Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars


The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is a presidential memorial that fosters scholarship and dialogue in the humanities and the social sciences. By bringing Fellows from around the world to Washington, D.C., encouraging discourse among disciplines and professions, and publishing the results of these activities, the Center enriches the quality of knowledge and debate in the nation’s capital and throughout the world.

The Woodrow Wilson Center was established by legislation in 1968 to symbolize and strengthen “the fruitful relation between the world of learning and the world of public affairs.” Created within the Smithsonian Institution, the Center has an independent Board of Trustees and administration. The Wilson Council is a group of private citizens who advise and support the Center. Funding for the Center comes from annual federal appropriations, private gifts and grants, and endowment income.

Additional Materials from The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Policy Briefs

Working Papers

General Working Papers

Title: Reducing Urban Poverty: A New Generation of Ideas
Authors: Lauren E. Herzer (ed.)
Date: November 2011

Title: Going Global: Chinese Oil and Mining Companies and the Governance of Resource Wealth
Authors: Jill Shankleman
Date: November 2011

Title: Microfinance on the Ground in Post-Conflict Juba, South Sudan
Authors: Crystal Murphy
Date: October 2011

Title: Land Titling as Women's Empowerment: Critical Observations from Recife Brazil
Authors: Regina K. Pritchett
Date: October 2011

Title: "Removing Barriers to Land Security in Haiti"
Authors: Cynthia McCoy
Date: October 2011

Title: "Cross-Country Analysis of the Effects of Urbanization, Improved Drinking-Water and Improved Sanitation on Cholera"
Authors: Andrew J. Leidner, Naveen C. Adusumilli
Date: October 2011

Title: Women, Migration and the Work of Care: The United States in Comparative Perspective
Authors: Sonya Michel
Date: July 2011

Title: Bridging the Gap in Urban Health and Poverty Research
Authors: Mojgan Sami
Date: June 2011

Title: After the Disaster: Rebuilding Communities
Authors: Megan Scribner, Lauren Herzer
Date: April 2011

Title: Rebuilding the American Food System— One Heirloom Tomato at a Time
Authors: Frederick Kirschenmann
Date: March 2011

Title: U.S. Policy in Colombia
Authors: William Wood
Date: June 2005

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Africa Program

Title: Assessing the Nigeria Elections: Can Democracy Emerge from a Badly Flawed Process?
Date: February 2008

Title: U.S. Energy Security and Oil Revenue Transparency
Date: May 2007

Title: Angolan Progress and Prospects: A Conference on Development and Reconstruction
Date: May 2007

Title: Election Observation Missions: Making them Count
Authors: Joe Clark
Date: January 2006

Title: Africa: The Development Challenges of the 21st Century
Authors: Callisto Madavo
Date: September 2005

Title: Eye on Africa: A Scholar's Tale
Authors: Jesse Ribot
Date: June 2005

Title: Resolving the Three-Headed War from Hell
Authors: John Prendergast
Date: February 2005

Title: Women, Muslim Laws and Human Rights in Nigeria
Authors: Ayesha Imam
Date: February 2004

Title: From Moi to Kibaki: An Assessment of the Kenyan Transition
Authors: Johnnie Carson
Date: September 2003

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Canada Institute

Title: Whatever Happened to Canada?
Authors: David N. Biette
Date: June 2006

Title: Corporate Governance in Canada and the United States: A Comparative View
Authors: Jay W. Lorsch, Edward J. Waitzer
Date: April 2006

Title: Threat Perceptions in the United States and Canada
Authors: Karlyn Bowman, Frank Graves
Date: October 2005

Title: Security and Sovereignty: Renewing NORAD
Authors: James Fergusson, Dwight Mason
Date: March 2005

Title: Renewing the U.S.-Canada Relationship
Date: February 2005

Title: Moving Toward Dialogue: Challenges in Canada - U.S. Energy Trade
Authors: Daniel Yergin, Paul Ziff
Date: September 2004

Title: Decision Time: Water Diversion Policy in the Great Lakes Basin
Authors: Jim Olson, Ralph Pentland
Date: September 2004

