Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Centre for European Policy Studies


Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is the leading “think tank” on European affairs. Based in Brussels, its strong team of analysts and researchers unearth the facts, provide the ideas and suggest policy alternatives on a wide range of European Union issues. CEPS’ independent position enables it to criticise and to stimulate debate. Its international network of members and associates in business, government, interest groups and academia acts as a source of information and ideas and a sounding board for new proposals.

CEPS possesses the capacity to anticipate trends and developments well before they are common knowledge and gives its members an opportunity to prepare their own positions and influence policy choices. Since its founding in 1982, CEPS’ policy papers and working parties on EMU, CAP reform, fiscal policy, institutional reform, and enlargement have contributed ideas that have been adopted by the policy makers in the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament and in the governments of the member states.

CEPS obtains its core income from membership fees, programmes and rather less than 10% from official government grants including that from the EU.

Additional Materials from Centre for European Policy Studies: Books | Policy Briefs

Working Papers

Title: Labour Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances: Beggar-thy-neighbour policies in a currency union?
Authors: Timo Baas, Ansgar Belke
Date: September 2014

Title: Trade policy issues in the Wider Europe – that led to war and not yet to peace
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: July 2014

Title: Trade policy issues in the Wider Europe – that led to war and not yet to peace
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: July 2014

Title: ECB Policy and Eurozone Fragility: Was De Grauwe Right?
Authors: Ana-Maria Fuertes, Elena Kalotychou, Orkun Saka
Date: June 2014

Title: Exports and Capacity Constraints: A smooth transition regression model for six euro-area countries
Authors: Ansgar Belke, Anne Oeking, Ralph Setzer
Date: May 2014

Title: Disappearing government bond spreads in the eurozone – Back to normal?
Authors: Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji
Date: May 2014

Title: The Potential Evolution of the European Energy System to 2020 and 2050
Authors: Arno Behrens, Caroline Coulie, Jonas Teusch
Date: March 2014

Title: The EU's Use of 'Targeted' Sanctions: Evaluating effectiveness
Authors: Clara Portela
Date: March 2014

Title: The EMS Crisis of the 1990s: Parallels with the present crisis?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: March 2014

Title: Inflation-Targeting, Flexible Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Performance since the Great Recession
Authors: Thomas Barnebeck Andersen, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jens Nordvig
Date: March 2014

Title: The Crowding-out Effect of Mandatory Labour Market Pension Schemes on Private Savings: Evidence from renters in Denmark
Authors: Søren Arnberg, Mikkel Barslund
Date: February 2014

Title: Future of Skills in Europe: Convergence or polarisation?
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý, Marcela Veselkova
Date: February 2014

Title: Framing Banking Union in the Euro Area: Some empirical evidence
Authors: Diego Valiante
Date: February 2014

Title: Extending Working Life in Finland
Authors: Marten von Werder, Anna-Elisabeth Thum
Date: November 2013

Title: Extending Working Life in Belgium
Authors: Nicolas Contreras, Elisa Martellucci, Anna-Elisabeth Thum
Date: November 2013

Title: Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU
Authors: Bernard Delbecque
Date: October 2013

Title: How much did China's WTO accession increase economic growth in resource-rich countries?
Authors: Thomas Barnebeck Andersen, Mikkel Barslund, Casper Worm Hansen, Thomas Harr, Peter Sandholt Jensen
Date: October 2013

Title: Economic Policy Coordination in the Economic and Monetary Union: From Maastricht via the SGP to the Fiscal Pact
Authors: Jørgen Mortensen
Date: August 2013

Title: When do adults learn? A cohort analysis of adult education in Europe
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý, Anna-Elisabeth Thum, Galina Potjagailo
Date: May 2013

Title: The EU and Brazil: Partnering in an uncertain world?
Authors: Giovanni Grevi
Date: May 2013

Title: EU Policy on Climate Change Mitigation since Copenhagen and the Economic Crisis
Authors: Christian Egenhofer, Monica Alessi
Date: March 2013

Title: The Mercosur–EU Preferential Trade Agreement: A view from Europe
Authors: Patrick Messerlin
Date: February 2013

Title: In Search of a Feasible EU-Mercosul Free Trade Agreement
Authors: Renato G. Flôres Jr
Date: February 2013

Title: Europe's Continental Regionalism
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: February 2013

Title: EU-Mercosur Trade Relations: Impacts of Exchange Rate Misalignments on Tariffs
Authors: Vera Thorstensen, Emerson Marçal, Lucas Ferraz
Date: February 2013

Title: Emergent Brazil and the Curse of the 'Hen's Flight'
Authors: Alfredo G.A. Valladão
Date: February 2013

Title: Continental Regionalism: Brazil's prominent role in the Americas
Authors: Susanne Gratius, Miriam Gomes Saraiva
Date: February 2013

Title: Brazilian Perspectives on the Changing Global Order and Security Challenges
Authors: Alcidis Costa Vaz
Date: February 2013

Title: Brazilian Climate Policy since 2005: Continuity, Change and Prospective
Authors: Eduardo Viola
Date: February 2013

