Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Research Center (SFB) 700


Governance has become a central theme in social science research. Research Center SFB 700: Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood investigates governance in areas of limited statehood, i.e. developing countries, failing and failed states, as well as, in historical perspective, different types of colonies. How and under what conditions can governance deliver legitimate authority, security, and welfare, and what problems are likely to emerge? Operating since 2006 and financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Research Center involves the Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Potsdam, the European University Institute, the Hertie School of Governance, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

Working Papers

Title: Limits of Control — Challenges to Spatiotemporal Analysis of Sub-State War
Authors: Christian Ickler
Date: November 2014

Title: External State-Building and Why Norms Matter - The European Union's Fight against Corruption in the Southern Caucasus
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Vera van Hüllen
Date: April 2014

Title: Binnenpluralität des Islamischen Rechts - Diversität religiöser Normativität rechtsdogmatisch und -methodisch betrachtet
Authors: Hatem Elliesie
Date: April 2014

Title: Governance Transfer by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). A B2 Case Study Report
Authors: Anna van der Vleuten, Merran Hulse
Date: March 2014

Title: Governance Transfer by the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Authors: Anna van der Vleuten, Merran Hulse
Date: March 2014

Title: Governance Transfer by the Organization of American States (OAS). A B2 Case Study Report
Authors: Mathis Lohaus
Date: March 2014

Title: Governance Transfer by the Organization of American States (OAS)
Authors: Mathis Lohaus
Date: March 2014

Title: Governance Transfer in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). A B2 Case Study Report
Authors: Francesco Duina
Date: February 2014

Title: Governance Transfer in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Authors: Francesco Duina
Date: February 2014

Title: Governance Transfer by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Authors: Christof Hartmann
Date: February 2014

Title: Security sector reconstruction in a post-conflict country: Lessons from Timor-Leste
Authors: Deniz Kocak
Date: October 2013

Title: The EU's Governance Transfer: From External Promotion to Internal Protection?
Authors: Vera van Hüllen, Tanja A. Börzel
Date: June 2013

Title: Material Determinism and Beyond: Spatial Categories in the Study of Violent Conflict
Authors: Sven Chojnacki, Bettina Engels
Date: June 2013

Title: A Turn to Non-State Actors: Inducing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in War-Torn Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Heike Krieger
Date: June 2013

Title: Assessing the Impact of Development Cooperation in Northeast Afghanistan
Authors: Jan Böhnke, Jan Koehler, Christoph Zürcher
Date: February 2013

Title: Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Following a Global Script
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Vera van Hüllen, Mathis Lohaus
Date: January 2013

Title: The Governance Discourse in China
Authors: Izabella Goikhman, Barbara Herrmann
Date: November 2012

Title: Justice through Armed Groups' Governance - An Oxymoron?
Authors: Jan Willms
Date: October 2012

Title: New Method, Different War? Evaluating Supervised Machine Learning by Coding Armed Conflict
Authors: Christian Ickler, John Wiesel
Date: September 2012

Title: Information and Communication Technologies in Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Steven Livingston, Gregor Walter-Drop
Date: September 2012

Title: When modern science meets traditional knowledge: A multi-level process of adaption and resistance
Authors: Thomas R. Eimer
Date: June 2012

Title: Two TRIPs to Innovation: Pharmaceutical Innovation Systems in India and Brazil
Authors: Verena Schüren
Date: June 2012

Title: Social order within and beyond the shadows of hierarchy. Governance Patterns in Afghanistan
Authors: Jan Koehler
Date: June 2012

Title: Governance Configurations in Areas of Limited Statehood: Actors, Modes, Institutions, and Resources
Authors: Jan Koehler
Date: June 2012

Title: Appropriation and Resistance Mechanisms in (Post-) Colonial Constellations of Actors: The Latin American Frontiers
Authors: Stefan Rinke, Mónika Contreras Saiz, Lasse Hölck
Date: June 2012

Title: Governance for whom? - Capturing the inclusiveness and unintended effects of governance
Authors: Jana Hönke, Esther Thomas
Date: May 2012

Title: How Much Statehood Does it Take - And What For?
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel
Date: March 2012

Title: Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors in Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Daniel Jacob, Bernd Ladwig, Andreas Oldenbourg
Date: January 2012

Title: Evaluating Governance. Effectiveness and Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Cord Schmelzle
Date: November 2011

Title: From Compliance to Practice: Mining Companies and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke
Date: October 2011

Title: Die Herausforderung lokaler Vielfalt jenseits der westlichen Welt
Authors: Anke Draude, Sonja Neuweiler
Date: May 2010

