Sexual violence is a violation of human rights and a serious public health problem. It has a profound impact on physical and mental health, both immediately and many years after the assault. To date, sexual violence has received insufficient attention from researchers, policy-makers and programme designers and it has been a long struggle to have it recognised as a legitimate public health issue. The SVRI is an important contribution to eliminating sexual violence by simultaneously addressing the lack of research on the different aspects of sexual violence as well as drawing attention of a wide range of people including policy makers and the media, to this important public health issue.
Additional Materials from The Sexual Violence Research Initiative: Working Papers
Title: EC for Rape Survivors
Date: September 2013Title: Policy and practice requirements for bringing to scale sexual violence services in low resource settings.
Authors: N Kilonzo, E Dartnall, M Obbayi
Date: April 2013Title: Rape Perpetration: A Review
Authors: R Jewkes
Date: July 2012Title: Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence
Authors: R Jewkes, E Dartnall, Y Sikweyiya
Date: January 2012Title: Preventing child abuse and interpersonal violence in low- and middle-income countries
Authors: Wendy Knerr, Frances Gardner, Lucie Cluver
Date: December 2011Title: Modifying Gender Role Stereotypes in Children
Authors: Laura McCloskey
Date: December 2011Title: Care and Support of Male Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Authors: Wynne Russell, Alastair Hilton, Michael Peel, Lizle Loots, Liz Dartnall
Date: December 2011Title: A systematic review of parenting interventions to prevent child abuse tested with Randomised Control Trial (RCT) designs in high income countries
Authors: Laura McCloskey
Date: December 2011Title: Mental Health Responses for Victims of Sexual Violence and Rape in Resource-Poor Settings
Authors: Thomas Callender, Liz Dartnall.
Date: December 2010Title: Researcher Trauma, Safety and Sexual Violence Research
Authors: Jan Coles, Elizabeth Dartnall, Shazneen Limjerwala, Jill Astbury
Date: May 2010Title: Vicarious Trauma: Understanding and Managing the Impact of Doing Research on Sensitive Topics
Date: January 2010