Map of Middle East
CIAO DATE: 08/02
Middle East Review of International Affairs
Vol. 6 No. 1/March 2002
Who is Responsible for the Taliban?
, by Michael Rubin
Twins or Enemies: Comparing Nationalist and Islamist Traditions in Turkish Politics
, by Birol Akgun
Changes and Continuities in Jordanian Foreign Policy
, by Brent E. Sasley
The United States Government: Patron of Islam?
, by Daniel Pipes and Mimi Stillman
Arafat's Dueling Dilemmas: Succession and the Peace Process
, by Lenore Martin
The Terror and the Pity: Yasir Arafat and the Second Loss of Palestine
, by Barry Rubin
Underwriting Peace in the Middle East: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Limits of Economic Inducements
, by Scott Lasensky