Title: Toward a North American Community? - A Conference Report
Date: June 2002

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East European Studies

Title: The Miniskirt and the Veil: Aid and Islam in Bulgaria
Authors: Dana Steinberg (ed)
Date: February 2006

Title: Changes in the Constitutional Structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Authors: Henry Clark
Date: February 2006

Title: The Presidential Crisis in Lithuania: Its Roots and the Russian Factor
Authors: Richard J. Krickus
Date: January 2004

Title: Privatization in Brcko District: Why It Is Different and Why It Works
Authors: Henry L. Clarke
Date: January 2004

Title: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How the US-EU Battle over Article 98 Played Out in Croatia and Macedonia
Authors: Kristina Balalovska, Mieczyslaw P. Boduszynski
Date: September 2003

Title: Mobility in Bulgaria and the European Union: Brain Drain, Bogus Asylum Seekers, Replacement Migration, and Fertility
Authors: Kristen Ghodsee
Date: November 2002

Title: U.S. Policy Toward the Former Yugoslavia
Authors: Steven E. Meyer
Date: August 2002

Title: NATO as a Factor of Security Community Building: Enlargement and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe
Authors: Corneliu Bjola
Date: April 2002

Title: The Politics of European Enlargement: NATO, the EU and the New U.S.-European Relationship
Authors: Howard J. Wiarda
Date: February 2002

Title: The Third Yugoslavia, 1992 - 2001
Authors: Sabrina P. Ramet
Date: June 2001

Title: Violence Against Women in Post-communist Societies: Benefits and Changes
Authors: Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic
Date: May 2001

Title: The Poles and Their Past: Society, Historiography and the Legislation Process
Authors: Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic
Date: May 2001

Title: Decentralization and Regionalization after Communism: Lessons from Administrative and Territorial Reform in Poland and the Czech Republic
Authors: Jennifer Yoder
Date: April 2001

Title: The Limits of Conditionality: Nuclear Reactor Safety in Central and Eastern Europe, 1991 - 2000
Authors: John Van Oudenaren
Date: March 2001

Title: MAP Reading: NATO's and Russia's Pathways to European Military Integration
Authors: Stephen Blank
Date: February 2001

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Environmental Change and Security Project

Title: Environmental Change and Security Report: Issue 13
Authors: Geoffrey D. Dabelko, editor
Date: January 2009

Title: Environmental Change and Security Report: Issue 12
Authors: Alexander Carius, Richard P. and Elizabeth Leahy Cincotta, Gib Clarke, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, John Katunga, Wangari Maathai, Milline J. Mbonile, Anthony Nyong, Kenneth Omeje, Nana K. Poku, Marc Ravalomanana
Date: June 2007

Title: Environmental Change & Security Program Report 11
Date: April 2005

Title: Making Doha a Developmental Round: What do the Developing Countries Want?
Authors: William Krist
Date: January 2004

Title: Environmental Change and Security Project Report 9
Authors: Per Pinstrup Andersen, Baruch Boxer, Joseph Winchester Brown, Elizabeth Chalecki, Geoffrey Dabelko, Simon Dalby, Bill Derman, Thomas Homer Dixon, Vincent Ferraro, Ted Gaulin, Susan L. Gibbs, Jane Goodall, Jennifer W. Kaczor, Keith Krause, Carol Lancaster, Jeremy Lind, Richard A. Matthew, Frederick A. B. Meyerson, Melinda Moore, Adil Najam, Gale D. Ness, Shannon O'Lear, Nancy Peluso, Jeffery D. Sachs, John Sewell, Paul Simon, Larry Swatuk, Merrick Tom, Anthony R. Turton, Michael Watts
Date: January 2004

Title: Environmental Change and Security Project Report 10
Authors: Geoffrey D. Dabelko
Date: January 2004

Title: China Environment Series 5
Authors: Philip Andrews-Speed, Roland Dannreuther, Elizabeth Economy, Jessica Hamburger, Jennifer L. Turner, Fengshi Wu, Liao Xuanli
Date: January 2004

