Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

Centre for European Policy Studies


Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is the leading “think tank” on European affairs. Based in Brussels, its strong team of analysts and researchers unearth the facts, provide the ideas and suggest policy alternatives on a wide range of European Union issues. CEPS’ independent position enables it to criticise and to stimulate debate. Its international network of members and associates in business, government, interest groups and academia acts as a source of information and ideas and a sounding board for new proposals.

CEPS possesses the capacity to anticipate trends and developments well before they are common knowledge and gives its members an opportunity to prepare their own positions and influence policy choices. Since its founding in 1982, CEPS’ policy papers and working parties on EMU, CAP reform, fiscal policy, institutional reform, and enlargement have contributed ideas that have been adopted by the policy makers in the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament and in the governments of the member states.

CEPS obtains its core income from membership fees, programmes and rather less than 10% from official government grants including that from the EU.

Additional Materials from Centre for European Policy Studies: Books | Working Papers

Policy Briefs

Title: The ECB's QE: Time to break the doom loop between banks and their governments
Authors: Willem Pieter De Groen
Date: March 2015

Title: Labour Mobility in Europe: An untapped resource?
Authors: Mikkel Barslund, Matthias Busse, Joscha Schwarzwälder
Date: March 2015

Title: Was the ECB's Comprehensive Assessment up to standard?
Authors: Willem Pieter De Groen
Date: November 2014

Title: Investment as the key to recovery in the euro area?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: November 2014

Title: The EU's Enlargement Agenda – Credibility at stake?
Authors: Erwan Fouéré
Date: October 2014

Title: Does ASEM work?
Authors: Jacques Pelkmans, Weinian Hu
Date: October 2014

Title: Russia's Punitive Trade Policy Measures towards Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia
Authors: Denis Cenusa, Michael Emerson, Tamara Kovziridse, Veronika Movchan
Date: September 2014

Title: Ukraine, Russia and the need for more flexibility in EU foreign policy-making
Authors: Steven Blockmans
Date: July 2014

Title: Flexibility clauses in the Stability and Growth Pact: No need for revision
Authors: Stefano Micossi, Fabrizia Peirce
Date: July 2014

Title: Bail-in Provisions in State Aid and Resolution Procedures: Are they consistent with systemic stability?
Authors: Stefano Micossi, Ginevra Bruzzone, Miriam Cassella
Date: May 2014

Title: EU-Turkey Relations: Turning vicious circles into virtuous ones
Authors: Steven Blockmans
Date: March 2014

Title: Next steps toward a final deal with Iran
Authors: Steven Blockmans, Luigi Scazzieri
Date: February 2014

Title: Why so few students do maths and science
Authors: Ilaria Maselli, Miroslav Beblavý
Date: January 2014

Title: Paving the Way for Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Southern Mediterranean
Authors: Rym Ayadi, Willem Pieter De Groen
Date: January 2014

Title: Many worlds of the 'low-skilled', but only one generic policy
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý, Ilaria Maselli
Date: January 2014

Title: Falling short of expectations? Stress-testing the European banking system
Authors: Viral V. Acharya, Sascha Steffen
Date: January 2014

Title: Unblocking the Lifeline of Talent
Authors: Matthias Busse, Christal Morehouse
Date: December 2013

Title: The Governance Gap in European Security and Defence
Authors: Giovanni Faleg
Date: December 2013

Title: The Asset Quality Review and Capital Needs: Why re-capitalise banks with public money?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: December 2013

Title: REACH: A killer whale for SMEs?
Authors: Ineke Gubbels-van Hal, Jacques Pelkmans, Lorna Schrefler
Date: December 2013

Title: Policy Lessons for Macroeconomic and Financial Crisis Management in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Rym Ayadi, Willem Pieter De Groen
Date: December 2013

Title: Net Neutrality and Mandatory Network-Sharing: How to disconnect the continent
Authors: Andrea Renda
Date: December 2013

Title: The New European Framework for Managing Bank Crises
Authors: Stefano Micossi, Ginevra Bruzzone, Jacopo Carmassi
Date: November 2013

Title: The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure and Germany: When is a current account surplus an 'imbalance'?
Authors: Daniel Gros, Matthias Busse
Date: November 2013

Title: Strong Governments, Weak Banks
Authors: Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji
Date: November 2013

Title: Rule of law or rule of thumb? A New Copenhagen Mechanism for the EU
Authors: Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild, Nicholas Hernanz
Date: November 2013

Title: Financial Services and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: November 2013

Title: Towards 'EuroNest 2.0': What should the next European Parliament learn from its predecessor?
Authors: Hrant Kostanyan, Bruno Vandecasteele
Date: October 2013

