine in 2009 (Not So Great in 2008)
Authors: John Makin
Date: January 2008

Title: False Dawn
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2008

Title: Why Do Financial Firms Take Too Much Risk?
Authors: John Makin
Date: December 2007

Title: One Fix Too Many
Authors: John Makin
Date: November 2007

Title: Global Rebalancing
Authors: John Makin
Date: October 2007

Title: The Music Stops
Authors: John Makin
Date: September 2007

Title: The Band Plays On
Authors: John Makin
Date: August 2007

Title: Why Interest Rates Are Rising
Authors: John Makin
Date: July 2007

Title: The Remarkable American Consumer
Authors: John Makin
Date: June 2007

Title: Weaker Capital Spending Cuts Growth Forecast
Authors: John Makin
Date: May 2007

Title: Recession in 2007?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2007

Title: Risk and Return in Subprime Mortgages
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2007

Title: The Wealth of Modern Nations
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2007

Title: Housing and American Recessions
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2006

Title: U.S. Slowdown: Self-Correcting or Self-Reinforcing?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2006

Title: A Case for Inflation Targets in the United States and Japan
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2006

Title: Soft Landing or Stagflation?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2006

Title: America's External Balances
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2006

Title: Greenspan's Inflation Is Bernanke's Problem
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 2006

Title: Fed Uncertainty Means Market Uncertainty
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2006

Title: China Needs to Float the Yuan--for China's Sake
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2006

Title: What Is Tight Money?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2006

Title: Japan Gingerly Exits Deflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2006

Title: Bond Market Bubble?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2006

Title: The Fed: Pulling on a Rubber Band
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2005

Title: Why the Dollar Is Rising . . . Again
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2005

Title: Japan Moves toward Sustainable Recovery
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2005

Title: Can Disasters Be Good for Growth?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2005

Title: Can the Fed Achieve a Goldilocks Tightening?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2005

Title: America's Resilient Consumers
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2005

Title: Europe's Struggling Currency Union
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2005

Title: What Markets Are Saying
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 2005

Title: The Difficult Search for "Neutrality"
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2005

Title: Greenspan's Second Bubble
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2005

Title: Should Americans Save More?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2005

Title: Slower Growth
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2005

Title: What Determines Interest Rates?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2005

Title: Time for More Currency Flexibility
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2004

Title: Listen to the Markets
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2004

Title: The Recovery: Three Years On
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2004

Title: Oil and Stagflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2004

Title: Paradise Lost
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2004

Title: America Demands; China Supplies
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2004

Title: Watch Growth, Not Exchange Rates
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2004

Title: The Opposite of Stagflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2004

Title: As Good As It Gets
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2004

Title: "Animal Spirits" and Policy Stimulants
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2003

Title: The World Economy after Dubai
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2003

Title: A Sustainable U.S. Recovery?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 2003

Title: Is Japan Recovering?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2003

Title: The Fed Abandons Bold Reflationary Measures
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2003

Title: Threefold Stimulus Means Strong Growth
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2003

Title: The Weaker Dollar Is Good News
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 2003

Title: Time to Target Inflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2003

Title: Ill Winds
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2003

Title: Greenspan Is Wrong
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2003

Title: More Tax Cuts, Please
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2003

Title: Gold and Deflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2003

Title: Time to Print Money
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2002

Title: Don't Count Too Much on Central Banks
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2002

Title: The Fed Didn't Cause the Stock Market Bubble
Authors: John Makin
Date: October 2002

Title: After Irrational Exuberance
Authors: John Makin
Date: September 2002

Title: Rational Saturninity
Authors: John Makin
Date: August 2002

Title: Japan's Choices
Authors: John Makin
Date: July 2002

Title: What's in Store for the Dollar?
Authors: John Makin
Date: June 2002

Title: Has the Recession Started Yet?
Authors: John Makin
Date: May 2002

Title: A Fiscal Boost Ends the Recession for Now
Authors: John Makin
Date: April 2002

Title: The U.S. Economy Still Needs Tax Cuts
Authors: John Makin
Date: February 2002

Title: Japan in Depression
Authors: John Makin
Date: January 2002

Title: The Deflation Monster Still Lives
Authors: John Makin
Date: December 2001

Title: Don’t Count on a V-Shaped Recovery
Authors: John Makin
Date: November 2001

Title: Uncertainty
Authors: John Makin
Date: October 2001

Title: Is the Productivity Miracle Over?
Authors: John Makin
Date: September 2001

Title: Forget the Second-Half Recovery
Authors: John Makin
Date: August 2001

Title: Is the Fed "Trigger Happy"?
Authors: John Makin
Date: July 2001

Title: Japan Needs a Current Account Deficit
Authors: John Makin
Date: June 2001

Title: Why the Dollar Is Strong
Authors: John Makin
Date: May 2001

Title: A Primer on Depressions
Authors: John Makin
Date: April 2001

Title: Recession Denial Will Prolong the Downturn
Authors: John Makin
Date: March 2001

Title: Japan’s Lost Decade: Lessons for America
Authors: John Makin
Date: February 2001

Title: America's Harder Hard Landing
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2001

Title: The "Double or Nothing" Market
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 2000

Title: Oil: It Could Get Ugly
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2000

Title: Bubble Trouble
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 2000

Title: The Mythical Benefits of Debt Reduction
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 2000

Title: America's Dangerous "Slowdown"
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 2000

Title: Japan Battles the Paradox of Thrift
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 2000

Title: The Need to Fear a Hard Landing
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 2000

Title: America's Destabilizing Wealth Explosion
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 2000

Title: Japan: It's the Economy, Stupid!
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 2000

Title: The Fed Struggles to Balance Growth
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 2000

Title: The Present U.S. Expansion Outshines: The 1960s Expansion
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2000

Title: How the Bubble Bursts
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 2000

Title: The Myth of Clintonomics
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: December 1999

Title: Can Japan Grow?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 1999

Title: What Should Central Banks Do?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 1999

Title: Interest Rates
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 1999

Title: Tension Rising
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 1999

Title: 1999: A Year of Living Less Dangerously
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 1999

Title: The Fed Changes Gears
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 1999

Title: Can Japan Have a Golden Age?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 1999

Title: The End of the Golden Age
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 1999

Title: The Dangerous Preference for Fixed Exchange Rates
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 1999

Title: What Next?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 1999

Title: The Deflationary Fear of Inflation
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 1999

Title: The Fed Confronts Financial Panic
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: November 1998

