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CIAO DATE: 10/03
Summer 2003 (No. 72)
Occupational Hazards
By Douglas Porch. Many Americans, including some of senior rank, appear to hold candy-coated views of the post-World War II U.S. occupations of Germany and Japan. Dealing with Iraq will be hard enough without enshrouding ourselves in myth.
Scoring the War on Terrorism
By Daniel Byman. Measuring genuine progress in the war on terrorism is harder than it may seem. To be sure, the current "body count" approach leaves much to be desired--not, alas, for the first time.
America as European Hegemon
By Christopher Layne. Despite Broad acceptance of the view that the United States has been an "offshore balancer" with regard to Europe over the past several decades, the facts don't fit the theory--the facts of the past dozen years most particularly.
A Low, Dishonest Decadence: A Letter from Moscow
By David Satter. It is shortsighted to judge Russia's progress by superficial materialist measures--or have we forgotten what the Cold War was really about?
Rooms and Borders
By Russell Seitz. Americans and Europeans often do not see eye to eye about matters Muslim. Differing historical experiences help explain why.
Croesus and Caesar
By Richard Rosecrance. Those who would compare U.S. and European power by focusing on military capabilities misread history and miss the essence of NATO's genius--and its future.
How to Stop the Iranian Bomb
By Geoffrey Kemp. Iranian nuclear weapon aspirations pose a critical and very dangerous problem for the United States. Herewith a plan for stopping the Iranian bomb, short of using force.
Power, Wealth and Wisdom
By David P. Calleo. Is the United States really as strong and wise, and "Old Europe" as weak and wooly-headed, as many American foreign policy pundits and practitioners think? Another way to read Transatlantic realities.
The Old-New Anti-Semitism
By Robert S. Wistrich. The "new" anti-Semitism of the Arab and Muslim worlds bears much resemblance to the "old" anti-Semitism of Europe. As the latter became a warrant for genocide, it would be foolish to underestimate the lethality of the former.
Agri-vation: The Farm Bill from Hell
By C. Ford Runge. The 2002 Farm Bill is a four-fold disaster, replete with domestic and foreign policy costs. An experienced farm hand shows how.
The Boldness of Charles Evans Hughes
By Margot Louria. The advent of a new historical epoch requires boldness in foreign policy architecture. Though less studied than the post-World War II master builders, Charles Evans Hughes' effort after World War I is a worthy case in point.
Dragon in Paradise
By John Henderson and Benjamin Reilly. U.S. interest in Oceania has faded since the end of the Cold War, and especially since September 11, 2001. China is taking advantage.
Twilight of the Idols
By Christian D. Brose. Nietzsche thought God was dead and used philosophy as a hammer to force others to recognize his unhappy insight. The Bush Administration has used public diplomacy as a hammer to force recognition of changes in the global security environment. But has either recognition been correct?
Europe Challenged
By Robert Tucker. Will the European Union become a peer competitor to the United States? Not likely, thinks Professor Tucker, unless U.S. policy produces self-diminishment by isolating America from others.
Zakaria's Complaint
By Thomas Carothers. It's a mistake, argues Fareed Zakaria, to conflate constitutional liberalism with democracy. It's a mistake, says Thomas Carothers, to exaggerate the extent to which that mistake actually characterizes U.S. policy.
Religion, Reason and Conflict in the 21st Century
By Kenneth Minogue. Think Islam is the fastest growing religion in what used to be called the Third World? Philip Jenkins argues otherwise and sees major implications, but Kenneth Minogue wonders whether he's even asking the right questions.
A Man of Faith
By Paul Hollander. Eric Hobsbawm's autobiography is a most revealing book--wittingly and otherwise. He turns out to have been a most catholic fellow.