Title: The Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy: From austerity to prosperity?
Authors: Andrea Renda
Date: October 2013

Title: Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU
Authors: Bernard Delbecque
Date: October 2013

Title: Macedonia - A country in crisis
Authors: Erwan Fouéré
Date: September 2013

Title: Deploying the Energy Incentive: Reinforcing EU Integration in South-East Europe
Authors: Alan Riley
Date: July 2013

Title: Armaments duplication in Europe: A quantitative assessment
Authors: Valerio Briani
Date: July 2013

Title: A Copernican turn in Banking Union urgently needed
Authors: Thomas Mayer
Date: July 2013

Title: Unemployment is the scourge, not youth unemployment per se: The misguided policy preoccupation with youth
Authors: Mikkel Barslund, Daniel Gros
Date: June 2013

Title: The Opportunity Costs of STEM Degrees and the Unmet Needs of the Low-Skilled: Two labour market problems explained
Authors: Ilaria Maselli, Miroslav Beblavý
Date: June 2013

Title: Open Season for Data Fishing on the Web: The Challenges of the US PRISM Programme for the EU
Authors: Didier Bigo, Gertjan Boulet, Caspar Bowden, Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild, Nicholas Hernanz, Paul De Hert, Julien Jeandesboz, Amandine Scherrer
Date: June 2013

Title: E3+3 coercive diplomacy towards Iran: Do the economic sanctions add up?
Authors: Steven Blockmans, Stefan Waizer
Date: June 2013

Title: A Viable Alternative to Basel III Prudential Capital Rules
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: May 2013

Title: Principles of a Two-Tier European Deposit (Re-)Insurance System
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2013

Title: The New Financial Regulatory Paradigm: A transatlantic perspective
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: March 2013

Title: Banking Union with a Sovereign Virus: The self-serving regulatory treatment of sovereign debt in the euro area
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: March 2013

Title: Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision: Coordination instead of separation
Authors: Thorsten Beck, Daniel Gros
Date: December 2012

Title: Commission v. Gazprom: The antitrust clash of the decade?
Authors: Alan Riley
Date: October 2012

Title: Unleashing Competition in EU Business Services
Authors: Henk L.M. Kox
Date: September 2012

Title: Banking Union: A federal model for the European Union with prompt corrective action
Authors: Jacopo Carmassi, Carmine Di Noia, Stefano Micossi
Date: September 2012

Title: A European Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund - An Update
Authors: Dirk Schoenmaker, Daniel Gros
Date: September 2012

Title: The EU's Promotion of External Democracy: In search of the plot
Authors: Anne Wetzel, Jan Orbie
Date: August 2012

Title: A Sovereign Wealth Fund to Lift Germany's Curse of Excess Savings
Authors: Daniel Gros, Thomas Mayer
Date: August 2012

Title: Unholy compromise in the eurozone and how to right it
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: July 2012

Title: Pre-empting Technical Barriers in the Single Market
Authors: Anabela Correia de Brito, Jacques Pelkmans
Date: July 2012

Title: Central Banks in Times of Crisis: The FED vs. the ECB
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi, Alessandro Giovannini
Date: July 2012

Title: Can Italy and Spain survive rates of 6-7%?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: July 2012

Title: Moving the EU from a Laggard to a Leader in Democracy Assistance: The Potential Role of the European Endowment for Democracy
Authors: Hrant Kostanyan, Magdalena Nasieniak
Date: June 2012

Title: Implementing Basel III in Europe: Diagnosis and avenues for improvement
Authors: Rym Ayadi, Emrah Arbak, Willem Pieter De Groen
Date: June 2012

Title: An Agenda for the European Council: Feasible steps to bring the eurozone back from the precipice
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: June 2012

Title: The Euro Crisis: Implications for the Internal Market and Harmonisation of Corporate Taxes
Authors: H. Onno Ruding
Date: May 2012

Title: In Search of Symmetry in the Eurozone
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: May 2012

Title: How to Negotiate under Co-decision in the EU: Reforming Trilogues and First-Reading Agreements
Authors: Lukas Obholzer, Christine Reh
Date: May 2012

Title: Europe's Recurrent Employment Problems
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: May 2012

Title: 'Grexit': Who would pay for it?
Authors: Cinzia Alcidi, Alessandro Giovannini, Daniel Gros
Date: May 2012

Title: The Spanish Hangover
Authors: Cinzia Alcidi, Daniel Gros
Date: April 2012

Title: Macroeconomic Imbalances in the Euro Area: Symptom or cause of the crisis?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2012

Title: Stepping up Growth Policies
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: March 2012