Title: Intereference with Free Markets Causes Global Crises
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 1998

Title: The Benefits of Devaluation in a Deflationary World
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 1998

Title: Mr. Greenspan's Dilemma
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 1998

Title: Japan Joins the Crisis-a-Week Club
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 1998

Title: What Ends the Party?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 1998

Title: Asia's Crisis Is Not a Currency Crisis
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 1998

Title: The Case for More Pessimism
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: April 1998

Title: Can Goldilocks Survive?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 1998

Title: The Painful Death of the Japanese Model
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 1998

Title: The Painful Death of the Japanese Model
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 1998

Title: Two New Paradigms
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 1997

Title: Perils of Prosperity
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: October 1997

Title: America Reflates While Asia Deflates
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: September 1997

Title: America Is a Developing Country
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: August 1997

Title: A Single Money for Europe?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: July 1997

Title: International Exuberance
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: June 1997

Title: How High Will the Fed Push U.S. Interest Rates?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: May 1997

Title: The Golden Age of Forecasting
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: April 1997

Title: Strong Dollar Overpowers Current Account, G-7
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: March 1997

Title: America's Amazing Self-regulating Economy
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 1997

Title: Central Bankers and Stock Markets
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: January 1997

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Environmental Policy Outlook

Title: A New Direction for Bush Administration Climate Policy
Authors: Lee Lane, Samuel Thernstrom
Date: January 2007

Title: The Fate of the Earth in the Balance - The Metaphysics of Climate Change
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: October 2006

Title: Climate Policy - What’s Best--Emission Reduction or Adaptation and Sequestration?
Authors: Kenneth P. Green
Date: September 2006

Title: Bringing Down Gas and Oil Prices
Authors: Kenneth P. Green
Date: May 2006

Title: Air Pollution and Health - Do Popular Portrayals Reflect the Scientific Evidence?
Authors: Joel Schwartz
Date: May 2006

Title: Fate of the World Redux - Assessing the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: March 2006

Title: The China Syndrome and the Environmental Kuznets Curve
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: December 2005

Title: Katrina and the Environment
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: October 2005

Title: A Cross of Green? Reflections on Eco-Theology
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: August 2005

Title: Air Quality: Much Worse on Paper Than in Reality
Authors: Joel Schwartz
Date: June 2005

Title: Resurrecting Clear Skies
Authors: Ted Gayer
Date: April 2005

Title: Climate Change Science: Time for "Team B"?
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: February 2005

Title: That Old Time Religion: A Review of Recent Environmental Books
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: November 2004

Title: Finding Better Ways to Achieve Cleaner Air
Authors: Joel Schwartz
Date: September 2004

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Latin American Outlook

Title: Will elections in El Salvador create a narcostate?
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: February 2014

Title: Honduras under siege
Authors: Roger F. Noriega, José Javier Lanza
Date: September 2013

Title: What if the United States Sneezed and Latin America Didn't Catch a Cold?
Authors: Megan Davy
Date: May 2008

Title: Oh, Brother! Another Castro Clings to Power in Cuba
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: March 2008

Title: Five Perspectives on the Mérida Initiative: What It Is and Why It Must Succeed
Authors: Ted Brennan, Robert "Bobby" Charles, Henry Cuellar, Roberta Jacobson, Armand Peschard-Sverdrup
Date: March 2008

Title: A New President, a New Paradigm
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: November 2007

Title: Helping Win the War on Our Doorstep
Authors: Roger Noriega
Date: August 2007

Title: A New President, a New Paradigm
Authors: Roger Noriega
Date: August 2007

Title: The End of Democratic Solidarity in the Americas?
Authors: Roger Noriega
Date: June 2007

Title: Solving Our Immigration Problem: From Controversy to Consensus
Authors: Megan Davy, Roger F. Noriega
Date: April 2007

Title: Argentina on Kirchner's Time
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2007

Title: Let Cuba Be Cuban Again
Authors: Robert F. Noriega
Date: February 2007

Title: When Dictators Die
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: January 2007

Title: Struggle for the Future - The Poison of Populism and Democracy’s Cure
Authors: Robert F. Noreiga
Date: December 2006

Title: Back by Unpopular Demand - Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega
Authors: Robert F. Noriega
Date: October 2006

Title: Mexico’s Last Chance - Can Felipe Caldern Deliver the Goods?
Authors: Robert F. Noriega
Date: July 2006

Title: Venezuela under Chavez - The Path toward Dictatorship
Authors: Robert F. Noriega
Date: June 2006

Title: Two Visions of Energy in the Americas
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: February 2006

Title: Launching an "Opportunity Partnership" in the Americas
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: January 2006

Title: U.S.-Latin American Relations: The Prospect
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: August 2004

Title: Brazil: The End of a Honeymoon
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 2004

Title: The Last Days of Bolivia?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 2004

Title: El Salvador Stays the Course
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: May 2004

Title: Where Does Haiti Go from Here?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2004

Title: Facing Up to the Conflict in Colombia
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 2004

Title: Venezuela: Nearing the Moment of Truth
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2004

Title: Argentina Has Seen the Past--And It Works (For Now)
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: January 2004

Title: Bolivia: A Revolt That Leads Nowhere
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: December 2003

Title: Venezuela: Raising the Stakes
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 2003

Title: Argentina: Kirchner’s Honeymoon
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 2003

Title: Brazil’s Lula Tackles One Huge Challenge, but Others Loom
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 2003

Title: The End of Reform in Mexico
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: August 2003

Title: Troubles at Midpassage for Peru’s Toledo
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 2003

Title: Lula’s Bold Start in Brazil Print Mail
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 2003

Title: A Tall Order for Argentina’s Next President Print Mail
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: May 2003

Title: The Return of the U.S. Attention Deficit toward Latin America
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2003

Title: Mexico at an Impasse
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 2003

Title: Is There Hope for Peace in Venezuela?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2003

Title: Ecuador: The Next Venezuela?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: January 2003

Title: Now for Lula: The Hard Part
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: December 2002

Title: Two Latin Americas?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 2002

Title: A Left Turn for Brazil?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 2002

Title: Argentina Gropes for Answers
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 2002

Title: Cuba: A New Crisis Brewing?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: August 2002

Title: South America: On the Edge of Disaster?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 2002

Title: The Brazilian Presidential Stakes
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 2002

Title: Venezuela: It’s Not Over Yet
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: May 2002

Title: Peru: Old Problems Return
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2002