Title: Brazil and the EU in the Global Economy
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi, Alessandro Giovannini
Date: February 2013

Title: Public and Private Regulation: Mapping the Labyrinth
Authors: Fabrizio Cafaggi, Andrea Renda
Date: October 2012

Title: What Germany should fear most is its own fear: An analysis of Target2 and current account imbalances
Authors: Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji
Date: September 2012

Title: Shale Gas and the EU Internal Gas Market: Beyond the Hype and Hysteria
Authors: Jonas Teusch
Date: September 2012

Title: A simple model of multiple equilibria and sovereign default
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: July 2012

Title: Self-Fulfilling Crises in the Eurozone: An Empirical Test
Authors: Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji
Date: June 2012

Title: Russian Foreign Policy: What is not seen from the Kremlin
Authors: Larisa Deriglazova, Andrey S. Makarychev, Oleg Reut
Date: June 2012

Title: A European Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund
Authors: Dirk Schoenmaker, Daniel Gros
Date: June 2012

Title: Escaping the Vicious Cycle of Poverty: Towards Universal Access to Energy
Authors: Arno Behrens, Glada Lahn, Eike Dreblow, Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Mathilde Carraro, Sebastian Veit
Date: March 2012

Title: Regulatory Quality in the European Commission and the UK: Old questions and new findings
Authors: Oliver Fritsch, Claudio Radaelli, Lorna Schrefler, Andrea Renda
Date: January 2012

Title: Mispricing of Sovereign Risk and Multiple Equilibria in the Eurozone
Authors: Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji
Date: January 2012

Title: Eschewing Choice: Ukraine's Strategy on Russia and the EU
Authors: Elena Gnedina, Evghenia Sleptsova
Date: January 2012

Title: Education Policy and Welfare Regimes in OECD Countries: Social Stratification and Equal Opportunity in Education
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý, Anna-Elisabeth Thum, Marcela Veselkova
Date: December 2011

Title: Do Germans support the euro?
Authors: Daniel Gros, Felix Roth
Date: December 2011

Title: The Enduring Popularity of the Euro throughout the Crisis
Authors: Felix Roth, Lars Jonung, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.
Date: November 2011

Title: Why has the crisis been bad for private pensions, but good for the flat tax? The sustainability of 'neoliberal' reforms in the new EU member states
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý
Date: October 2011

Title: Global Matrix: A conceptual and organisational framework for researching the future of global governance
Authors: Michael Emerson, Nathalie Tocci, Richard Youngs, Jean-Pierre Cassarino, Christian Egenhofer, Giovanni Grevi, Daniel Gros
Date: July 2011

Title: Strategic Oil Stocks and Security of Supply
Authors: Giacomo Luciani, François-Loïc Henry
Date: June 2011

Title: Restrictions of Passage, Accidents and Oil Transportation Norms: Impact on Supply Security
Authors: Giacomo Luciani
Date: June 2011

Title: Armed Conflicts and Security of Oil and Gas Supplies
Authors: Giacomo Luciani
Date: June 2011

Title: The Functioning of the International Oil Markets and its Security Implications
Authors: Giacomo Luciani
Date: May 2011

Title: Is the EU internal market suffering from an integration deficit?
Authors: Consuelo Pacchioli
Date: May 2011

Title: Governance of a Fragile Eurozone
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: May 2011

Title: Global Oil Supplies: The Impact of Resource Nationalism and Political Instability
Authors: Giacomo Luciani
Date: May 2011

Title: Distributional Consequences of Climate Change Impacts on the Power Sector: Who gains and who loses?
Authors: Dirk Rübbelke, Stefan Vögele
Date: May 2011

Title: Adjustment Difficulties and Debt Overhangs in the Eurozone Periphery
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi
Date: May 2011

Title: Taking Stock: EU Common Commercial Policy in the Lisbon Era
Authors: David Kleimann
Date: April 2011

Title: Iran in the shadow of the 2009 presidential elections
Authors: Rouzbeh Parsi
Date: April 2011

Title: The New Stability and Growth Pact: Primum non nocere
Authors: Marco Fioramanti, Claudio Vicarelli
Date: March 2011

Title: Has the financial crisis shattered citizens' trust in national and European governmental institutions? Evidence from the EU member states, 1999-2010
Authors: Felix Roth, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D., Thomas Otter
Date: February 2011

Title: Living Standards in an Ageing, Greener, Knowledge Economy: Towards a period of lean cows?
Authors: Jørgen Mortensen
Date: December 2010

Title: Is the euro really a 'teuro'? Effects of introducing the euro on prices of everyday non-tradables in Slovakia
Authors: Miroslav Beblavý
Date: November 2010

Title: CO2 Highways for Europe: Modelling a Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage Infrastructure for Europe
Authors: Roman Mendelevitch, Johannes Herold, Pao-Yu Oei, Andreas Tissen
Date: November 2010

Title: Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage in Europe: A problematic energy bridge to nowhere?
Authors: Johannes Herold, Sophia Rüster, Christian von Hirschhausen
Date: November 2010