Title: Renewables and the EU Internal Electricity Market: The case for an arranged marriage
Authors: Jonas Teusch
Date: March 2012

Title: Liquidity in times of crisis: Even the ESM needs it
Authors: Daniel Gros, Thomas Mayer
Date: March 2012

Title: Sector-specific Activities as the Driving Force towards a Low-Carbon Economy: From the Asia-Pacific Partnership to a Global Partnership
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara
Date: January 2012

Title: Time for a Common European Effort on Raw Materials
Authors: Roderick Kefferpütz
Date: December 2011

Title: Misguided policies risk breaking up the eurozone and the EU
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: December 2011

Title: EU Federalism in Crisis
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: December 2011

Title: Speculative Attacks within or outside a Monetary Union: Default versus Inflation (what to do today)
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: November 2011

Title: Agreement needed on liquidity provision to restore confidence in the eurozone
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: November 2011

Title: A Call to Members of the European Parliament: Take transparency seriously and enact the 'legislative footprint'
Authors: Lukas Obholzer
Date: October 2011

Title: US Climate Change Policy Efforts
Authors: Dallas Burtraw
Date: September 2011

Title: Spain's Constitutional Reform: What is seen and not seen
Authors: José M. Abad, Javier Hernández Galante
Date: September 2011

Title: How should support for climate-friendly technologies be designed?
Authors: C. Fischer, A. Torvanger, T. Sterner, P. Stigson
Date: September 2011

Title: The Eurozone Debt Crisis: From its origins to a way forward
Authors: Diego Valiante
Date: August 2011

Title: Partial sovereign bond insurance by the eurozone: A more efficient alternative to blue (Euro-)bonds
Authors: Hans-Joachim Dübel
Date: August 2011

Title: Only a more active ECB can solve the euro crisis
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: August 2011

Title: Britain, Ireland and Schengen: Time for a smarter bargain on visas
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: August 2011

Title: The General Affairs Council: The Key to Political Influence of Rotating Presidencies
Authors: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Andrew Byrne
Date: July 2011

Title: TARGET2 Unlimited: Monetary Policy Implications of Asymmetric Liquidity Management within the Euro Area
Authors: José M. Abad, Axel Löffler, Holger Zemanek
Date: July 2011

Title: The EU-Russia Summit in Nizhny Novgorod: Divergent logics of communication
Authors: Andrei Makarychev, Alexander Sergunin
Date: June 2011

Title: Space Observation Systems: An underused element for EU and global climate change policy
Authors: Monica Alessi, Christian Egenhofer
Date: June 2011

Title: An evaluation of the French proposal for a restructuring of Greek debt
Authors: Christian Kopf
Date: June 2011

Title: Lobbying the European Parliament: A necessary evil
Authors: Maja Kluger Rasmussen
Date: May 2011

Title: External versus Domestic Debt in the Euro Crisis
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: May 2011

Title: The EU's Response to the Financial Crisis: A mid-term review
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: April 2011

Title: Labour Immigration Policy in the EU: A Renewed Agenda for Europe 2020
Authors: Sergio Carrera, Anaïs Faure Atger, Elspeth Guild, Dora Kostakopoulou
Date: April 2011

Title: Spillovers from the Arab Revolts: Is Armenia next in line?
Authors: Hrant Kostanyan
Date: March 2011

Title: Restoring financial stability in the euro area
Authors: Christian Kopf
Date: March 2011

Title: On the Tasks of the European Stability Mechanism
Authors: Fabrizia Peirce, Stefano Micossi, Jacopo Carmassi
Date: March 2011

Title: Can the eurozone countries still live together happily ever after?
Authors: Marcello Messori
Date: March 2011

Title: The Case for 'More Single Market'
Authors: Jacques Pelkmans
Date: February 2011

Title: How to assess a rotating presidency of the Council under the Lisbon rules
Authors: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
Date: February 2011

Title: Debt reduction without default?
Authors: Thomas Mayer, Daniel Gros
Date: February 2011

Title: The EU should not shy away from setting CO2-related targets for transport
Authors: Christian Egenhofer
Date: January 2011

Title: The Transformational Impact of EMU and the Global Financial Crisis
Authors: Francesco Paolo Mongelli
Date: December 2010

Title: A Renewed Political Deal for Sustainable Growth within the Eurozone and the EU: An Open Letter to the President of the European Council
Authors: Daniel Gros, Giuliano Amato
Date: December 2010

Title: Unearthing China's Rare Earths Strategy
Authors: Roderick Kefferputz
Date: November 2010

Title: The European Council Summit and the Political Economics of the EMU Crisis
Authors: Christian Fahrholz, Cezary Wójcik
Date: November 2010