Title: Colombia: A Questionable Choice of Objectives
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 2002

Title: Are We Heading for Another "Lost Decade"?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2002

Title: Venezuela: Storm Clouds Gathering
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: December 2001

Title: Argentina Votes—but for What?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 2001

Title: Nicaragua on the Brink—of What?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 2001

Title: Latin Democracy and Its (Increasing) Discontents
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 2001

Title: Mercosur: A Precursor to the FTAA—or an Alternative?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: August 2001

Title: An Emerging Populist Threat?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 2001

Title: Venezuela’s Tinfoil "Revolution"
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2001

Title: Peru: Yet Another Transition
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 2001

Title: A New Era in Mexico?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2001

Title: The Prospect for U.S.–Latin American Relations
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: December 2000

Title: Venezuela: Chávez’s Dead End
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 2000

Title: The Ecuadorian Disease
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 2000

Title: Brazil: The Limits of Promise
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 2000

Title: A New Mexican Revolution?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 2000

Title: Venezuela’s May Surprise
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 2000

Title: Chile Moves On
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 2000

Title: Colombia: The Problem That Will Not Go Away
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 2000

Title: Venezuela: Wave of the Future or Wave of the Past?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2000

Title: Latin America Faces the Millennium
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: December 1999

Title: Mexico: An Uncertain Moment
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 1999

Title: Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 1999

Title: Mexico: Finding the Middle Ground
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 1999

Title: Does Colombia Have a Future?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 1999

Title: Brazil: Is the True Crisis behind Us?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 1999

Title: Democracy’s Growing Pains — Chile and Argentina
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: May 1999

Title: Dollarization for Argentina? For Latin America?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 1999

Title: Where Will Chávez Take Venezuela?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 1999

Title: A Decisive Election in Brazil
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 1998

Title: Argentina: A New Struggle for Pessimism
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 1998

Title: Venezuela: Dancing on the Precipice
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 1998

Title: Paraguay: The Tail End of the Democratic Revolution
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 1998

Title: Latin America's Next Left
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 1998

Title: Is It Time to Rethink the Cuban Embargo?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 1998

Title: Venezuela: Still Trying to Get It Right
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 1998

Title: Who's Afraid of Big Bad Brazil?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: November 1997

Title: Argentina: Another Round at the Polls
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: October 1997

Title: FTAA: The Moment of Truth Is Fast Approaching
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: September 1997

Title: Mexico's Midterm Elections: A Major Turning Point?
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: July 1997

Title: Arms Sales: An Old Issue Revisited
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: June 1997

Title: Brazil: The Twisted Path to Reform
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: May 1997

Title: Time to End the Certification Circus
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: April 1997

Title: Beyond the Folkloric in Ecuador
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: March 1997

Title: Latin America and the Second Clinton Administration
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 1997

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Middle Eastern Outlook

Title: Azerbaijan's Iran problem
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: January 2014

Title: Is sectarian balance in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Qatar at risk?
Authors: Ahmad K. Majidyar
Date: October 2013

Title: Saudi Arabia's forgotten Shi'ite Spring
Authors: Ahmad K. Majidyar
Date: August 2013

Title: Has Kuwait reached the sectarian tipping point?
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: August 2013

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National Security Outlook

Title: French hard power: Living on the strategic edge
Authors: Dorothée Fouchaux
Date: February 2014

Title: Polish hard power: Investing in the military as Europe cuts back
Authors: Andrew A. Michta
Date: December 2013

Title: Five factors plaguing Pentagon procurement
Authors: William C. Greenwalt
Date: December 2013

Title: South Korea: Responding to the North Korean threat
Authors: Bruce E. Bechtol
Date: November 2013

Title: German hard power: Is there a there there?
Authors: Patrick Keller
Date: October 2013

Title: NATO at sea: Trends in allied naval power
Authors: Bryan McGrath
Date: September 2013

Title: Australian defense in the era of austerity: Mind the expectation gap
Authors: Andrew Shearer
Date: August 2013

Title: Legacy Agenda: The Future of the Bush Doctrine, Part II: The Bush Doctrine and the Long War
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Colin Monaghan
Date: March 2007

Title: Legacy Agenda: The Future of the Bush Doctrine, Part I
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: February 2007

Title: Forecast for the New Congress - Will the War Come Home?
Authors: David Frum
Date: September 2006

Title: Why Did Bush Blink on Iran? (Ask Condi)
Authors: Richard Perle
Date: July 2006

Title: What U.S. Broadband Problem?
Authors: Seth Sacher, Scott Wallsten
Date: July 2006

Title: There's No Choice but to Win in Iraq
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: July 2006

Title: Some Transatlantic Challenges
Authors: Christopher DeMuth
Date: July 2006

Title: Nuclear Shakedown
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: July 2006

Title: Why Military History Matters
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: June 2006

Title: Choosing among Bad Options - The Pakistani "Loose Nukes" Conundrum
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: May 2006

Title: The Reorganized U.S. Intelligence System after One Year
Authors: Richard A. Posner
Date: April 2006

Title: Energy Security, National Security, and Natural Gas
Authors: Gary J. Schmitt
Date: April 2006

Title: Myths of the Current War
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: March 2006

Title: Rising Powers and Agents of Change
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: January 2006

Title: The Big Four Alliance: The New Bush Strategy
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: December 2005

Title: The New Bolsheviks: Understanding Al Qaeda
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: November 2005

Title: Post-Election Strategy in Afghanistan
Authors: Vance Serchuk
Date: October 2005

Title: After London: Reassessing Africa's Role in the War on Terror
Authors: Kurt Shillinger
Date: September 2005

Title: The War against Reserves
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: August 2005

Title: The Democrats and Defense
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: July 2005

Title: Empire of Liberty: The Historical Underpinnings of the Bush Doctrine
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: June 2005

Title: Shocked and Awed: Defense Transformation in Iraq and Afghanistan
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: April 2005

Title: China's Blunder: The Anti-Secession Law and Its Implications
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Vance Serchuk
Date: April 2005

Title: Stategy and Air Power
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: March 2005

Title: Counterinsurgency and Democracy: Strategic Implications of the Iraqi Elections
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Vance Serchuk
Date: February 2005

Title: Transforming America's Alliances
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Vance Serchuk
Date: January 2005

Title: Rebasing, Revisited
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: December 2004

Title: Homeland Defense and the U.S. Military
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: November 2004

Title: A Strategy for Nuclear Iran
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: October 2004

Title: Force Size and Strategy
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: September 2004

