CIAO DATE: 04/2013
March 2013
Institute for Development and Peace
This work is the fourth of a series of publications documenting the research project “Participation in national development and cooperation in development policy illustrated by the examples of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan”. This project, which was supported by grants from the Volks wagen Foundation, was carried out between 2005 and early 2011 in Germany and on site in Central Asia. The research work involved, on the German side, Frank Bliss (Professor of Development Anthropology at the University of Hamburg) and Stefan Neumann (an e thnologist and freelance development policy consultant). In Kyrgyzstan the social scientists Zura Medikulova and Nazira Kasenova also collaborated, as well as the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan with its Social Sciences departmen t. In Tajikistan Muyassar Kozieva and Anoyatschoew Mubaraksho were involved as co - workers in the research, as well as the institutional partners of the University of Khatlon (2005 - 2007) and the University of Khorog (from 2009 onwards). The goal of the rese arch project was the investigation of participatory processes within national development, and transformations, particularly the decentralisation and privatisation of tasks formerly belonging to the state, in the two Central Asian republics of Kyrgyzstan a nd Tajikistan.
Resource link: Decentralisation, Civil Society Institutions and Citizens' Participation on the Level of the Commune (Jamoāt) in Tajikistan [PDF]