Title: The Bosnian Hiatus: A Story of Misinterpretations
Authors: Goran Tirak
Date: November 2010

Title: Security of Europe's Gas Supply: EU Vulnerability
Authors: Andrew Macintosh
Date: November 2010

Title: National Commitments, Compliance and the Future of the Kyoto Protocol
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara, Diarmuid Torney
Date: November 2010

Title: Europe's Electricity Supply Security: Strengthening the Chain
Authors: Michele Benini
Date: November 2010

Title: Europe's Coal Supply Security: Obstacles to Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage
Authors: Christian von Hirschhausen, Clemens Haftendorn, Johannes Herold, Franziska Holz, Anne Neumann, Sophia Rüster
Date: November 2010

Title: Consumer Valuation of Energy Supply Security: An Analysis of Survey Results in Three EU Countries
Authors: Wan-Jung Chou, Alistair Hunt, Anil Markandya, Andrea Bigano, Roberta Pierfederici, Stephane La Branche
Date: November 2010

Title: What reforms for the credit rating industry? A European perspective
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: October 2010

Title: How to Change the EU Treaties: An Overview of Revision Procedures under the Lisbon Treaty
Authors: Peadar ó Broin
Date: October 2010

Title: From Lisbon to Deauville: Practicalities of the Lisbon Treaty Revision(s)
Authors: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Peadar ó Broin
Date: October 2010

Title: What kind of governance for the eurozone?
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: September 2010

Title: Fiscal Policy Coordination and Competitiveness Surveillance: What solutions to what problems?
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi
Date: September 2010

Title: Looking afresh at the external representation of the EU in the international arena
Authors: Michael Emerson, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
Date: July 2010

Title: Europe 2020 and the Financial System: Smaller is beautiful
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: July 2010

Title: Shale Fever: Replicating the US gas revolution in the EU?
Authors: Roderick Kefferpütz
Date: June 2010

Title: Towards a Euro(pean) Monetary Fund
Authors: Daniel Gros, Thomas Mayer
Date: May 2010

Title: From National to European Regulation: Towards European Financial Supervisory Authorities
Authors: H. Onno Ruding
Date: May 2010

Title: The MiFID Metamorphosis
Authors: Karel Lannoo, Diego Valiante
Date: April 2010

Title: Regulatory Challenges for the EU Asset Management Industry
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: April 2010

Title: Lessons from the Asian Monetary Fund for the European Monetary Fund
Authors: Yonghyup Oh
Date: April 2010

Title: Single voice, single chair? How to re-organise the EU in international negotiations under the Lisbon rules
Authors: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
Date: March 2010

Title: Understanding India's Climate Agenda
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara, Christian Egenhofer
Date: February 2010

Title: Towards a Euro(pean) Monetary Fund
Authors: Daniel Gros, Thomas Mayer
Date: February 2010

Title: The Taxation of Multinational Enterprises in the European Union
Authors: Stefano Micossi, Paola Parascandolo
Date: February 2010

Title: On Thin Ice? (Mis)interpreting Russian Policy in the High North
Authors: Roderick Kefferputz
Date: February 2010

Title: Crisis in the eurozone and how to deal with it
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: February 2010

Title: The Impact of the Crisis on the Real Economy
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi
Date: January 2010

Title: Comparing EU and US Responses to the Financial Crisis
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: January 2010

Title: Tajikistan: 'Revolutionary situation' or a Resilient state?
Authors: Anna Matveeva
Date: December 2009

Title: Two new leaders in search of a job description
Authors: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Peadar ó Broin
Date: November 2009

Title: The EU Strategy for Central Asia says 'security'. Does this include Security Sector Reform?
Authors: Jos Boonstra
Date: November 2009

Title: Re-setting the Eastern Partnership in Moldova
Authors: Nicu Popescu
Date: November 2009

Title: Is REACH going well?
Authors: Jacques Pelkmans, Ineke Gubbels-van Hal
Date: November 2009

Title: The Treaty of Lisbon and the Czech Constitutional Court: Act II
Authors: Ivo Slosarcik
Date: October 2009

Title: Towards the Next Phase of the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: The EC's Proposals for the Stockholm Programme
Authors: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera
Date: August 2009

Title: The Case for a Gas Transit Consortium in Ukraine: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Authors: Elena Gnedina, Michael Emerson
Date: January 2009

Title: The Banking Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: November 2008

Title: On the way to Copenhagen via Poznań: Preliminary thinking about a post-2012 climate deal
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara
Date: November 2008

Title: Climate Governance Post-2012, Options for EU Policy-Making
Authors: Frank Biermann ed.
Date: November 2008

