Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

Institute for Development and Peace


The Institute for Development and Peace ("Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden" INEF) is operated by the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Gerhard Mercator University as a research institution providing scientific support for the Foundation for Development and Peace ("Stiftung für Entwicklung und Frieden" SEF). The Institute was founded in 1990 on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Foundation for Development and Peace, initiated by the former chancellor Willy Brandt and the University of Duisburg. The goals of the Foundation and the Institute are:

Additional Materials from Institute for Development and Peace: Working Papers

Policy Briefs

Title: Ten Years of Women, Peace and Security: Gaps and Challenges in Implementing Resolution 1325
Authors: Swen Dornig, Nils Goede
Date: July 2010

Title: Post-War and Post-Conflict Challenges for Development Cooperation
Authors: Sabine Kurtenbach
Date: May 2009

Title: The MDG Project in Crisis. Midpoint Review and Prospects for the Future
Authors: Jens Martens
Date: April 2008