Title: The Political Future of Afghanistan
Authors: Radha Kumar, Fabrice Pothier, Waliullah Rahmani
Date: October 2010

Title: The Key Role of Education in the Europe 2020 Strategy
Authors: Felix Roth, Anna-Elisabeth Thum
Date: October 2010

Title: The same old modernisation game? Russian interpretations of modernisation
Authors: Félix Krawatzek, Roderick Kefferpütz
Date: September 2010

Title: The Place of Religion in European Union Law and Policy: Competing Approaches and Actors inside the European Commission
Authors: Sergio Carrera, Joanna Parkin
Date: September 2010

Title: Politicians Online! MEP Communication Strategies in the Internet Era
Authors: Stefano Braghiroli
Date: September 2010

Title: Has the financial crisis spurred demand for stronger state regulation?
Authors: Felix Roth
Date: September 2010

Title: Does intangible capital affect economic growth?
Authors: Felix Roth, Anna-Elisabeth Thum
Date: September 2010

Title: The financial crisis and citizen trust in the European Central Bank
Authors: Daniel Gros, Felix Roth
Date: July 2010

Title: Quantum Surveillance and 'Shared Secrets'
Authors: Juliet Lodge
Date: July 2010

Title: Product Market Reforms in EU Countries: Are the methodology and evidence sufficiently robust?
Authors: Jacques Pelkmans
Date: July 2010

Title: Do the European Union's bilateral investment treaties matter?
Authors: Selen Sarisoy Guerin
Date: July 2010

Title: Towards a Common European Border Service?
Authors: Sergio Carrera
Date: June 2010

Title: Job quality and labour market performance
Authors: Christine Erhel, Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière
Date: June 2010

Title: Common Security and Defence Policy and the Lisbon Treaty Fudge: No common strategic culture, no major progress
Authors: Vasilis Margaras
Date: June 2010

Title: The Foreign Policy of the EU in the Palestinian Territory
Authors: Rouba Al-Fattal
Date: May 2010

Title: Beyond Flexibility and Security: A composite indicator of flexicurity
Authors: Ilaria Maselli
Date: May 2010

Title: On High Stakes, Stakeholders and Bulgaria's EU Membership
Authors: Antoinette Primatarova
Date: April 2010

Title: The Political Economy of India's Climate Agenda
Authors: Noriko Fujiwara
Date: March 2010

Title: Remaking Europe's Borders through the European Neighbourhood Policy
Authors: Bohdana Dimitrovova
Date: March 2010

Title: Adjustment Difficulties in the GIPSY Club
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: March 2010

Title: The EU-Central Asia Education Initiative
Authors: Peter Jones
Date: February 2010

Title: Restoring Investor Confidence in European Capital Markets
Authors: Diego Valiante
Date: February 2010

Title: Information Sharing and Cross-Border Entry in European Banking
Authors: Caterina Giannetti, Nicola Jentzsch, Giancarlo Spagnolo
Date: February 2010

Title: Future Impacts of Climate Change across Europe
Authors: Arno Behrens, Anton Georgiev, Maelis Carraro
Date: February 2010

Title: EU Assistance to Central Asia: Back to the Drawing Board?
Authors: Jos Boonstra, Jacqueline Hale
Date: January 2010

Title: Somalia and the Pirates
Authors: David Anderson, Rob de Wijk
Date: December 2009

Title: Reshaping Civil Society in Morocco: Boundary Setting, Integration and Consolidation
Authors: Bohdana Dimitrovova
Date: December 2009

Title: Optimisation of Central Asian and Eurasian Trans-Continental Land Transport Corridors
Authors: Michael Emerson, Evgeny Vinokurov
Date: December 2009

Title: Who can be trusted after the financial crisis?
Authors: Felix Roth
Date: November 2009

Title: Understanding Klaus: The Story of Czech Eurorealism
Authors: Mats Braun
Date: November 2009

Title: The multiple paradoxes of the agriculture issue in Central Asia
Authors: Sébastien Peyrouse
Date: November 2009

Title: The impact of the global economic crisis on Central Asia and its implications for the EU engagement
Authors: Nargis Kassenova
Date: October 2009

Title: The Externalisation of the EU's Labour Immigration Policy: Towards mobility or insecurity partnerships?
Authors: Sergio Carrera, Raül Hernández i Sagrera
Date: October 2009

Title: Central Asia's growing partnership with China
Authors: Sébastien Peyrouse
Date: October 2009

Title: Russia in Central Asia: Old History, New Challenges?
Authors: Marlène Laruelle
Date: September 2009

Title: Obama's Foreign Policy: Is this change we can believe in?
Authors: David Calleo, Camille Grand, Ivan Safranchuk, Shen Dingli
Date: August 2009

Title: Bilateral Disputes between EU Member States and Russia
Authors: Mathias Roth
Date: August 2009

Title: The Effect of the Financial Crisis on Systemic Trust
Authors: Felix Roth
Date: July 2009

Title: Lost Voters: Participation in EU elections and the case for compulsory voting
Authors: Anthoula Malkopoulou
Date: July 2009

Title: Global Welfare Implications of Carbon Border Taxes
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: July 2009