Title: What is to be Done at Johannesburg? Issues for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Date: August 2002

Title: Security and Ecology in the Age of Globalization
Authors: Simon Dalby
Date: August 2002

Title: Population, Poverty, and Vulnerability: Mitigating the Effects of Natural Disasters
Authors: Jose Miguel Guzman, George Matrine
Date: August 2002

Title: Migration, Population Change, and the Rural Environment
Authors: Richard E. Bilsborrow
Date: August 2002

Title: In Defense of Environment and Security Research
Authors: Richard A. Matthew
Date: August 2002

Title: Fire & Water: Technologies, Institutions, and Social Issues in Arms Control and Transboundary Water-Resource Agreements
Date: August 2002

Title: Environmental Stress and Human Security in Northern Pakistan
Authors: Richard A. Matthew
Date: January 2001

Title: Dilemmas For Conservation In The Brazilian Amazon
Authors: Margaret E. Keck
Date: January 2001

Title: Conflict: A Cause and Effect of Hunger
Authors: Marc J. Cohen, Thomas Marchione, Ellen Messer
Date: January 2001

Title: Commentaries: The U.S. National Intelligence Council's Global Trends 2015: Excerpts, Commentaries, And Response
Authors: Eugene J. Carroll, Richard P. Cincotta, Johanna Mendelson Forman, John Gannon, Michael Hanssler, Liliana Hisas, Leslie Johnston, Gavin Kitchingham, Ellen Laipson, Michael A. Ledeen, Gayl D. Ness, David Rejeski, Ervin J. Rokke, Judith Shapiro, Arno Weinmann, Michael J. White, Aleksei V. Yablokov
Date: January 2001

Title: Brazil's SIVAM: As It Monitors The Amazon, Will It Fulfill Its Human Security Promise?
Authors: Thomaz Guedes da Costa
Date: January 2001

Title: Oiling the Friction: Environmental Conflict Management in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
Authors: Okechukwu Ibeanu
Date: June 2000

Title: Human Population and Environmental Stresses in the Twenty-first Century
Authors: Richard E. Benedick
Date: June 2000

Title: Exploring Capacity for Integration: University of Michigan Population-Environment Fellows Programs Impact Assessment Project
Authors: Denise Caudill
Date: June 2000

Title: Commentary: Trade and the Environment After Seattle�Perspectives From The Wilson Center
Authors: Martin Albrow, Stephen Clarkson, William M. Daley, Andrea Durbin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Tamar Gutner, Kent Hughes, Anju Sharma, Stacy D. Vandeever
Date: June 2000

Title: Urban Violence in S�o Paulo
Authors: Nancy Cardia
Date: March 2000

Title: Governance, Urban Environment, and the Growing Role of Civil Society
Authors: María Elena Ducci
Date: March 2000

Title: National Intelligence Estimate: The Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States
Authors: George Fidas, David F. Gordon, Donald Noah
Date: January 2000

Title: Urbanization and Security
Authors: Alan Gilbert
Date: June 1999

Title: The Legacy of Habitat II: Issues of Governance
Authors: K.C Sivaramakrishnan
Date: June 1999

Title: Public Housing in Washington, D.C.: With Moscow in Mind
Authors: Vyacheslav Glazychev
Date: June 1999

Title: Population, Urbanization, Environment, and Security: A Summary of the Issues
Authors: Ellen Brennan
Date: June 1999

Title: Organized Crime: Its Influence on International Security and Urban Community Life in the Industrial Cities of the Urals
Authors: Yuriy Voronin
Date: June 1999

Title: Challenging Traditional Participation in Brazil: The Goals of Participatory Budgeting
Authors: Pedro Jacobi
Date: June 1999

Title: Yet Another Transition? Urbanization, Class Formation, and the End of National Liberation Struggle in South Africa
Authors: David Everatt
Date: April 1999

Title: Territorial Exclusion and Violence: The Case of S�o Paulo, Brazil
Authors: Raquel Rolnik
Date: April 1999