Title: Unrealistic Realism
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Vance Serchuk
Date: July 2004

Title: The Top Ten Questions for the Post-9/11 World
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: July 2004

Title: Mind the Gap
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: June 2004

Title: Learning to Live without Europe
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: May 2004

Title: Taiwan: Test Case of the Bush Doctrine
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: April 2004

Title: Beware the "Libyan Model"
Authors: Thomas Donnelly, Vance Serchuk
Date: March 2004

Title: The Proof of Primacy
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: February 2004

Title: Iraqi Freedom and American History
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: January 2004

Title: Fighting a Global Counterinsurgency
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: December 2003

Title: U.S. Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: November 2003

Title: Iraq Is the Central Front
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: October 2003

Title: Hail Britannia
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: September 2003

Title: Fighting Terror: Lessons and Implications from the Iraqi Theater
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: August 2003

Title: Toward a Global Cavalry: Overseas Rebasing and Defense Transformation
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: July 2003

Title: The Meaning of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: June 2003

Title: What's Next? Preserving American Primacy, Institutionalizing Unipolarity
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: May 2003

Title: Brave New World: An Enduring Pax Americana
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: April 2003

Title: Realignment of Foreign Basing of U.S. Troops: Catching Up with History
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: March 2003

Title: The Underpinnings of the Bush Doctrine
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: February 2003

Title: Planning for War against Iraq and for Its Aftermath, What Would Lincoln Do?
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: January 2003

Title: Time to Woo India?
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: December 2002

^ Back to TOC

On the Issues

Title: Two Decades Late
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: June 2008

Title: Resetting Earth's Thermostat
Authors: Samuel Thernstrom
Date: June 2008

Title: Popping the Tuition Bubble
Authors: Kevin Carey, Frederick M. Hess
Date: June 2008

Title: Obama Turns FDR Upside Down
Authors: Lawrence B. Lindsey
Date: June 2008

Title: It's Only Going to Get Worse
Authors: Lawrence B. Lindsey
Date: June 2008

Title: Hitting the Snooze Button on Our Medicare Fiscal Alarm Clock
Authors: Thomas P. Miller
Date: June 2008

Title: Drugs Kennedy Needs
Authors: John E. Calfee, Paul H. Rubin
Date: June 2008

Title: The North Korea Challenge
Authors: John R. Bolton, Danielle Pletka
Date: May 2008

Title: Taiwan's Time
Authors: Claude Barfield
Date: May 2008

Title: Saving Medicare
Authors: Joseph Antos, Mark V. Pauly
Date: May 2008

Title: Little League, Huge Effect
Authors: Scott Ganz, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: May 2008

Title: Fallout from a Bailout
Authors: Vincent R. Reinhart
Date: May 2008

Title: A Good Framework for Distributing Information on Off-Label Uses
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: May 2008

Title: Turkey's Turning Point: Could There Be an Islamic Revolution in Turkey?
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: April 2008

Title: The Wealth Trajectory: Rewards for the Few
Authors: N. Gregory Mankiw
Date: April 2008

Title: The Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007
Authors: Danielle Pletka
Date: April 2008

Title: The Case for Keeping the Electoral College
Authors: Walter Berns
Date: April 2008

Title: The "Real" al Qaeda
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: April 2008

Title: Stern Lessons on Fed Policies and Actions
Authors: John L. Chapman, Allan H. Meltzer, Vincent R. Reinhart, Amity Shlaes
Date: April 2008

Title: Global Governance and Shared Sovereignty
Authors: John R. Bolton
Date: April 2008

Title: Do the Time, Lower the Crime
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: April 2008

Title: Benefit Growth That We Cannot Afford
Authors: Alan D. Viard
Date: April 2008

Title: Be Prepared
Authors: Norman J. Ornstein
Date: April 2008

Title: Edwards and Organ Transplants
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: March 2008

Title: Barack Obama's Social Security Donut Hole
Authors: Andrew G. Biggs
Date: March 2008

Title: Turkey's Terror Problem Is Ours
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: January 2008

Title: The New Deal Jobs Myth
Authors: Amity Shlaes
Date: January 2008

Title: The New Deal Jobs Myth
Authors: Amity Shlaes
Date: January 2008

Title: The GOP's Time for Choosing
Authors: Henry Olsen
Date: January 2008

Title: Social Welfare Conservatism
Authors: Douglas J. Besharov
Date: January 2008

Title: Social Welfare Conservatism
Authors: Douglas Besharov
Date: January 2008

Title: Lula Can Make 2008 a Very Good Year
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: January 2008

Title: Lula Can Make 2008 a Very Good Year
Authors: Roger Noriega
Date: January 2008

Title: A Chance to Rein In North Korea
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: January 2008

Title: A Chance to Rein In North Korea
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: January 2008

Title: The Soviet Collapse: Grain and Oil
Authors: Yegor Gaidar
Date: April 2007

Title: The Truth about the Drug Ads
Authors: John E. Calfee
Date: March 2007

Title: Iraq in Books, Part II
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: March 2007

Title: Iraq in Books, Part I
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: March 2007

Title: Foreign Aid
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: March 2007

Title: Scenes from the Climate Inquisition
Authors: Kenneth P. Green, Steven F. Hayward
Date: February 2007

Title: Education, Intelligence, and America's Future
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: February 2007

Title: The Wrong Kind of Bipartisanship?
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: January 2007

Title: A Color-Coded Professoriate?
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: January 2007

Title: Where Preparation Meets Opportunity: The Future of Freedom
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: December 2006

Title: No Way to Win a War
Authors: Eliot A. Cohen
Date: December 2006

Title: An Appreciation: Milton Friedman, 1912-2006
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: November 2006

Title: Lessons from the First Five Years of the War - Where Do We Go from Here?
Authors: Newt Gingrich
Date: October 2006

Title: Haiti in Extremis - The Poorest Country in the Western Hemisphere Has Bigger Problems than Poverty
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: October 2006

Title: A Japan That Can Say Yes - We Should Welcome the Nationalism of Prime Minister Abe
Authors: Dan Blumenthal, Gary J. Schmitt
Date: October 2006

Title: Why Poverty Doesn't Rate
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: September 2006

Title: How the Presidency Regained Its Balance
Authors: John Yoo
Date: September 2006

Title: Two Cheers for Welfare Reform
Authors: Douglas J. Besharov
Date: August 2006

Title: Terrorism's Enablers
Authors: David Frum
Date: August 2006

Title: Preemptive Surveillance
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: August 2006