Title: Consumer Bankruptcy Regimes and Credit Default in the US and Europe
Authors: Maria Gerhardt
Date: July 2009

Title: What lessons from the 1930s?
Authors: Daniel Gros, Cinzia Alcidi
Date: May 2009

Title: The European Parliament – more powerful, less legitimate? An outlook for the 7th legislature
Authors: Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
Date: May 2009

Title: Challenges and Prospects for the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Recommendations to the European Commission for the Stockholm Programme
Authors: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera, Anaïs Faure Atger
Date: April 2009

Title: Russia and its 'New Security Architecture' in Europe: A Critical Examination of the Concept
Authors: Andrey S. Makarychev
Date: February 2009

Title: Illusion of Power: Russia after the South Caucasus Battle
Authors: Stanislav Secrieru
Date: February 2009

Title: Long-Term Energy Security Risks for Europe: A Sector-Specific Approach
Authors: Arianna Checchi, Arno Behrens, Christian Egenhofer
Date: January 2009

Title: The Post-2010 Lisbon Process: The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness
Authors: Daniel Gros, Felix Roth
Date: December 2008

Title: The Struggle for a Civilised Wider European Order
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: October 2008

Title: The challenge of measuring inflation…when business is not as usual
Authors: Cecilia Frale, Jørgen Mortensen
Date: October 2008

Title: The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Tools, Processes, Outcomes
Authors: Thierry Balzacq
Date: September 2008

Title: The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Tools, Processes, Outcomes
Authors: Thierry Balzacq
Date: September 2008

Title: Stock Prices and Monetary Policy
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: September 2008

Title: Financial Impacts of Climate Change: An Overview of Climate Change-related Actions in the European Commission’s Development Cooperation
Authors: Arno Behrens
Date: September 2008

Title: At What Cost Price Stability? New evidence about the Phillips Curve in Europe and the United States
Authors: Andrea Beccarini, Daniel Gros
Date: September 2008

Title: At What Cost Price Stability? New evidence about the Phillips Curve in Europe and the United States
Authors: Andrea Beccarini, Daniel Gros
Date: September 2008

Title: Adaptation to Climate Change in the European Union: Efficiency vs. Equity Considerations
Authors: Stine Aakre, Dirk T.G. Rübbelke
Date: September 2008

Title: Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for the EU Budget
Authors: Arno Behrens, Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Christian Egenhofer
Date: August 2008

Title: Energy: A Reinforced Obstacle to Democracy?
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: July 2008

Title: Canada and the European Union: Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement
Authors: Selen Sarisoy Guerin, Chris Napoli
Date: July 2008

Title: Canada and the European Union: Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement
Authors: Selen Sarisoy Guerin, Chris Napoli
Date: July 2008

Title: A Reinforced Obstacle to Democracy?
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: July 2008

Title: The US Housing Bust and Soaring Oil Prices: What next for the world economy?
Authors: Cecilia Frale, Daniel Gros
Date: June 2008

Title: The Trade and Climate Change, Joint Agenda
Authors: Thomas L Brewer
Date: June 2008

Title: The Trade and Climate Change, Joint Agenda
Authors: Thomas L Brewer
Date: June 2008

Title: The Evolution of Flexible Integration in European Defence Policy: Is permanent structured cooperation a leap forward for the Common Security and Defence Policy?
Authors: Sebastian Kurpas, Willem F. van Eekelen
Date: June 2008

Title: The Evolution of Flexible Integration in European Defence Policy: Is permanent structured cooperation a leap forward for the Common Security and Defence Policy?
Authors: Willem F. van Eekelen, Sebastian Kurpas
Date: June 2008

Title: The EU’s New Black Sea Policy - What kind of regionalism is this?
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: June 2008

Title: The EU's New Black Sea Policy - What kind of regionalism is this?
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: June 2008

Title: The United States:A normative power?
Authors: Daniel S. Hamilton
Date: May 2008

Title: Let's Stop Being Gloomy About Europe
Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Date: May 2008

Title: Is European democracy promotion on the wane?
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: May 2008

Title: The Other Side of the Moons - The Schengen Information System and Human Rights: A Task for National Courts
Authors: Evelien Brouwer
Date: April 2008

Title: Promoting Human Rights in Russia by Supporting NGOs: How to Improve EU Strategies
Authors: Elena Klitsounova
Date: April 2008

Title: How to Achieve a Better Budget for the European Union?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2008

Title: EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood
Authors: Imke Kruse, Florian Trauner
Date: April 2008

Title: Schengen:Achievements and Challenges in Managing an Area Encompassing 3.6 million km²
Authors: Stefano Bertozzi
Date: February 2008

Title: Rebranding Russia: Norms, Politics and Power
Authors: Andrey Makarychev
Date: February 2008

Title: India as a Foreign Policy Actor – Normative Redux
Authors: Radha Kumar
Date: February 2008

Title: Democracy in the European Union
Authors: Stefano Micossi
Date: February 2008

Title: China as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor
Authors: Brantly Womack
Date: February 2008

