CIAO DATE: 07/2009
Volume: 6, Issue: 21
Spring 2009
Hegel, Dünya Tarihi ve Özgürlük Mücadelesi Olarak Uluslararası İlişkiler (PDF)
This article attempts to evaluate Hegel’s theory of international relations in the context of his general philosophy of history. Hegel defines history as a struggle for freedom for mutual recognition. This is true for individuals as well as for states. The struggle for recognition and freedom is a constant feature of social life. Therefore, it would be wrong to interpret Hegel’s philosophy as implying that the struggle for freedom has been completed in the modern nation state and that history has come to an end. However, according to Hegel it would be impossible to predict the future shape of the international society and the form which the struggle for freedom will take as “it is just as foolish to fancy that any philosophy can transcend its present world, as that an individual could leap out of his time or jump over Rhodes. ”
The purpose of this study is to examine the cooperation between the foreign and domestic NGOs that work in the realm of democratization and human rights in Turkey. The theoretical framework is provided by the literature on “transnational advocacy networks”. Archival research and semi-structured in-depth interviews with the representatives of both foreign and national NGOs are employed as the two main methodological approaches. The findings show that these NGOs share resources such as power, information, experience and money in order to overcome limitations in their political and social environments.
Darfur: Koruma Yükümlülüğü ve İnsancıl Müdahale Kavramları Çerçevesinde Bir İnceleme (PDF)
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Darfur: An Inquiry in the Framework of the Concepts of Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Intervention
There is no doubt that gross human rights violations in Darfur exceed the limits of the responsibility to protect of the international community. During the discussions about the situation in Darfur in the Security Council, especially China and Russia put forward the principle of state sovereignty as an argument against intervention. Whatever the result about this contention, it is not possible to take a decision at the Security Council authorizing the member states to intervene in Darfur due to veto right of the permanent members. The African Union as the regional organization would not able to intervene due to its limited capacity and the lack of political will. According to some commentators and states, states like the US or the European Union members who endorse the concept of the responsibility to protect must be able to intervene. Nevertheless, although they never accepted the objection based on the state sovereignty, these states do not have the required political will to intervene by force. This brings us to the result that the major criticism directed against the humanitarian intervention which is its application on a selective basis, persists for the concept of the responsibility to protect as well.
Global Inequality: The Current Debate, It's Importance and Policy Recommendations (PDF)
Selim Erdem Aytaç
Despite the recent popularity of the subject of global inequality in the literature, most studies focus only on the debate about the direction and magnitude of change of global inequality during the last few decades, without deliberating about the different policy recommendations needed to address it. This article aims to fill this gap in the literature by reviewing the contemporary research on global inequality with an emphasis on different policy recommendations. In order to introduce the bigger picture, the study also presents a discussion on the latest findings on the level of global inequality and why it should be considered as a significant problem for humanity.
Sırp İsyanının Uluslararası Boyutu (1804–1813) (PDF)
The Serbian uprising (1804-1813), which played a very critical role in the disintegration of Ottoman regime in the Balkans, is one of the most important events in the modern history. It broke out against Dayis who captured the Semendire sanjak (territorial core of 19th century’s Serbia) and established an oppressive regime over the Serbians. In the initial phase, the uprising had only a local dimension. When the Ottoman government regarded the uprising as an opportunity to eliminate the Dayis’ regime, it supported the rebels. But in a short time, it went well beyond its local character and became an international question. Up to its end in 1813, it preserved this character. In this study we try to answer the following questions: why and how did Serbian uprising become an international question? What were the basic dynamics of the international dimension of Serbian uprising? What were the policies of Ottoman Empire and Great Powers toward the uprising? Which factors were important to the changing of these policies?
Critical Security Studies and World Politics (PDF)
Hazırlayan: Burcu YAVUZ
Critical Security Studies and World Politics
Ken BOOTH (der.)
Londra, Lynne Rienner, 2005, ix+277 sayfa.
Türk Dış Politikasında Zorlayıcı Diplomasi (PDF)
Hazırlayan: Elif Hatun KILIÇBEYLş
Türk Dış Politikasında Zorlayıcı Diplomasi
Fuat Aksu
şstanbul, BaŞlam Yayınları, 2008