Title: American Exceptionalism
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: August 2006

Title: Sending in the Peacekeepers Is a Fool's Game
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: July 2006

Title: Iran Against the Arabs
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: July 2006

Title: Cop Out - Why Afghanistan Has No Police
Authors: Vance Serchuk
Date: July 2006

Title: A Window of Opportunity - The War against the Terror Masters Redux
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: July 2006

Title: "Disproportionate" Criticism - Israel Will Not Back Down, and Europe Owes Its Thanks
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: July 2006

Title: The Waiting Game
Authors: Sally Satel
Date: June 2006

Title: The Trials of Ayman Nour
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: June 2006

Title: No More Vietnams
Authors: David Gelernter
Date: June 2006

Title: Intelligence Deficit Disorder
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: June 2006

Title: Illiberal Europe
Authors: Gerard Alexander
Date: June 2006

Title: Acclimatizing - How to Think Sensibly about Global Warming
Authors: Steven F. Hayward
Date: June 2006

Title: The Wal-Bank Principle
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: May 2006

Title: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: April 2006

Title: XBRL and U.S. Financial Market Leadership
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: March 2006

Title: Are We Playing for Keeps?
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: March 2006

Title: Abortion Nation
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: March 2006

Title: Striking a Balance: Drug Labeling and the FDA
Authors: John E. Calfee
Date: February 2006

Title: Who's Playing Politics?
Authors: Edward Blum
Date: January 2006

Title: Iran Means What It Says
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: January 2006

Title: Milton and Rose Friedman: Liberty's Couple
Authors: Lawrence B. Lindsey
Date: December 2005

Title: Fighting to Win
Authors: Frederick W. Kagan
Date: December 2005

Title: American Dilemma: Problems of Race Still Cry to Be Solved
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: December 2005

Title: A Fitting Address
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: December 2005

Title: Why Is the World Bank Still Lending?
Authors: Adam Lerrick
Date: November 2005

Title: The Summit of the Americas: Rescuing the Reform Agenda
Authors: Roger F. Noriega
Date: October 2005

Title: Rediscovering the Underclass
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: October 2005

Title: North Korea Triumphs Again in Diplomacy
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: October 2005

Title: Head Start's Broken Promise
Authors: Douglas Besharov
Date: October 2005

Title: Germany's Bad Example for Iraq
Authors: Michael S. Greve
Date: October 2005

Title: Energy Conservation: An Economic Perspective
Authors: Robert W. Hahn
Date: October 2005

Title: Why Does College Cost So Much?
Authors: Richard Vedder
Date: September 2005

Title: Market Comrades
Authors: R. Glenn Hubbard
Date: September 2005

Title: Junk Science Reigns
Authors: John E. Calfee
Date: September 2005

Title: Beware the Arafat Model in Iraq
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: September 2005

Title: Bring Them Home
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: August 2005

Title: Small Leaps or Giant Leaps
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: July 2005

Title: Yuan Answers?
Authors: Phillip L. Swagel
Date: June 2005

Title: The Great Shift to Specialty Drugs
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: June 2005

Title: Even Workers with "McJobs" Deserve Respect
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: June 2005

Title: A Bias against the Best and Brightest
Authors: Jr. Lott
Date: June 2005

Title: Without Reforms, the Mideast Risks Revolution
Authors: Danielle Pletka
Date: May 2005

Title: Science and Nonscience: The Limits of Scientific Research
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: May 2005

Title: Neither Fools nor Cowards
Authors: Eliot A. Cohen
Date: May 2005

Title: Liberals in Exile
Authors: Michael S. Greve
Date: May 2005

Title: A Comedy of Errors: U.S.-Turkish Diplomacy and the Iraq War
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: May 2005

Title: Where Were You on 1/14?
Authors: Sally Satel, Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: April 2005

Title: All Not Quiet on the Eastern Front
Authors: James R. Lilley
Date: April 2005

Title: Addressing the Real Public Risk from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: April 2005

Title: A New Approach to Personal Social Security Accounts
Authors: Alex J. Pollock
Date: April 2005

Title: Regime Change at the World Bank
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: March 2005

Title: David Bradford: Leading Light of Tax Reform
Authors: Daniel Shaviro
Date: March 2005

Title: Zimbabwe's Impending Elections: What Other Countries Can Do, and Why
Authors: Roger Bate
Date: February 2005

Title: The Democratic Ideal
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: February 2005

Title: Should Americans Save More?
Authors: John H. Makin
Date: February 2005

Title: Sex Education at Harvard
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: February 2005

Title: Kim Jong Il's Nuclear Winter
Authors: Nicholas Eberststadt
Date: February 2005

Title: Iraq Has Voted
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: February 2005

Title: Birth of a Democracy
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: February 2005

Title: A Defeat for the Forces of Fear
Authors: David Frum
Date: February 2005

Title: Let Stock Exchanges Compete without Price Regulation
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: January 2005

Title: Tear Down This Tyranny
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: December 2004

Title: China's Route to a Green and Prosperous Future
Authors: Roger Bate
Date: December 2004

Title: America Passes the Religious Test
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: December 2004

Title: Why Did Kerry Lose? Answer: It Wasn't "Values"
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: November 2004

Title: Seizing a Stable Majority
Authors: Newt Gingrich
Date: November 2004

Title: China Should Trust in Capital Markets
Authors: William Dudley, R. Glenn Hubbard
Date: November 2004

Title: A New Style for a New Mandate
Authors: David Frum
Date: November 2004

Title: Terrorism's Silent Partner at the United Nations
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: October 2004

Title: Smog Hits a Record Low
Authors: Joel Schwartz
Date: October 2004

Title: Free Trade and the 2004 Presidential Race
Authors: Claude Barfield
Date: October 2004

Title: Responding to Terrorism: Russia at a Crossroads
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2004

Title: Mutual Funds Bounce Back
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: September 2004

Title: Dem de la Crème
Authors: Karl Zinsmeister
Date: September 2004

Title: Not Worth a Blue Ribbon
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: August 2004

Title: Naming the Enemy
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: August 2004

Title: General Malaise
Authors: Eliot A. Cohen
Date: August 2004

Title: Four Surprises in Global Demography
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: August 2004

Title: The Sorry State of the CIA
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: July 2004

Title: The Social Security and Medicare Morass
Authors: R. Glenn Hubbard
Date: July 2004

Title: Add Gun Control to Litany of Misbegotten Government Plans
Authors: Eli Lehrer, John R. Lott Jr.
Date: July 2004