Title: The European Union as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor
Authors: Nathalie Tocci
Date: January 2008

Title: China and India: Implications for the EU Economy
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: January 2008

Title: Profiling Normative Foreign Policy: The European Union and its Global Partners
Authors: Nathalie Tocci
Date: December 2007

Title: Europe’s External Energy Policy: Between Geopolitics and the Market
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: November 2007

Title: The Intersection between Justice and Home Affairs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices
Authors: Nicole Wichmann
Date: October 2007

Title: The Intersection between Justice and Home Affairs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices
Authors: Nicole Wichmann
Date: October 2007

Title: Fusing Security and Development: Just another Euro-platitude?
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: October 2007

Title: Fusing Security and Development: Just another Euro-platitude?
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: October 2007

Title: Europe’s External Energy Policy: Between Geopolitics and the Market
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: October 2007

Title: Bubbles in real estate? A Longer-Term Comparative Analysis of Housing Prices in Europe and the US
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: October 2007

Title: Is Europe back on track? Impetus from the German EU Presidency
Authors: Sebastien Kurpas, Henning Riecke
Date: July 2007

Title: Fake, Partial and Imposed Compliance: The Limits of the EU’s Normative Power in the Western Balkans
Authors: Gergana Noutcheva
Date: July 2007

Title: EU Policy in the South Causasus: A View from Azerbaijan
Authors: Elkhan Nuriyev
Date: July 2007

Title: Whole, free and integrated? A Transatlantic Perspective on the European Neighbourhood
Authors: Fabrizio Tassinari
Date: June 2007

Title: Political Islam in Syria
Authors: Salam Kawakibi
Date: June 2007

Title: Political Islam in Morocco
Authors: Samir Amghar
Date: June 2007

Title: The Armenian road to democracy – Dimensions of a tortuous process
Authors: Maria Raquel Freire, Licínia Simão
Date: May 2007

Title: Political Islam in Egypt
Authors: Emad El-Din Shahin
Date: May 2007

Title: Political Islam in Algeria
Authors: Emad El-Din Shahin
Date: May 2007

Title: Political Islam in Turkey
Authors: Rusen Çakir, Senem Aydin
Date: April 2007

Title: Political Islam and Europe – Views from the Arab Mediterranean states and Turkey
Authors: Robert Springborg
Date: April 2007

Title: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree - Member States’ Indirect Use of Extraordinary Rendition and the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Authors: Florian Geyer
Date: April 2007

Title: The EU Border Management Strategy: FRONTEX and the Challenges of Irregular Immigration in the Canary Islands
Authors: Sergio Carrera
Date: March 2007

Title: State Capture and Widespread Corruption in Serbia
Authors: Vesna Pesic
Date: March 2007

Title: Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Authors: Nicu Popescu
Date: March 2007

Title: Legal Immigration: Time for Europe to Play its Hand
Authors: Stefano Bertozzi
Date: February 2007

Title: Integration: An Ever-Closer Challenge
Authors: Stefano Bertozzi
Date: February 2007

Title: Policing Bosnia and Herzegovina 2003-05: Issues of Mandates and Management in ESDP Missions
Authors: Susan E. Penksa
Date: December 2006

Title: Variable Geometries: Mapping Ideas, Institutions and Power in the Wider Europe
Authors: Fabrizio Tassinari
Date: November 2006

Title: Perspectives on EU-India Relations
Authors: Feng Geng
Date: October 2006

Title: Reverse Balkanisation? Trade Integration in South-East Europe
Authors: David Kernohan
Date: August 2006

Title: Modelling the Multifunctionality of Czech Agriculture
Authors: Tomáš Doucha, Ivan Foltýn
Date: June 2006

Title: Europe's Financial Perspectives in Perspective
Authors: George Gelauff, Herman Stolwijk, Paul Veenendaal
Date: June 2006

Title: The Trade-Induced Effects of the Services Directive and the Country-of-Origin Principle
Authors: Roland de Bruijn, Henk Kox, Arjan Lejour
Date: April 2006

Title: Foreign Investment in the US (II): Disappearing in a black hole?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2006

Title: Foreign Investment in the US (I): Disappearing in a black hole?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: April 2006

Title: Ukraine and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Ensuring the Free Movement of Goods and Services
Authors: Olga Shumylo
Date: March 2006

Title: Moldova's Convergence with the Acquis - A Pro-Growth and Pro-Integration Strategy
Authors: Oxana Gutu
Date: March 2006

Title: Strategic Implications of the EU Crisis
Authors: Timofei Bordachev, Jeffrey Gedmin, Charles Grant
Date: February 2006

Title: From Bound Duties to Actual Protection: Industrial Liberalisation in the Doha Round
Authors: Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Lionel Fontagné, Sébastien Jean
Date: November 2005

Title: Modelling the Effects of Trade Policy Scenarios on Multifunctionality in Greek Agriculture: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach
Authors: Eudokia Balamou, Dimitris Psaltopoulos
Date: September 2005

Title: A Citizens Compact: Reaching out to the Citizens of Europe
Date: September 2005