Title: The Demonstration Phase for Carbon Capture and Storage: The case for public support
Authors: Christian Egenhofer
Date: October 2008

Title: Ten Issues and Recommendations for the European Parliament Elections on Freedom, Security and Justice
Authors: Elspeth Guild, Kees Groenendijk, Sergio Carrera
Date: October 2008

Title: Recalibrating EU Policy towards the Western Balkans
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: October 2008

Title: Ireland and the Lisbon Treaty: Quo Vadis?
Authors: John O’Brennan
Date: October 2008

Title: The French Presidency's European Pact on Immigration and Asylum: Intergovernmentalism vs Europeanisation? Security vs Rights?
Authors: Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild
Date: September 2008

Title: Should central banks target stock prices?
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: September 2008

Title: Closing the Community Deficit in the EU
Authors: Amitai Etzioni
Date: September 2008

Title: Post-Mortem on Europe's First War of the 21st Century
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: August 2008

Title: Is Social Europe Fit for Globalisation?
Authors: ain Begg, Juraj Draxler, Jørgen Mortensen
Date: August 2008

Title: Essential Steps for the European Union after the "No" Votes in France, the Netherlands & Ireland
Date: August 2008

Title: Al Qaeda in the West as a Youth Movement: The Power of a Narrative
Authors: Olivier Roy
Date: August 2008

Title: The Future of European Electricity: Choices before 2020
Authors: Gunnar Eskeland, Eberhard Jochem, Henry Neufeldt, Thure Traber, Nathan Rive, Arno Behrens
Date: July 2008

Title: What next? How to save the Treaty of Lisbon
Authors: Daniel Gros, Sebastian Kurpas
Date: June 2008

Title: Adaptation to Climate Change: Why is it needed and how can it be implemented?
Authors: Asbjørn Aaheim, Frans Berkhout, Darryn McEvoy, Reinhard Mechler, Henry Neufeldt, Anthony Patt, Paul Watkiss, Anita Wreford, Zbigniew Kundzewicz, Carlo Lavalle, Christian Egenhofer
Date: June 2008

Title: Time to think of a strategic bargain with Russia
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: May 2008

Title: Is the League of Democracies a Bad Idea? How Europe should respond
Authors: Michael Emerson, Richard Youngs
Date: May 2008

Title: A new budget for the European Union?
Authors: Alfonso Iozzo, Stefano Micossi, Maria Teresa Salvemini
Date: May 2008

Title: Iceland on the brink? Options for a Small, Financially Active Economy in the Current Financial Crisis Environment
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2008

Title: Checks and Balances: Dividing the Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security in two – an Interior and a Justice branch
Authors: Hasso Lieber
Date: April 2008

Title: What Future for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? Recommendations on EU Migration and Borders Policies in a Globalising World
Authors: Didier Bigo, Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild
Date: March 2008

Title: The Commission's New Border Package: Does it take us one step closer to a 'cyber-fortress Europe'?
Authors: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera, Florian Geyer
Date: March 2008

Title: Making sense of Sarkozy's Union for the Mediterranean
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: March 2008

Title: What lessons can be learned from the EU emissions trading scheme?
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara, Christian Egenhofer
Date: February 2008

Title: What do we know about the economics of adaptation?
Authors: Asbjørn Aaheim, Marianne Aasen
Date: February 2008

Title: The EU's Limited Response to Belarus' Pseudo 'New Foreign Policy'
Authors: George Dura
Date: February 2008

Title: Adaptation and Mainstreaming of EU Climate Change Policy: An Actor-Based Perspective
Authors: Darryn McEvoy, Kate Lonsdale, Piotr Matczak
Date: February 2008

Title: The New EU Strategy towards Central Asia: A View from the Region
Authors: Nargis Kassenova
Date: January 2008

Title: The European Union’s Strategic Role in Central Asia
Authors: Neil J. Melvin
Date: March 2007

Title: Russian-Algerian cooperation and the ‘gas OPEC’: What’s in the pipeline?
Authors: Hakim Darbouche
Date: March 2007

Title: Merging Security from the Two Level Game: Inserting the Treaty of Prüm into EU law?
Authors: Elspeth Guild
Date: March 2007

Title: Inquiry into the EU-US Passenger Name Record Agreement
Authors: Elspeth Guild
Date: March 2007

Title: European Neighbourhood Policy Two Years on: Time indeed for an ‘ENP Plus’
Authors: Michael Emerson, Gergana Noutcheva, Nicu Popescu
Date: March 2007

Title: Making the EU Citizens' Agenda Work
Authors: Elspeth Guild
Date: February 2007