Title: What to Do to Save the World
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: June 2004

Title: Trust the Iraqi People
Authors: Michael Rubin
Date: June 2004

Title: Reagan's Majority
Authors: Newt Gingrich
Date: June 2004

Title: It Wasn't Inevitable
Authors: Irving Kristol
Date: June 2004

Title: Democratic Revolution in Iraq?
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: June 2004

Title: Without Competition, School Choice Is Not Enough
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: May 2004

Title: Too Long for a Presidential Campaign
Authors: Herbert G. Klein
Date: May 2004

Title: Swift Invasion, Slow Victory
Authors: Thomas Donnelly
Date: May 2004

Title: Picture of Privilege?
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: May 2004

Title: Soaring School Spending
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: April 2004

Title: Holy War in Europe
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: April 2004

Title: High-Tech Cluster Bombs: Why Successful Technology Hubs Are the Exception, Not the Rule
Authors: Scott Wallsten
Date: April 2004

Title: Guns, Butter, and the War on Terror
Authors: Christopher DeMuth
Date: April 2004

Title: Go Back to Basics at the IMF
Authors: Desmond Lachman
Date: April 2004

Title: From Tyranny to Freedom
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: April 2004

Title: Returning from Iraq, Still Fighting Vietnam
Authors: Sally Satel
Date: March 2004

Title: Accounting Lags behind a Knowledge Economy
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: March 2004

Title: A Republic--if South Koreans Can Keep It
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: March 2004

Title: Why Your Job Isn't Moving to Bangalore
Authors: Jagdish Bhagwati
Date: February 2004

Title: The Standoff with Iraqi Shiites over Direct Elections
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: February 2004

Title: The Emptying of Russia
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: February 2004

Title: In Iraq with the Coalition of the Willing
Authors: Radek Sikorski
Date: February 2004

Title: "Outsourcing" Is Good for America
Authors: Douglas A. Irwin
Date: February 2004

Title: Beware the Soft-Line Ideologues
Authors: David Frum, Richard Perle
Date: January 2004

Title: U.S. Steel Tariffs Give Safeguards a Bad Name
Authors: Claude E. Barfield
Date: December 2003

Title: The Patriot Act Under Fire
Authors: Eric Posner, John Yoo
Date: December 2003

Title: The Case for Being Mean
Authors: Frederick M. Hess
Date: December 2003

Title: The Long, Hard Slog
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: November 2003

Title: Out of the Asylum, into the Cell
Authors: Sally Satel
Date: November 2003

Title: A Jobless Recovery?
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: November 2003

Title: What the Cancun Meeting Can Achieve
Authors: Claude E. Barfield
Date: September 2003

Title: What Iraqis Really Think
Authors: Karl Zinsmeister
Date: September 2003

Title: Unfair and Unbalanced
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: September 2003

Title: The Neoconservative Persuasion
Authors: Iriving Kristol
Date: September 2003

Title: Divorcing Voters, Again
Authors: John R. Lott Jr.
Date: September 2003

Title: Defining the "Peace Party"
Authors: Karlyn H. Bowman, James Q. Wilson
Date: September 2003

Title: Blame Sarbanes-Oxley
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: September 2003

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: September 2003

Title: A Fairer Tax Deal for All America's Companies
Authors: R. Glenn Hubbard
Date: September 2003

Title: Understanding the Role of the United States in the Global Economy
Authors: James K. Glassman, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: August 2003

Title: Repressing ROTC
Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: August 2003

Title: Lessons of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Authors: Richard Perle
Date: August 2003

Title: How to Balance a $43 Trillion Checkbook
Authors: Jagadeesh Gokhale, Kent Smetters
Date: August 2003

Title: The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Is Bad for America's Health
Authors: Joseph Antos, Jagadeesh Gokhale
Date: July 2003

Title: The High Price of Cheap Drugs
Authors: John E. Calfee
Date: July 2003

Title: Iran: Back the Freedom Fighters
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: July 2003

Title: How Europe Sows Misery in Africa
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett, Robert Shapiro
Date: July 2003

Title: The Mullahs' Manhattan Project
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: June 2003

Title: America Loses Its Voice
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: June 2003

Title: Rise Up, Return, Rebuild
Authors: Radek Sikorski
Date: May 2003

Title: Political Attack Can Remove Terror Masters in Syria and Iran
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: May 2003

Title: A Peaceful Approach to Regime Change
Authors: David Frum
Date: April 2003

Title: We Are Better Off without That UN Resolution
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: March 2003

Title: Poor Diagnosis, Poor Prescription: The Error at the Heart of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: March 2003

Title: More Drug Use Will Mean More Lawsuits
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: March 2003

Title: It Will Be a Smaller World After All
Authors: Ben J. Wattenberg
Date: March 2003

Title: Greenwar
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: March 2003

Title: A Turn of the Screw
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: February 2003

Title: The Family Way
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: January 2003

Title: Pyongyang, Mon Amour: A Sojourn in a Surreal State
Authors: Radek Sikorski
Date: January 2003

Title: Evil, Yes. Genius, No.
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: January 2003

Title: A Power Shift No One Noticed
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: January 2003

Title: We're Feeding the Poor as if They're Starving
Authors: Douglas J. Besharov
Date: December 2002

Title: FDA Rules Hinder Cancer Vaccines
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: December 2002

Title: The AIDS Pandemic Draws a Bead on Eurasia
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: November 2002

Title: Self-Defensive Arms Kept Tied by Good Intentions
Authors: John R. Lott Jr.
Date: November 2002

Title: Patent Mistakes
Authors: Scott Gottlieb
Date: November 2002

Title: Acting in Haste on Corporate Governance
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: November 2002

Title: A Necessary War
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: October 2002

Title: What Congress Should Do about Prescription Drugs for Seniors
Authors: Joseph Antos, Grace-Marie Turner
Date: September 2002

Title: Population Sense and Nonsense
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: September 2002

Title: A Bright Idea on Development
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: September 2002

Title: Why the West Must Strike First against Saddam Hussein
Authors: Richard Perle
Date: August 2002

Title: What Cops Can Teach the FBI
Authors: Eli Lehrer
Date: August 2002

Title: The Dow of Congress
Authors: James K Glassman, John R. Lott Jr.
Date: August 2002

Title: Regime Change in Iran?
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: August 2002

Title: Back to Bailouts
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: August 2002

Title: SAT Reform Fails the Needy
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: July 2002