Title: Impact of Public R&D Financing on Employment
Authors: Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö
Date: August 2005

Title: Human Capital, R&D and Competition in Macroeconomic Analysis
Authors: Erik Canton, Bert Minne, Ate Nieuwenhuis, Bert Smid, Mark van der Steeg
Date: August 2005

Title: Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Policy Scenarios on Multifunctionality: A Case Study of Finland
Authors: Jussi Lankoski, Heikki Lehtonen, Jyrki Niemi
Date: July 2005

Title: Iran: The Moment of Truth
Authors: Patrick Clawson, François Heisbourg, Vladimir Sazhin
Date: June 2005

Title: Hub-and-Spoke or Else? Free Trade Agreements in the Enlarged EU - A Gravity Model Estimate
Authors: Luca De Benedictis, Roberta De Santis, Claudio Vicarelli
Date: June 2005

Title: Update on the Ratification Debates: What Prospects for the European Constitutional Treaty? Results of and EPIN Survey of National Experts
Authors: Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Marco Incerti, Sebastian Kurpas, Justus Schönlau
Date: May 2005

Title: Turkey in Europe Monitor
Authors: Senem Aydin, Michael Emerson
Date: May 2005

Title: Economic Effects of Free Trade between the EU and Russia
Authors: Pekka Sulamaa, Mika Wildgrén
Date: May 2005

Title: The Rise of China with Special Reference to Arms Supplies
Authors: Peter Brookes, Bruno Tertrais, Alexei D. Voskressenski
Date: April 2005

Title: Speed of Convergence and Relocation: New EU Member Countries Catching up with the Old
Authors: Kari E. O. Alho, Ville Kaitili, Mike Widgrén
Date: April 2005

Title: Is the European Economy a Patient and the Union its Doctor? On Jobs and Growth in Europe
Authors: Sjef Ederveen, Paul Tang, Albert van der Hoorst
Date: April 2005

Title: Financial Consequences of Widowhood in Europe: Cross-Country and Gender Differences
Authors: Namkee Ahn
Date: March 2005

Title: A Gravity Model under Monopolistic Competition
Authors: Kari E.O. Alho
Date: March 2005

Title: WTO Agricultural Negotiations: A Comparison of the Harbinson Proposal and the Swiss Formula
Authors: Martina Brockmeier, Marianne Kurzweil, Janine Pelikan, Petra Salamon, Jerzy Wilkin
Date: February 2005

Title: Integration and Conditional Convergence in the Enlarged EU Area
Authors: Ville Kaitila
Date: February 2005

Title: Impact of Public R&D Financing on Private R&D: Does Financial Constraint Matter?
Authors: Jyrki Al-Yrkkö
Date: February 2005

Title: What Prospects for the European Constitutional Treaty? - Monitoring the Ratification Debates
Authors: Marco Incerti, Sebastian Kurpas, Justus Schönlau
Date: January 2005

Title: Scenarios for Modelling Trade Policy Effects on the Multifunctionality of European Agriculture
Authors: David Baldock, Janet Dwyer, Hervé Guyomard, Dorota Klepacka, Jerzy Wilkin
Date: January 2005

Title: Multilateral Market Access Reforms of the Doha Round: A Preliminary Assessment of Implications for EU Agricultural Trade
Authors: Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu
Date: January 2005

Title: A European Balkans?
Authors: Jacques Rupnik, Daniel Serwer, Boris Shmelev
Date: January 2005

Title: European Homeland Security Post-March 11th and Transatlantic Relations
Authors: Didier Bigo, Andrei Fedorov, Jeremy Shapiro
Date: October 2004

Title: Welfare and the Labour Market in the EU
Authors: Marie-Laure Michaud
Date: September 2004

Title: Russia and the West
Authors: Michael Emerson, Irina Kobrinskaya
Date: September 2004

Title: Why Is There a Productivity Problem in the EU?
Authors: Francesco Daveri
Date: July 2004

Title: The Impact of Unemployment on Individual Well-Being in the EU
Authors: Namkee Ahn, Juan Ramón García, Juan Francisco Jimeno
Date: July 2004

Title: Measuring the Economic Impact of an EU–GCC Free Trade Agreement
Authors: Dean A. DeRosa, David Kernohan
Date: July 2004

Title: Has Trade any Importance in the Transmission of Currency Shocks?
Authors: Roberta De Santis
Date: July 2004

Title: Can Labour Market Institutions Explain Unemployment Rates in New EU Member States?
Authors: Sjef Ederveen, Laura Thissen
Date: July 2004

Title: Are the Balance of Payments Deficits in the Baltic Countries Sustainable?
Authors: Jorgen Drud Hansen, Morten Hansen
Date: July 2004

Title: Theorising European Strategic Culture: Between Convergence and the Persistence of National Diversity
Authors: Christoph O. Meyer
Date: June 2004

Title: Economic Prospects for Kaliningrad: Between EU Enlargement and Russia’s Integration into the World Economy
Authors: Evgeny Vinokurov
Date: June 2004

Title: Economic Policy Coordination in EMU: What Role for the SGP?
Authors: Jørgen Mortensen
Date: June 2004

