Iraq: A Year in Review


CIAO Maps of the Region Prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom
CIAO maps of Iraq, including: Iraq political map, Middle East reference map, Iraq area comparison map, Ethnoreligious areas map, Ballistic Missile related facilities map (2002), Declared nuclear facilities map (2002), Kurdish inhabited lands map, Saudi Arabia map, Turkey map, Iran Map, Jordan map, and Syria map.

Detailed Ethnic and Religious Map of Iraq
Population Density Map of Iraq
Land Use and Agriculture Map of Iraq
Detailed Map of the Most Recent Violence, April 2004
Oil Infrastructure Map of Iraq

Coalition Provisional Authority Divisions in Iraq


Transcripts of Video Teleconference with General Abizaid
A NOVEMBER 13, 2003 CENTCOM briefing by General John Abizaid, with several maps, including: Iraq Current Situation map, Iraq Coalition Forces map, Two Iraqi Security Forces maps, Two Iraq Civil Military Operations maps, and an Iraq political map.


For more maps on Iraq and the region, CIAO recommends the University of Texas at Austin Map Library and Eastview Cartographic.


Compiled and annotated by editorial assistants Adam Mausner and Siheun Song in consultation with Sean Costigan, Senior Editor for CIAO.


The Future of Iraq | Justifications and Ramifications of the War | The War and the Wider World | A Violent Month | Events of the Past Year | Government Documents


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