Title: Governance with/out Government: False Promises or Flawed Premises?
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel
Date: March 2010

Title: Spoilers or Governance Actors? Engaging Armed Non-State Groups in Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Ulrich Schneckener
Date: October 2009

Title: Governing HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The Role of Firms
Authors: Tanja Anita Börzel, Anna Kristin Müller-Debus, Christian Thauer
Date: July 2009

Title: Staatlichkeit und Governance im Zeitalter der europäischen Expansion
Authors: Dominik Nagl, Marion Stange
Date: February 2009

Title: The European Union and the Promotion of Good Governance in its Near Abroad. One Size Fits All?
Authors: Tanja Anita Börzel, Yasemin Pamuk, Andreas Stahn
Date: December 2008

Title: Auf der Suche nach Sicherheit. Die internationale Intervention in Nordost-Afghanistan
Authors: Jan Koehler
Date: November 2008

Title: Governance durch Interaktion nicht-staatlicher und staatlicher Akteure. Entstehungsbedingungen, Effektivität und Legitimität sowie Nachhaltigkeit [Working Paper No. 16]
Authors: Marianne Beisheim, Harald Fuhr
Date: August 2008

Title: Transitional Justice als Weg zu Frieden und Sicherheit. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, SFB-Governance [Working Paper No. 15]
Authors: Susanne Buckley-Zistel
Date: July 2008

Title: Procedural Legitimacy and Private Transnational Governance. Are the Good Ones Doing Better? [Working Paper No. 14]
Authors: Marianne Beisheim, Klaus Dingwerth
Date: June 2008

Title: From Public-Private Partnership to Market [Working Paper No. 10]
Authors: Gudrun Benecke, Lars Friberg, Markus Lederer, Miriam Schröder
Date: April 2008

Title: Fostering Environmental Regulation? Corporate Social Responsibility in Countries with Weak Regulatory Capacities. The Case of South Africa [Working Paper No. 9]
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke, Adrienne Héritier, Nicole Kranz
Date: February 2008

Title: Sonderforschungsbereich 700 - Grundbegriffe [Working Paper No. 8 - German]
Authors: Teilprojekt A1
Date: October 2007

Title: Assessing the Contribution of International Actors in Afghanistan [Working Paper No. 7]
Authors: Jan Koehler, Christoph Zürcher
Date: October 2007

Title: Transnational Public-Private Partnerships in International Relations [Working Paper No. 6]
Authors: Sabine Campe, Christopher Kaan, Marco Schäferhoff
Date: August 2007

Title: Transnational Public-Private Partnerships in International Relations
Authors: Sabine Campe, Christopher Kaan, Marco Schäferhoff
Date: August 2007

Title: Regieren in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Zur Reisefähigkeit des Governance-Konzeptes [Working Paper No. 5 - German]
Authors: Thomas Risse
Date: April 2007

Title: Governance, Normativität und begrenzte Staatlichkeit [Working Paper No. 4 - German]
Authors: Tamara Jugov, Bernd Ladwig, Cord Schmelzle
Date: February 2007

Title: Governance, Normativität und begrenzte Staatlichkeit
Authors: Tamara Jugov, Bernd Ladwig, Cord Schmelzle
Date: February 2007

Title: Wer regiert wie? Für eine äquivalenzfunktionalistische Beobachtung von Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit [Working Paper No. 2 - German]
Authors: Anke Draude
Date: January 2007

Title: How to Capture Non-Western Forms of Governance: In Favour of an Equivalence Functionalist Observation of Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood [Working Paper No. 2]
Authors: Anke Draude
Date: January 2007

Title: How to Capture Non-Western Forms of Governance: In Favour of an Equivalence Functionalist Observation of Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood
Authors: Draude Anke
Date: January 2007

Title: Der Governance-Raum als Analysefaktor - Am Beispiel von "Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit" [Working Paper No. 3 - German]
Authors: Matthias Kötter
Date: January 2007

Title: Der Governance-Raum als Analysefaktor
Authors: Matthias Kötter
Date: January 2007

Title: Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Das Forschungsprogramm des SFB 700 [Working Paper No. 1 - German]
Authors: Ursula Lehmkuhl, Thomas Risse
Date: December 2006

Title: Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood - New Modes of Governance? Research Program of the Research Center (SFB) 700 [Working Paper No. 1]
Authors: Ursula Lehmkuhl, Thomas Risse
Date: December 2006

Title: Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood - New Modes of Governance?
Authors: Ursula Lehmkuhl, Thomas Risse
Date: December 2006