Title: Business Cycle Synchronisation in the Enlarged EU: Co-Movements in the New and Old Members
Authors: Zsolt Darvas, Gyorgy Szapary
Date: March 2004

Title: Searching for the Determinants of IT Investment: Panel Data Evidence on European Countries
Authors: Paolo Guerrieri, Cecilia Jona-Lasinio, Stefano Manzocchi
Date: January 2004

Title: Towards a Proactive Immigration Policy for the EU?
Authors: Joanna Apap, Sergio Carrera
Date: December 2003

Title: Does venture capital investment spur employment growth?
Authors: Ansgar Belke, Rainer Fehn, Neil Foster
Date: December 2003

Title: Better Safe than Sorry: Applying the Precautionary Principle to Issues of International Security
Authors: Marc Houben
Date: November 2003

Title: The Arab Minority in Israel: Implications for the Middle East Conflict
Authors: Shira Kamm
Date: July 2003

Title: Palestinian Refugees: How can a durable solution be achieved?
Authors: Tanya Salem
Date: July 2003

Title: European Institutional Models as Instruments of Conflict Resolution in the Divided States of the European Periphery
Authors: Bruno Coppieters
Date: July 2003

Title: The New Walls and Fences - Consequences for Israel and Palestine
Authors: Gershon Baskin, Sharon Rosenberg
Date: June 2003

Title: Progress and Obstacles in the Area of Justice & Home Affairs in an Enlarging Europe
Authors: Joanna Apap, Sergio Carrera
Date: June 2003

Title: Fiscal Policy in the New Open Economy Macroeconomics and Prospects for Fiscal Policy, Coordination
Authors: Leonor Coutinho
Date: June 2003

Title: Trade Policy Issues for the Euro-Med Partnership
Authors: Paul Brenton, Miriam Manchin
Date: May 2003

Title: The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Unique Features, First Results and Future Challenges
Authors: Eric Philippart
Date: April 2003

Title: Secularisation, Inter-Religious Dialogue and Democratisation in the Southern Mediterranean
Authors: Theodoros Koutroubas
Date: April 2003

Title: Road Maps and Final Destinations for Israel and Palestine
Authors: Michael Emerson, Nathalie Tocci
Date: April 2003

Title: Public Opinion and Enlargement: A Gravity Approach
Authors: Erik Jones, Niels van der Bijl
Date: March 2003

Title: Mapping Israel's Policy Options regarding its Future Institutionalised Relations with the European Union
Authors: Alfred Tovias
Date: January 2003

Title: The European Union and Democracy in the Arab-Muslim World
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: November 2002

Title: A Cooperative Structure for Israeli-Palestinian relations
Authors: Bjørn Møller
Date: November 2002

Title: The Economic Impact of Enlargement on the European Economy: Problems and Perspectives
Authors: Paul Brenton
Date: October 2002

Title: Outsourcing and Inequality
Authors: Bob Anderton, Paul Brenton, Eva Oscarsson
Date: October 2002

Title: Monetary Policy Rules and the International Monetary Transmission
Authors: Leonor Coutinho
Date: October 2002

Title: Improving the Governance of European Foreign Aid: Development Co-Operation as an Element of Foreign Policy
Authors: Carlos Santiso
Date: October 2002

Title: Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries
Authors: Roberto Perotti
Date: October 2002

Title: Who Needs Foreign Banks?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: September 2002

Title: Interdependent Growth in the EU: The Role of Trade
Authors: Maria Garcia-Vega, Jose A. Herce
Date: August 2002

Title: The Reform of EU Development Policy
Authors: Carlos Santiso
Date: March 2002

Title: Russia's Security Policy & EU-Russian Relations
Authors: Stephan de Spiegeleire, François Heisbourg, Angela Stent, Dmitri Trenin
Date: March 2002

Title: Making EU Trade Agreements Work: The Role of Rules of Origin
Authors: Paul Brenton, Miriam Manchin
Date: March 2002

Title: Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms: Opportunities and Barriers for Industry and Financial Institutions
Authors: Josef Janssen
Date: March 2002

Title: The Development of European Citizenship and its Relevance to the Integration of Refugees
Authors: Joanna Apap
Date: January 2002

Title: Consumer Credit Rates in the Eurozone: Evidence on the Emergence of a Single Retail Banking Market
Authors: Stefanie Kleimeier, Harald Sander
Date: January 2002

Title: The War Against Terrorism and the Transformation of the World Order
Authors: Alexei G. Arbatov, Klaus Becher, David C. Gompert, François Heisbourg
Date: December 2001

Title: The Declining Use of Unskilled Labour in Italian Manufacturing: Is Trade to Blame?
Authors: Paul Brenton, Anna Maria Pinna
Date: December 2001

Title: Shaping Europe's Migration Policy
Authors: Joanna Apap
Date: December 2001

Title: What Are the Limits to Economic Integration?
Authors: Paul Brenton
Date: November 2001

Title: Fiscal Policy Spillovers in the Euro Area: Where Are They?
Authors: Daniel Gros, Alexandr Hobza
Date: November 2001