Title: China's Disguised Failure
Authors: Arthur Waldron
Date: July 2002

Title: Losing the Intelligence War Overseas
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: June 2002

Title: Iran's Next Revolution
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: June 2002

Title: Hearts, Minds, and the War against Terror
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: June 2002

Title: America the Safe: Why Europe's Crime Rates Have Surpassed Ours
Authors: Eli Lehrer
Date: June 2002

Title: Israel on the Edge
Authors: Paul Johnson
Date: May 2002

Title: Clean Air and Dirty Science
Authors: Randall Lutter
Date: May 2002

Title: The Sanctity of Smut
Authors: Robert H. Bork
Date: April 2002

Title: Politics Remain Stalemated
Authors: William Schneider
Date: April 2002

Title: Depreciate the Yen
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: April 2002

Title: The Poverty Rate: America's Worst Statistical Indicator
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: March 2002

Title: Losing the Middle East?
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: March 2002

Title: China's Economic Facade
Authors: Arthur Waldron
Date: March 2002

Title: The War on the Police
Authors: Heather Mac Donald
Date: February 2002

Title: Put a Price on His Head
Authors: Randall Lutter
Date: February 2002

Title: National Woes? Print Mail Dangle Prizes, Solutions Will Follow
Authors: Newt Gingrich
Date: February 2002

Title: How to Get Clean Air at Less Cost
Authors: Randall Lutter
Date: February 2002

Title: Girl Power! and Other Federal Idiocy
Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: February 2002

Title: Crushing al Qaeda Is Only a Start
Authors: Reuel Marc Gerecht
Date: February 2002

Title: Argentina Has a Choice: Peronism or Modernity
Authors: Mark Falcoff
Date: February 2002

Title: The U.S. Must Strike at Saddam Hussein
Authors: Richard Perle
Date: January 2002

Title: Having Their Day in (a Military) Court
Authors: Robert H. Bork
Date: January 2002

Title: Freedom and the Arab World
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: January 2002

Title: Why They Hate Us
Authors: Hillel Fradkin
Date: December 2001

Title: Wanted: Jubilee 2010 against Protectionism
Authors: Jagdish Bhagwati, Arvind Panagariya
Date: December 2001

Title: The Fathers Are Still Missing
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: December 2001

Title: Searching for Sense in the Tax Cut Debate
Authors: Charles W. Calomiris, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: December 2001

Title: Give Same-Sex Schooling a Chance
Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: December 2001

Title: Whose Votes Really Didn't Count in Florida?
Authors: James K. Glassman, John R. Lott Jr.
Date: November 2001

Title: The Saudi Connection
Authors: David Wurmser
Date: November 2001

Title: The Answer to Terrorism? Revolution.
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: November 2001

Title: Principles for Victory
Authors: Newt Gingrich
Date: November 2001

Title: Government Reinsurance of Terrorism Coverage
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: November 2001

Title: Don't Federalize Airport Security
Authors: John R. Lott Jr.
Date: November 2001

Title: A Big-Government Bidding War
Authors: William Schneider
Date: November 2001

Title: War and the Stock Market
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: October 2001

Title: From the Ashes Comes the Rebirth of Patriotism
Authors: Walter Berns
Date: October 2001

Title: The Price of FCC Integrity: $15 Billion
Authors: Harold Furchtgott-Roth
Date: September 2001

Title: Social Security Reform Can't Wait
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: September 2001

Title: Poor Democracies
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: August 2001

Title: The Passionless Public: Why Americans Are Tuning Out
Authors: Karlyn H. Bowman
Date: June 2001

Title: Bush Is Right on Global Warming
Authors: Sallie L. Baliunas, James K. Glassman
Date: June 2001

Title: A Prescription for the Economy
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: June 2001

Title: The Joy of Debt
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: May 2001

Title: The Fonda Effect
Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: May 2001

Title: The First Hundred Days
Authors: Newt Gingrich, John O'Sullivan
Date: May 2001

Title: Immeasurably Diverse
Authors: Ben J. Wattenberg
Date: May 2001

Title: Dow 36,000? It's Still a Good Bet
Authors: James K. Glassman, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: May 2001

Title: Beyond IMF Bailouts: Default without Disruption
Authors: Adam Lerrick, Allan H. Meltzer
Date: May 2001

Title: World Population Prospects: The Shape of Things to Come
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: April 2001

Title: The U.S. Is Not Pulling Out of the Balkans
Authors: Richard N. Perle
Date: April 2001

Title: The Bush Administration's Japan Problem
Authors: David Asher
Date: March 2001

Title: Readin', Writin', and Competitiveness
Authors: William Schneider
Date: March 2001

Title: Putting Our Tax House in Order
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: March 2001

Title: Prole Models: America's Elites Take Their Cues from the Underclass
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: March 2001

Title: What The Tiananmen Papers Tells Us About China Today
Authors: Arthur Waldron
Date: February 2001

Title: The Republic of Feelings
Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers
Date: February 2001

Title: Is Collective Purchasing Good or Bad for the Economy?
Authors: James K. Glassman, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: February 2001

Title: Did the Fed's Obsession with Stocks Cause It to Miss the Slowdown?
Authors: James K. Glassman, Kevin A. Hassett
Date: February 2001

Title: The Real Division in the Supreme Court
Authors: Michael S. Greve
Date: January 2001

Title: Middle East "War": How Did It Come to This?
Authors: David Wurmser
Date: January 2001

Title: Forget Kyoto
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: January 2001

Title: Election Results from A to Z
Authors: Karlyn H. Bowman
Date: January 2001

Title: A Dangerous Step Closer to an International Criminal Court
Authors: Jeremy Rabkin
Date: January 2001

Title: The Fundamental Problem with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: December 2000

Title: Why Israel?
Authors: Ben J. Wattenberg
Date: November 2000

Title: Why Not Cut Taxes?
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: October 2000

Title: The Two Welfare States
Authors: Irving Kristol
Date: October 2000

Title: Slow Progress in Prague
Authors: Adam Lerriick, Allan H. Meltzer
Date: October 2000

Title: A Tax Phantom Is Stalking You
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: October 2000

Title: Health Care à la Karl Marx
Authors: Robert B. Helms
Date: August 2000

Title: End FCC Speech Restrictions on Broadcasters
Authors: Daniel E. Troy
Date: August 2000

Title: A Better Way to Build a Missile Defense
Authors: Richard N. Perle
Date: August 2000

