Iraq: A Year in ReviewThe War and the Wider World


Columbia International Affairs Online
May 22, 2003



Professor Emeritus Robert O. Paxton moderated the proceedings. Professors Stanley Hoffmann and David Calleo as well as Senior Editor Christopher Caldwell from the Weekly Standard explored the nature of the French-American rift, the extent of the caused to the relationship between the allies, and possibilities for reconciliation. Biographies of each participant are provided below.

Christopher Caldwell is a senior editor at the Weekly Standard. He writes a weekly column for the Financial Times and regular essays on books and culture for Slate. His essays and reviews appear in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

David Calleo is the Dean Acheson Professor and Director of European Studies Program at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. His areas of expertise are Western Europe and NATO; Atlantic and Eurasian relations; American foreign policy; diplomatic history; American economic policy; international economic issues; international political economy; international relations; and strategic and security issues. Before teaching at Johns Hopkins University, Professor Calleo taught at Brown, Yale, and Columbia universities, the University of Puget Sound, the College of Europe, , the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris, the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales (IUHEI) in Geneva, and the universities of Bonn and Munich. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies and is a past Rockefeller, Guggenheim and Fulbright fellow. He is a former associate at the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI) and was twice project director for the Twentieth Century Fund, and is a former research fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He also formerly served as a consultant to the U.S. undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from Yale University. His publications include several books: Rethinking Europe's Future (2001); The Bankrupting of America: How the Federal Deficit is Impoverishing the Nation (1992); Beyond American Hegemony: The Future of the Western Alliance (1987); The Imperious Economy (1982); The German Problem Reconsidered (1978); America and the World Political Economy (with Benjamin M. Rowland, 1973). He is also the author of numerous articles in journals and other publications.

Stanley Hoffmann is former Chairman of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (1969-95) at Harvard University, where he is the Buttenwieser University Professor. He has published many books and articles, including Gulliver's Troubles, or the Setting of American Foreign Policy (1968); Decline or Renewal? France Since the Thirties (1974); Primacy or World Order (1978); Duties Beyond Borders (1980); The Fifth Republic at Twenty, co-edited with W. Andrews (1981); Dead Ends (1983); Janus and Minerva (1986); The European Sisyphus: Essays on Europe, 1964-1994 (1995); The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention (1996); and World Disorders: Troubled Peace in the Post-Cold War Era (1998). He is also one of the authors of In Search of France (1963) and Living with Nuclear Weapons (1983), and he is co-editor of The Mitterrand Experiment (1987), Rousseau on International Relations (1991); and The New European Community: Decision-making and Institutional Change (1991). He is co-editor of After the Cold War (1992) and is currently working on a book on ethics and international politics and another on French nationalism. Hoffmann is co-chair of the French Study Group and is on the editorial board of French Politics, Culture and Society.

Robert O. Paxton retired from the Columbia faculty as Mellon Professor of the Social Sciences. His book, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, published over twenty-five years ago, stressed the autonomous efforts of the Vichy regime to cooperate with the Nazi occupation. Paxton is also the author of Vichy France and the Jews, with Michael Marrus (1981). Both books were controversial when first published, but each one led the French toward a more nuanced and accurate viewi of the German occupation of France from 1940 to 1944 and the French participation in the Holocaust. Today, both books are regarded as canonical works, and Paxton is an esteemed figure on both sides of the Atlantic. Paxton, who was educated at Washington and Lee, Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes scholar, and at Harvard, where he earned his Ph.D., has written other books: Parades and Politics at Vichy (1966); Europe in the 20th Century (4th edition, 2001); De Gaulle and the United States, with Nicholas Wahl (1994), and French Peasant Fascism: Henry Dorgères' Greenshirts and the Crisis of French Agriculture, 1929-1939 (1997). Paxton's new book, tentatively entitled Fascism in Action, is in press.

Conference Sponsors

The Institute for the Study of Europe at Columbia University promotes faculty and student research and learning on the cultural, political, and socioeconomic issues facing Europe. Volker Berghahn is the Director, John Micgiel is the Executive Director, and Kevin Hallinan is Assistant Director. See

The French-American Foundation, since its founding in 1976, has been committed to strengthening French-American relations and encouraging a dialogue between the two nations. It brings together French and American leaders, policy makers, and other professionals to exchange views on common issues and to create productive links between people, which have a far-reaching effect in both countries. Tony Smith is the President. See

The Sterling Currier Fund at Columbia University and the Richard C. Weldon Foundation are gratefully acknowledged for their generous financial support.

In addition, the following people should be acknowledged for their special efforts: Harriet Jackson, editor, Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia, and Shanny Peer, Education Director, French-American Foundation.


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