Title: Don't blame globalisation for the squeezing of the middle class
Authors: Angel Ubide
Date: February 2007

Title: The Presevo Valley of Southern Serbia alongside Kosovo: The Case for Decentralisation and Minority Protection
Authors: Beata Huska
Date: January 2007

Title: Looking for the cure-all? Targets and the EU's New Energy Strategy
Authors: Christian Egenhofer
Date: January 2007

Title: Decision-making in the Enlarged Council of Ministers: Evaluating the Facts
Authors: Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Sara Hagemann
Date: January 2007

Title: 'Outsourcing' de facto Statehood: Russia and the Secessionist Entities in Georgia and Moldova
Authors: Daniel Gros, Stefano Micossi
Date: December 2006

Title: The Effects of Alternative Policy Scenarios on Multifunctionality: A Case Study of Spain
Authors: Irene Blanco, Arancha Simó, Consuelo Varela-Ortega
Date: June 2006

Title: Potential WTO Trade Reform: Multifunctionality Impacts for Ireland?
Authors: Trevor Donnellan, Kevin Hanrahan
Date: June 2006

Title: European Financial System Governance
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: June 2006

Title: A Synergy for Black Sea Regional Cooperation: Guidelines for an EU Initiative
Authors: Fabrizio Tassinari
Date: June 2006

Title: Trail to Failure: History of the Constitutional Rejection and Implications for the Future
Authors: Richard Baldwin
Date: May 2006

Title: The Commission’s White Paper on Communication: Mapping a Way to a European Public Sphere
Authors: Michael Brüggemann, Sebastian Kurpas, Christoph Mayer
Date: May 2006

Title: Bulgaria and Romania’s Accession to the EU:Postponement, Safeguards and the Rule of Law
Authors: Gergana Noutcheva
Date: May 2006

Title: A New Agreement between the EU and Russia: Why, what and when?
Authors: Michael Emerson, Fabrizio Tassinari, Marius Vahl
Date: May 2006

Title: What should the Community of Democratic Choice do?
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: April 2006

Title: Fixing the Services Directive
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: April 2006

Title: Confidence through Compliance in Emissions Trading Markets
Authors: Christian Egenhofer, Joe Kruger
Date: April 2006

Title: What can European leaders learn from Koizumi?
Authors: Angel Ubide
Date: March 2006

Title: The US Administration's 'Advanced Energy Initiative': New programmes and more funding or old programmes and less funding?
Authors: Thomas L. Brewer
Date: March 2006

Title: Reviewing the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Priorities for Short-Term Implementation of the Second Round of Allocation (Part II)
Authors: Christian Egenhofer, Noriko Fujiwara
Date: March 2006

Title: Knowledge Capital as the Source of Growth
Authors: Hannu Piekkola
Date: March 2006

Title: It's a long way to Copenhagen
Authors: Willem H. Buiter
Date: March 2006

Title: From Neighbourhood to Integration Policy: Are there concrete alternatives to enlargement?
Authors: Eneko Landaburu
Date: March 2006

Title: The game's not over yet for the Capital Requirements Directive...
Authors: Rym Ayadi
Date: February 2006

Title: Environmental Policy Competition and Differential Tax Treatment: A Case for Tighter Coordination?
Authors: Paul J. G. Tang, Richard Nahuis
Date: February 2006

Title: Employment and Competitiveness: The Key Role of Education
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: February 2006

Title: Deadlock avoided, but sense of mission lost? The Enlarged EU and its Uncertain Constitution
Authors: Sebastian Kurpas, Justus Schönlau
Date: February 2006

Title: Taiwan's Rising Rationalism: Generations, Politics, and "Taiwanese Nationalism"
Authors: Shelley Rigger
Date: January 2006

Title: Security Implications of Russian Energy Policies
Authors: Keith C. Smith
Date: January 2006

Title: An Interim Plan for South-East Europe: Customs Union with the EU and a Regional Schengen for the Free Movement of People
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: January 2006

Title: Who finances the Queen's CAP payments? The CAP as a dooH niboR Scheme
Authors: Richard E. Baldwin
Date: December 2005

Title: The Food Aid Debate in Trade and Development
Authors: Andreas Schneider
Date: December 2005

Title: Technology in a Post-2012 Transatlantic Perspective
Authors: Christian Egenhofer
Date: November 2005

Title: Industry Location and Climate Change Policy-Making in the United States
Authors: Thomas L. Brewer
Date: November 2005

Title: Capital Adequacy vs. Liquidity Requirements in Banking Supervision in the EU
Authors: Jean-Pierre Casey, Karel Lannoo
Date: October 2005