Title: Can U.N. Conferences Promote Poverty Reduction? A Review of the Istanbul Declaration
Authors: David Satterthwaite
Date: July 1998

Title: Greening the Chinese Media
Authors: Wen Bo
Date: June 1998

Title: China's Water Problems in the Context of U.S.-China Relations
Authors: Baruch Boxer
Date: June 1998

Title: A History of Sino-American Energy Cooperation
Authors: Robert S. Price
Date: June 1998

Title: Environmental Policymaking in China
Date: May 1998

Title: Financing Environmental Protection in China 2
Date: April 1998

Title: Financing Environmental Protection in China 1
Date: March 1998

Title: Summary Session of Working Group Discussion
Date: February 1998

Title: Chinese Transboundary Water Issues
Date: January 1998

Title: Water and Agriculture in China
Date: December 1997

Title: Hazardous Waste and Urban Water Scarcity in China
Date: November 1997

Title: Chinese Fisheries and International Cooperation
Date: October 1997

Title: An Overview of Chinese Water Issues
Date: September 1997

Title: Unpackaging the Environment
Authors: Kenneth H. Keller
Date: April 1997

Title: Report on Applying Military and Security Assets
Authors: Robert Chamberlain, Alexandra Cousteau, Nathan Ruff
Date: April 1997

Title: Mock NSC Briefing
Authors: Jack Goldstone, Ronald Montaperto, Stanley Roth
Date: April 1997

Title: Human Population Prospects
Authors: Robert Engelman
Date: April 1997

Title: Environmental Warfare
Authors: Arthur H. Westing
Date: April 1997

Title: Environment in The U.S. Security Debate
Authors: Franklyn Griffiths
Date: April 1997

Title: Ecological Security and Multinational Corporations
Authors: Katrina S. Rogers
Date: April 1997

Title: Demographic Change and Ecological Security
Authors: Dennis Pirages
Date: April 1997

Title: A Contribution to the Environment and Security Debate: NHI's U.S.—Mexico Case Study on Desertification and Migration
Authors: Heather Hanson, Michelle Leighton Schwartz
Date: April 1997

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Mexico Institute

Title: The United States and Mexico: More Than Neighbors
Authors: Andrew Selee, Christopher Wilson, Katie Putnam
Date: May 2010

Title: Building a Global Presence: Institutional Challenges in Strengthening Mexico's Role in International Cooperation
Authors: Luz María de la Mora Sánchez
Date: March 2010

Title: Mexico's 2009 Midterm Elections: Winners and Losers
Authors: Andrew Selee, Katie Putnam
Date: July 2009

Title: The United States and Mexico: Towards a Strategic Partnership
Date: January 2009

Title: Implementing Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement; Prospects and Challenges
Date: May 2008

Title: Security and Intelligence in U.S.-Mexico Relations
Authors: Luis Herrera-Lasso
Date: October 2007

Title: Education in the U.S. - Mexico Relationship
Authors: Eduardo Andere
Date: October 2007

Title: No Illusions-Paradigm Shifting on Mexican Migration to the US in the Post- 9-11 World
Authors: Alexander Aleinikoff
Date: February 2005

Title: Nontraditional Security Threats in the U.S.-Mexico Bilateral Relationship: Overview and Recommendations
Authors: John Bailey
Date: January 2005

Title: Challenges in Competitiveness: Infrastructure Development
Authors: Raul Rodriguez
Date: January 2005

Title: A U.S.-Mexico Partnership in Energy- A Policy of Convenience
Authors: Jose Alberro
Date: January 2005

Title: US-Mexico Border Control in a Changing Economic and Security Context
Authors: Peter Andreas
Date: December 2004

Title: Security and Intelligence in US-Mexico Relations
Authors: Luis Herrera-Lasso M.
Date: December 2004

Title: La calidad del ciudadano. Past and Present. The Nature of Citizenship in Mexico and the United States- 1776-1912
Authors: Erika Pani
Date: July 2002

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