URL: http://www.inef.de/
The Institute for Development and Peace ("Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden" INEF) is operated by the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Gerhard Mercator University as a research institution providing scientific support for the Foundation for Development and Peace ("Stiftung für Entwicklung und Frieden" SEF). The Institute was founded in 1990 on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Foundation for Development and Peace, initiated by the former chancellor Willy Brandt and the University of Duisburg. The goals of the Foundation and the Institute are:
Additional Materials from Institute for Development and Peace: Working Papers
Title: Ten Years of Women, Peace and Security: Gaps and Challenges in Implementing Resolution 1325
Authors: Swen Dornig, Nils Goede
Date: July 2010Title: Post-War and Post-Conflict Challenges for Development Cooperation
Authors: Sabine Kurtenbach
Date: May 2009Title: The MDG Project in Crisis. Midpoint Review and Prospects for the Future
Authors: Jens Martens
Date: April 2008