Title: The New Capital Requirements Directive: What pieces are still missing from the puzzle?
Authors: Rym Ayadi
Date: September 2005

Title: Is the IMF business model still valid?
Authors: Angel Ubide
Date: September 2005

Title: Parties of Power as Roadblocks to Democracy: The Cases of Ukraine and Egypt
Authors: Hendrik Kraetzschmar, Madalena Resende
Date: August 2005

Title: The EU's Fight against International Terrorism - Security Problems, Insecure Solutions
Authors: Thierry Balzacq, Sergio Carrera
Date: July 2005

Title: The Black Sea as Epicentre of the Aftershocks of the EU's Earthquake
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: July 2005

Title: Egypt's Moment of Reform: A Reality or Illusion?
Authors: Emad El-Din Shahin
Date: July 2005

Title: Climate Change in the US Government Budget - Funding for Technology and Other Programmes, and Implications for EU-US Relations
Authors: Thomas L. Brewer
Date: July 2005

Title: The Real Budget Battle: Une crise peut en cacher une autre
Authors: Richard E. Baldwin
Date: June 2005

Title: Should ratification proceed? An Assessment of Different Options after the Failed Referenda
Authors: Sebastian Kurpas
Date: June 2005

Title: Plan B
Authors: Richard Baldwin
Date: June 2005

Title: What Could be Saved from the European Constitution if Ratification Fails? The Problems with a 'Plan B'
Authors: Sebastian Kurpas
Date: May 2005

Title: Turkey in Europe Monitor
Authors: Senem Aydin, Michael Emerson
Date: May 2005

Title: The Europeanisation of the Transnistrian Conflict
Authors: Marius Vahl
Date: May 2005

Title: Political Integration in Europe and America: Towards a Madisonian Model for Europe
Authors: Mark C. Christie
Date: May 2005

Title: EU-Russia - Four Common Spaces and the Proliferation of the Fuzzy
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: May 2005

Title: Can Europe deliver growth? The Sapir Report and Beyond
Authors: Jean-Pierre Casey, Jacques Pelkmans
Date: January 2004

Title: The Draft Constitutional Treaty's Voting Reform Dilemma
Authors: Richard Baldwin, Mika Widgren
Date: November 2003

Title: The Civil False Claims Act: Using Lincoln's Law to Protect the European Community Budget
Authors: Alan Riley
Date: November 2003

Title: Maintaining Security with Borders: Towards a Permanent State of Emergency in the EU?
Authors: Joanna Apap, Sergio Carrera
Date: November 2003

Title: Reform of Corporate Governance in the EU
Authors: Arman Khachaturyan, Karel Lannoo
Date: October 2003

Title: Institutionalising the Wider Europe
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: October 2003

Title: Decision-Making and the Constitutional Treaty: Will the IGC discard Giscard?
Authors: Richard Baldwin, Mika Widgren
Date: August 2003

Title: Where is the transatlantic divide in public opinion on climate change issues? Evidence for 1989-2002
Authors: Thomas L. Brewer
Date: July 2003

Title: The Deployment of Multinational Military Formations: Taking Political Institutions into Account
Authors: Marc Houben, Dirk Peters
Date: June 2003

Title: Caucasus Revisited
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: June 2003

Title: Reforming the Composition of the ECB Governing Council in View of Enlargement: An Opportunity Missed!
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: May 2003

Title: Optimizing the Mechanism for 'Enhanced Cooperation' within the EU: Recomendations for the Constitutional Treaty
Authors: Eric Philippart
Date: May 2003

Title: Constitutionalising the Open Method of Coordination - What Should the Convention Propose?
Authors: Gráinne de Búrca, Jonathan Zeitlin
Date: March 2003

Title: A Public Stability Pact for Public Debt?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: January 2003

Title: The Kyoto Protocol and the WTO: Institutional Evolution and Adaptation
Authors: Thomas L. Brewer
Date: December 2002

Title: Enhancing the Effectiveness of the EU's Foreign and Defence Policies
Authors: Anand Menon
Date: December 2002

Title: The Wider Europe as the European Union's friendly Monroe Doctrine
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: October 2002

Title: Changing Conceptions of Security and their Implications for EU Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation
Authors: Malcom Anderson, Joanna Apap
Date: September 2002

Title: The World Trading System: In Dire Need of Reform
Authors: Sylvia Ostry
Date: August 2002

Title: Conflict Resolution for Moldova and Transdniestria through Federalisation?
Authors: Bruno Coppieters, Michael Emerson
Date: August 2002

Title: Georgia's Pankisi Gorge: Russian, US and European Connections
Authors: Jaba Devdariani, Blanka Hancilova
Date: June 2002