Title: What's North Korea Up To?
Authors: Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: July 2000

Title: The Declining Political Potency of Economic Inequality
Authors: Karlyn H. Bowman
Date: July 2000

Title: Russia Doesn't Need a New Czar
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: July 2000

Title: Politics in an Era of Good Feeling
Authors: Irving Kristol
Date: July 2000

Title: Hey, Mr. Greenspan: Wealth Creation Isn't a Problem
Authors: Kevin A. Hassett
Date: July 2000

Title: Who Wants to Be a Competitor? How Regulation Set the Stage for the Disney-Time Warner Smackdown
Authors: Thomas W. Hazlett
Date: June 2000

Title: Taiwan's Democratization Dilemma
Authors: Arthur Waldron
Date: June 2000

Title: It Didn't Start with Elián
Authors: Michael A. Ledeen
Date: June 2000

Title: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, So Don't Do It
Authors: Robert W. Hahn
Date: June 2000

Title: A New Strategy for the War on Drugs
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: June 2000

Title: Why Nasdaq Loses When the Government Wins
Authors: George Bittlingmayer, Thomas W. Hazlett
Date: May 2000

Title: U.S. Trade with China and Taiwan Is Inextricably Linked to Security
Authors: Claude Barfield, Mark Groombridge
Date: May 2000

Title: Public Policy Bears on the Markets
Authors: Lawrence Lindsey
Date: May 2000

Title: Is Government Strangling the New Economy?
Authors: James K. Glassman
Date: May 2000

Title: FAIR Is Being Unfair to Senator Abraham
Authors: Ben Wattenberg
Date: May 2000

Title: A Better Way to Help the World
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer
Date: May 2000

Title: The Vote Belt
Authors: Ben Wattenberg
Date: April 2000

Title: Putin's Order of the Day
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: April 2000

Title: Leveraging Uncle Sam
Authors: Peter J. Wallison
Date: April 2000

Title: Let's Defeat Syria, Not Appease It
Authors: David Wurmser
Date: April 2000

Title: Did the Confederacy Win?
Authors: Ben Wattenberg
Date: April 2000

Title: Democracy for All?
Authors: James Q. Wilson
Date: April 2000

Title: The Seventeen-Year Boom
Authors: Lawrence B. Lindsey
Date: March 2000

Title: The McCain Tax Plan
Authors: Charles W. Calomiris, Kevin A. Hassett, Lawrence Lindsey
Date: March 2000

Title: The FCC's Squeeze on Religious Broadcasting
Authors: Daniel Troy
Date: March 2000

Title: Still Hyping the Phony Pay Gap
Authors: Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Date: March 2000

Title: Reforming the IMF and the World Bank
Authors: Allan H. Meltzer, Jeffrey D. Sachs
Date: March 2000

Title: Menacing Language from China
Authors: Arthur Waldron
Date: March 2000

Title: Does Syria Want Peace?
Authors: David Wurmser
Date: February 2000

Title: Deeper into the Brain
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: February 2000

Title: Britain Deserves Its Millennium Dome
Authors: Schneider Schneider
Date: February 2000

Title: Are New Census Data Off the Mark?
Authors: Ben Wattenberg
Date: February 2000

Title: Virtue in a Free Society
Authors: Charles Murray
Date: January 2000

Title: Two Sides to China’s Entry into the WTO
Authors: Claude E. Barfield, Mark A. Groombridge
Date: January 2000

Title: How Christianity Created Capitalism
Authors: Michael Novak
Date: January 2000

Title: Hayek’s Heroes
Authors: Thomas W. Hazlett
Date: January 2000

Title: The FCC Racket
Authors: Harold Furchtgott-Roth
Date: December 1999

Title: Apply the Reagan Doctrine to Iraq
Authors: Joshua Muravchik
Date: December 1999

Title: A Strange Campaign Is Born
Authors: William Schneider
Date: December 1999

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Russian Outlook

Title: Russia's precarious Olympics
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2014

Title: Sowing the dragon's teeth: The Kremlin's reactionary policies
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: October 2013

Title: Putinism
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: May 2008

Title: Putin-3
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2008

Title: Putin-3
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2008

Title: Was Liberty Really Bad for Russia? Part II
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2007

Title: Was Liberty Really Bad for Russia? Part I
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: August 2007

Title: Was Liberty Really Bad for Russia? (Part II)
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: May 2007

Title: Was Liberty Really Bad for Russia? (Part I)
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: May 2007

Title: The Vagaries of the Presidential Succession
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: May 2007

Title: Glasnost at Twenty
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2007

Title: Russia's Oil - Natural Abundance and Political Shortage
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: April 2006

Title: The United States and Russia - Ideologies, Policies, and Relations
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2006

Title: The 2005 Moscow Election and the Future of Russian Politics
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2006

Title: Liberty above All: Vladimir Ryzhkov and the Republican Party of Russia
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: October 2005

Title: The Battle over the Draft
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: July 2005

Title: Institutions, Restoration, and Revolution
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2005

Title: Putin's Risks
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2005

Title: The Decline of the Communists
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: October 2004

Title: Privatizing Pensions
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: July 2004

Title: The Putin Restoration
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2004

Title: The Duma Election
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2004

Title: The YUKOS Affair
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2003

Title: Privatizing Russia's Electricity
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: June 2003

Title: Russia, America, Iraq
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2003

Title: Chechnya: New Dimensions of the Old Crisis
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2003

Title: Making Sense of a Revolution
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2002

Title: A Private Hero for a Privatized Country
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: June 2002

Title: Russia Reinvents the Rule of Law
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2002

Title: Russia's Choice
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2002

Title: An Anchor in the Mud
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2001

Title: Land Privatization: The End of the Beginning
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: June 2001

Title: The Battle over the Debt
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2001

Title: Structure and Context in the Study of Post-Soviet Russia
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2001

Title: In Search of a Russian Middle Class
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 2000

Title: A Second Go at a "Second Economic Revolution"?
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: June 2000

Title: Vladimir Putin: Source of His Victory and Dilemmas That He Faces
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 2000

Title: The Russian Election
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 2000

Title: Is Russia Really "Lost"?
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: September 1999

Title: From a Truce to Trench Warfare
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: June 1999

Title: Waiting for December
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: March 1999

Title: After the Crash
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: August 1998

Title: Crisis of Confidence
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: July 1998

Title: Russia's New Foreign Policy
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: April 1998

Title: The Strange Case of Russian Capitalism
Authors: Leon Aron
Date: January 1998

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