Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Institute for Development and Peace


The Institute for Development and Peace ("Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden" INEF) is operated by the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Gerhard Mercator University as a research institution providing scientific support for the Foundation for Development and Peace ("Stiftung für Entwicklung und Frieden" SEF). The Institute was founded in 1990 on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Foundation for Development and Peace, initiated by the former chancellor Willy Brandt and the University of Duisburg. The goals of the Foundation and the Institute are:

Additional Materials from Institute for Development and Peace: Policy Briefs

Working Papers

Title: Local accountability in Mozambique
Authors: Julia Bastian
Date: September 2014

Title: Ressourcensegen - Ressourcenfluch? Fallstudie der entwicklungspolitischen Chancen und Risiken des Ressourcenbooms in der Mongolei
Authors: Paul Kriews
Date: July 2014

Title: Die Global Governance des Wassers. Eine Untersuchung der Wasserpolitik und städtischen Versorgungslage in Uganda
Authors: Anne Siebert
Date: April 2014

Title: Bedingungen nachhaltigen Handelns. Eine Fallstudie über die Implementierung eines landwirtschaftlichen Klimaanpassungsprogramms im bolivianischen Tiefland
Authors: Martin David
Date: January 2014

Title: A (Mis)alignment of Governance Structures? The Two Water Concessions in Metro Manila
Authors: Marie-Luise Mußenbrock
Date: July 2013

Title: India's Aspirations in Global Politics: Competing Ideas and Amorphous Practices
Authors: Herbert Wulf
Date: March 2013

Title: Decentralisation, Civil Society Institutions and Citizens' Participation on the Level of the Commune (Jamoāt) in Tajikistan
Authors: Frank Bliss
Date: March 2013

Title: Ursachen von Staatskollaps und fragiler Staatlichkeit: Eine Übersicht über den Forschungsstand
Authors: Daniel Lambach, Felix Bethke
Date: December 2012

Title: Transnationale Migrantengruppen und der Transport von Konflikten. Das Beispiel Türken und Kurden in Berlin
Authors: Jan Hanrath
Date: December 2012

Title: Strategische Fehler der Pirateriebekämpfung. Somalia, Peacebuilding und die Notwendigkeit einer umfassenden Strategie
Authors: Jochen Hippler
Date: June 2011

Title: Assessing Human Insecurity Worldwide. The Way to a Human (In)Security Index
Authors: Corinne Heaven, Sascha Werthes, Sven Vollnhals
Date: January 2011

Title: The Developmental State in Africa: Problems and Prospects
Authors: Peter Meyns (ed), Charity Musamba (ed)
Date: January 2010

Title: Development Cooperation after War and Violent Conflict: Debates and Challenges
Authors: Sabine Kurtenbach, Matthias Seifert
Date: January 2010

Title: Korruption und Demokratisierung. Rekonstruktion des Forschungsstandes an den Schnittstellen zu Institutionenökonomik und politischer Transformationsforschung
Authors: Birgit Pech
Date: September 2009

Title: The Role of Regional Oganisations in Conflict Prevention and Resolution,
Authors: Herbert Wulf (ed.)
Date: July 2009

Title: Die Intervention der Vereinten Nationen in Somalia
Authors: Nils Goede
Date: May 2009

Title: Still Under Construction. Regional Organisations' Capacities for Conflict Prevention
Authors: Herbert Wulf
Date: January 2009

Title: Good Governance. Ein universelles Leitbild von Staatlichkeit und Entwicklung?
Authors: Franz Nuscheler
Date: January 2009

Title: Die Intervention der Vereinten Nationen in Somalia. Eine Analyse der Entscheidungsprozesse im Sicherheitsrat für die Resolution 794
Authors: Nils Goede
Date: January 2009

Title: Die Intervention der Vereinten Nationen in Somalia. Eine Analyse der Entscheidungsprozesse im Sicherheitsrat für die Resolution
Authors: Nils Goede
Date: January 2009

Title: Participation in International Development Discourse and Practice. 'State of the Art' and Challenges, INEF-Report 94
Authors: Frank Bliss, Stefan Neumann
Date: January 2008

Title: The Democratic Legitimacy of Private Governance. An Analysis of the Ethical Trading Initiative, INEF-Report 91
Authors: Susanne Schaller
Date: January 2007

Title: State Failure Revisited II: Actors of Violence and Alternative Forms of Governance, INEF-Report 89
Authors: Tobias Debiel, Daniel Lambach
Date: January 2007

Title: State Failure Revisited I: Globalization of Security and Neighborhood Effects, INEF-Report 87
Authors: Tobias Debiel, Daniel Lambach
Date: January 2007

Title: Stakeholder Participation in Poverty Reduction, INEF-Report 86
Authors: Walter Eberlei
Date: January 2007

Title: Mediation in Intrastate Conflicts. The Contribution of Track-Two Mediation Activities to Prevent Violence in the Aceh Conflict, INEF-Report 88
Authors: Barbara Kemper
Date: January 2007

Title: Privatisation in Deep Water? Water Governance and Options for Development Cooperation, INEF-Report 84
Authors: Annabelle Houdret, Miriam Shabafrouz
Date: January 2006

Title: Human Security on Foreign Policy Agendas. Changes, Concepts and Cases, INEF-Report 80
Authors: Tobias Debiel, Sascha Werthes
Date: January 2006

Title: Counterinsurgency and Political Control. US Military Strategies Regarding Regional Conflict, INEF-Report 81
Authors: Jochen Hippler
Date: January 2006

Title: Towards a New Profile? Development, Humanitarian and Conflict-Resolution NGOs in the Age of Globalization, INEF-Report 79
Authors: Tobias Debiel, Monika Sticht
Date: January 2005

Title: The Financing of UN Peace Operations - An Analysis from a Global Public Good Perspective, INEF-Report 77
Authors: Alexander Kocks
Date: January 2005

Title: The Institutional Dimension of WTO Accession Observations and Practical Guidelines for Improving National Trade-related Governance Capacities
Authors: Uwe Schmidt
Date: November 2002

Title: How does globalisation affect local production and knowledge systems? The surgical instrument cluster of Tuttlingen, Germany
Authors: Gerhard Halder
Date: March 2002

Title: Improving Upon Nature: Creating Competitive Advantage in Ceramic Tile Clusters in Italy, Spain, and Brazil
Authors: Claudio Maggi, Jorg Meyer-Stamer, Silene Seibel
Date: October 2001

Title: Learning from each other in North and South: Local Agenda 21 in Germany and the Republic of Korea
Authors: Petra Stephan
Date: September 2000

Title: Behind the Myth of the Mittelstand Economy. The Institutional Environment Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Germany
Authors: Jorg Meyer-Stamer, Frank Waltring
Date: August 2000

Title: Key Factors of Structural Change in North Rhine-Westphalia
Authors: Claudio Maggi
Date: June 2000

Title: No Future for SADC? Perspectives for Regional Integration in Southern Africa after the Mauritius Summit
Authors: Heribert Dieter, Henning Melber
Date: April 2000

Title: Competitiveness and Environmental Policies: The Cases of Chile and Korea
Authors: Claudio Maggi, Kern Soo Yoon
Date: March 2000

Title: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity — What We Can Learn from Ecotourism in Developing Countries
Authors: Petra Stephan
Date: November 1999

Title: Reform of Japan's Security and Development Policy: Rallying Around the Status Quo
Authors: Ben Warkentin
Date: January 1999