Title: Supervising the European Financial System
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: May 2002

Title: Budgetary Implications of Enlargement: Agriculture
Authors: Johan F.M. Swinnen
Date: May 2002

Title: Europe as a Global Economic Actor
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2002

Title: The Schengen Challenge and its Balkan Dimensions
Authors: Péter Kovacs
Date: March 2002

Title: The European Union: Teleology and some Challenges of the Eastern Enlargement
Authors: Gabriela Martin Thornton
Date: March 2002

Title: The Application of Justice and Home Affairs and the position of Minorities: The case of Hungary
Authors: Judit Toth
Date: March 2002

Title: Russia's engagement with Justice and Home Affairs: A Question of Mutual Trust
Authors: Olga Potemkina
Date: March 2002

Title: Russia and the EU: The Kaliningrad Dilemma
Authors: Yuri Borko
Date: March 2002

Title: Border Countries in an Enlarging Union: Some Reflections based on the Italian Experience
Authors: Ferruccio Pastore
Date: March 2002

Title: Basel II: The Remaining Issues
Authors: Moritz Meier-Ewert
Date: March 2002

Title: The Convention on the Future of the EU
Authors: Eric Philippart
Date: February 2002

Title: Infringement of the European Convention on Human Rights by Belgium
Authors: Joanna Apap
Date: February 2002

Title: The Assignment of Tasks in an Evolving European Union
Authors: Guido Tabellini
Date: January 2002

Title: Friendly Schengen Borderland Policy on the New Borders of an Enlarged EU and its Neighbours
Authors: Joanna Apap, Jakub Boratynski, Michael Emerson, Grzegorz Gromadzki, Marius Vahl, Nicholas Whyte
Date: November 2001

Title: Our Future Southeastern Turkish Frontiers
Authors: Nathalie Tocci
Date: October 2001

Title: Issues for Europe -- Post-11 September
Authors: Michael Emerson, Daniel Gros
Date: September 2001

Title: Southeast Europe Cooperative Initiative
Authors: Costa Carras
Date: May 1999

Title: Reinventing The Climate Negotiations: An Analysis of COP6
Authors: Jan Cornillie, Christian Egenhofer
Date: April 1999

Title: Health Not Wealth
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 1999

Title: Five Years To The Euro For The CEE-3?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 1999

Title: Effects of the Berlin Summit on Own Resources, Expenditures and EU Net Balances
Authors: Jorge Nunez Ferrer
Date: April 1999

Title: Accommodating Turkey In ESDP
Authors: Marc Houben, Nathalie Tocci
Date: April 1999

Title: The "Agreement" on CAP Reform
Authors: Jorge Nunez Ferrer
Date: March 1999

Title: The First Weeks of the Eurosystem: An Initial Assessment and a Look Forward
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: February 1999

Title: EMU and Labour Markets: Vae Germania?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: February 1999

Title: A Primer on the Balance Sheet of the Eurosystem
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: February 1999

Title: A First Assessment of Buenos Aires
Authors: Christian Egenhofer
Date: November 1998

Title: Never Say MAI: Why has the Multilateral Agreement on Investment not been Signed Yet?
Authors: Francesca di Mauro
Date: October 1998

Title: Dura Lex, Sed Lex? New EU Competition Rules for State Aids in Assisted Regions
Authors: Isabela Atanasiu
Date: October 1998

Title: The New Molotov Cocktail
Authors: Michael Emerson, Daniel Gros
Date: September 1998

Title: Missing Missiles
Authors: Daphne Paphadopoulos
Date: September 1998

Title: EU–US Relations
Authors: Leon Brittan
Date: September 1998

Title: Globalisation, Trade and Social Exclusion
Authors: Paul Brenton
Date: July 1998

Title: EU Climate Change Policy and Flexible Mechanisms
Authors: Sandrine Labory
Date: July 1998

Title: Agenda 2000, Agricultural Policy Reform and Enlargement into Eastern Europe
Authors: Javier Fernandez
Date: July 1998

Title: The European Central Bank
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: June 1998

Title: Switzerland and the Dynamics of European Integration
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: June 1998

Title: Investing in a Common Future
Authors: Wolfgang Hager
Date: June 1998

Title: Capital Markets and EMU
Authors: Daniel Gros, Karel Lannoo
Date: June 1998

Title: The Emerging EU Tax Policy
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: May 1998

Title: From 1992 to EMU
Authors: Karel Lannoo
Date: May 1998

Title: Debating European Security, 1948–1998
Authors: Willem van Eekelen
Date: April 1998

Title: Regional Policy in the EU
Authors: Reiner Martin
Date: March 1998