CIAO DATE: 08/2014
Volume: 10, Issue: 40
Winter 2014
Table of Contents (PDF)
NATO'nun Dönüşümü (PDF)
Upon the fall of the Berlin Wall and demise of the Soviet Union, NATO has made efforts to adapt itself to the transformation of the international system. Although its endeavour has been hard and problematic NATO has had a record of considerable achievements. However, the question whether the Atlantic Alliance would manage to survive has so far excited the interest of many publicists. Instead of venturing in predictions, this article intends to contribute to an ongoing discussion on the future of the Alliance by interpreting the structural change and actors’ concerns and actions. It attempts to clarify the limits of the allied political will that is required for a sustainable process of adaptation. In the context of the Afghan experience, it also deals with NATO’s comprehensive military doctrine.
Füze Tehdidi ve NATO Füze Kalkanı: Türkiye Açısından Bir Değerlendirme (PDF)
Concerns emanating from the inexorable link between Iran’s growing ballistic missile inventory and it ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons capability are at the heart of recent US and NATO efforts to constitute a ballistic missile defense shield. EPAA (European Phased Adaptive Approach) pushed on the table by US in 2010 and endorsed by most NATO states is in harmony with Turkey’s traditional positioning in the face of missile threat. Thence, not only Turkey has endorsed EPAA, but it has also become a pivotal ally in its implementation. Additionally, handing over the task of missile defense to NATO and US would enable Turkey to allocate its limited defense funds elsewhere. On the negative side, during the upcoming phases of EPAA Turkey should not underestimate the possibility of new requests and even fait-accomplis imposed upon herself, and Ankara should carefully consider possible ramifications of those on her relations with Russia, as well as her traditional policy line of observing a balance between US and European elements of her overall relationship with the West.
Enerji Güvenliği: NATO'nun Yeni Tehdit Algısı (PDF)
Energy security could enter NATO’s security agenda as one of the main issues just during the last decade. NATO leaders recognize that the disruption of the flow of vital resources could affect Alliance security interests. There is no agreement on the definition of energy security in NATO as it differs based on each country’s needs; however, there is a paragraph in the NATO concept from 2010 that states the importance of energy security, and in 2012 there was further agreement that NATO wants to be involved in energy security and energy efficiency of military forces. This article is focused on the issue and analyses the importance and the meaning of energy security for NATO in the light of NATO summit declarations and the various NATO’s strategic concepts.
NATO'nun Gelişen Tehdit Algısı: 21. Yüzyılda Siber Güvenlik (PDF)
Westphalian state system has been deeply affected from the civilianization of the cyber space. It is possible to see the traces of nuclear war and its competition in this new post-Cold War period. The contemporary threats against the cyber space and their vague boundaries could clearly be seen in the examples. Cyber attacks in this new security environment towards long lasting alliance NATO and its members are giving important clues for the future. In this article, one discussed defensive measures of NATO for these new threats and the process, which determined the cyber security strategies. Upon this cyber defense strategy, NATO tries to level the cyber capabilities of its members and takes the necessary steps to achieve this goal. The Lisbon summit endorsed the preparation of a new strategy that includes cyber defense and protection of the critical information infrastructure.
NATO-AB İlişkilerinde İşbirliği ve Çatışma Dinamikleri (PDF)
NATO’s supremacy in the security and defence structures of the Euro-Atlantic region during the Cold War era has prevented the development of a self-sustained European security mechanism. With the end of the Cold War, specifically with the St. Malo Summit in 1998 which was a breakthrough in the advancement of the Common Security and Defence Policy, the NATO-EU relationship became pronounced. Since then, opportunities for and difficulties of collaboration have both defined this inter-institutional relationship between NATO and the EU. Despite a series of arrangements for strengthening the institutional framework of NATO- EU relations as well as the Berlin-plus agreements, the argument of an effective cooperation between two organizations would be misguided. Particularly, discrimination against the non-EU NATO allies as well as the existence of challenges such as decoupling and duplication are hampering progress in NATO-EU relations. This article aims at shedding a light on the limited cooperation between these two organizations by focusing on the current challenges.
Fred HALLIDAY, The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology (PDF)
Mustafa YETİM
Ali BALCI, Türkiye Dış Politikası: İlkeler, Aktörler, Uygulamalar (PDF)