Title: The EU's Rapid Reaction Capability
Authors: Dmitry Danilov, Charles Grant, François Heisbourg, Kori Schake
Date: October 2001

Title: Seigniorage: An Argument for a National Currency?
Authors: Fransizka Schobert
Date: October 2001

Title: Extending Citizenship Rights to Third Country Nationals
Authors: Joanna Apap
Date: October 2001

Title: Democracy Promotion: The Case of European Union Strategy
Authors: Richard Youngs
Date: October 2001

Title: What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-92
Authors: Olivier Bontout, Sébastien Jean
Date: September 2001

Title: Is the ECB Sufficiently Accountable and Transparent?
Authors: Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi, Daniel Gros
Date: September 2001

Title: The Macedonian Crisis and Balkan Security
Authors: Dana H. Allin, Nadia Alexandrova Arbatova, François Heisbourg, Nicholas Whyte
Date: July 2001

Title: Reshaping Europe's Borders: Challenges for EU Internal and External Policy
Authors: Joanna Apap
Date: July 2001

Title: NATO Enlargement
Authors: Vladimir B. Aranovsky, François Heisbourg, F. Stephen Larrabee, Tomas Ries
Date: July 2001

Title: Missile Defence and European Security
Authors: Klaus Becher, Ivo H. Daalder, Alexander Pikayev
Date: May 2001

Title: Maastricht & the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Countires During the Run-Up to EMU
Authors: György Szapáry
Date: May 2001

Title: Some Paradigms for the Evolving Map of Europe
Authors: Michael Emerson
Date: April 2001

Title: Foreign Direct Investment and Company Taxation in Europe
Authors: Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Révil
Date: April 2001

Title: Economic Integration Between the EU and the CEECS: A Sectoral Study
Authors: Francesca di Mauro
Date: April 2001

Title: Who Needs an Extenal Anchor?
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: March 2001

Title: What's Trade Got To Do With It? Relative Demand for Skills within Swedish Manufacturing
Authors: Bob Anderton, Paul Brenton, Eva Oscarsson
Date: March 2001

Title: Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals in the 1990s
Authors: Pär Hansson
Date: March 2001

Title: Just Good Friends? The EU-Russian "Strategic Partnership" and the Northern Dimension
Authors: Marius Vahl
Date: March 2001

Title: European Labour Markets and the Euro: How Much Flexibility Do We Really Need?
Authors: Michael C. Burda
Date: March 2001

Title: The Future of Montenegro: Proceedings of an Expert Meeting
Authors: Nicholas Whyte
Date: February 2001

Title: Policy Alternatives to Schengen Border Controls on the Future EU External Frontier: Proceedings of an Expert Seminar
Authors: Malcolm Anderson, Joanna Apap, Christopher Mulkins
Date: February 2001

Title: Trade & Jobs in Portugal: A Microeconomic Approach
Authors: Ana Rute Cardoso
Date: January 2001

Title: Fiscal Decentralisation & Economic Growth in High-Income OECD Countries
Authors: Ulrich Thießen
Date: January 2001

Title: Asymmetric Labour Markets in a Converging Europe: Do Differences Matter?
Authors: Ray Barrell, Karen Dury
Date: January 2001

Title: Institutions & Structural Unemployment: Do Capital-Market Imperfections Matter?
Authors: Ansgar Belke, Rainer Fehn
Date: November 2000

Title: The Changing Nature and Determinants of EU Trade Policies
Authors: Paul Brenton
Date: October 2000

Title: The 'Cyprus Question': Reshaping Community Identities and Elite Interests within a Wider European Framework
Authors: Nathalie Tocci
Date: September 2000

Title: The Future of the Caucasus after the Second Chechen War
Authors: Terry Adams, Sergiu Celac, Bruno Coppieters, Michael Emerson, Alexandru Liono, Brenda Shaffer, Nathalie Tocci, Sergei Vinogradov, Thomas Waelde, Armando Zamora
Date: July 2000

Title: One Size Must Fit All: National Divergences in a Monetary Union
Authors: Daniel Gros, Carsten Hefeker
Date: July 2000

Title: The International Trade of Multinational Firms: The Empirical Behaviour of Intrafirm Trade in a Gravity Equation Model
Authors: Kimberly A. Clausing
Date: June 2000

Title: Technical Barriers to Trade in the European Union: Importance for Accession Countries
Authors: Paul Brenton, John Sheehy, Marc Vancauteren
Date: April 2000

Title: Goodbye, Agenda 2000, Hello Agenda 2003: Effects of the Berlin Summit on Own Resources, Expenditures, and EU Net Balances
Authors: Michael Emerson, Jorge Núñez Ferrer
Date: February 2000

Title: Consumer Credit in the European Union
Authors: Nuria Diez Guardia
Date: February 2000

Title: An Economic System for Post-War South-East Europe
Authors: Daniel Gros
Date: May 1999

Title: A System for Post-War South-East Europe
Authors: Michael Emerson, Daniel Gros, Wolfgang Hager, Peter Ludlow, Nicholas Whyte
Date: May 1999