Columbia International Affairs Online: Books

Centre for European Policy Studies


Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is the leading “think tank” on European affairs. Based in Brussels, its strong team of analysts and researchers unearth the facts, provide the ideas and suggest policy alternatives on a wide range of European Union issues. CEPS’ independent position enables it to criticise and to stimulate debate. Its international network of members and associates in business, government, interest groups and academia acts as a source of information and ideas and a sounding board for new proposals.

CEPS possesses the capacity to anticipate trends and developments well before they are common knowledge and gives its members an opportunity to prepare their own positions and influence policy choices. Since its founding in 1982, CEPS’ policy papers and working parties on EMU, CAP reform, fiscal policy, institutional reform, and enlargement have contributed ideas that have been adopted by the policy makers in the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament and in the governments of the member states.

CEPS obtains its core income from membership fees, programmes and rather less than 10% from official government grants including that from the EU.

Additional Materials from Centre for European Policy Studies: Working Papers | Policy Briefs


Title: The Elephant and the Bear
Authors: Michael Emerson, Nathalie Tocci, Marius Vahl, Nicholas Whyte
Date: January 2001