CIAO DATE: 11/2008
Volume: 123, Issue: 3
Fall 2008
Globalization, American Power, and International Security
Jonathan Kirshner
JONATHAN KIRSHNER considers the consequences of globalization for American power and international conflict more generally. He argues that the processes of globalization are affecting the balance of power between states and creating new axes of international conflict. He posits that even though the United States is advantaged by globalization, the process also challenges some of its own interests.
Stanley A. Renshon
STANLEY A. RENSHON analyzes the probable psychological baseline contours of a Barack Obama or John McCain presidency. He explores the psychology, worldview, and approach to leadership that are likely to inform and shape the presidency of each candidate in the context of his own developmental history and the psychology of public expectations and concerns.
Reconciliation after Democratization: Coping with the Past in Spain
Omar G. Encarnación
OMAR G. ENCARNACIÓN examines Spain’s ongoing effort to reconcile the legacy of its dark past, including the mass killings of the Spanish Civil War and the repression of the Franco dictatorship, three decades after its celebrated transition to democracy. Key among his findings is that contrary to the widespread conventional wisdom promoted by the influential ‘‘transitional justice’’ movement, reconciliation is not a pre-condition for effective democratization.
When the Men with Guns Rule: Explaining Human Rights Failures in Kosovo since 1999
MARK A. WOLFGRAM discusses the costs of early failures in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations mission in Kosovo after June 1999. The failure of NATO and the UN to secure basic human rights for Kosovo’s non-Albanian minorities raises serious questions about the future of similar militarized humanitarian interventions.
Palestinian Suicide Bombing Revisited: A Critique of the Outbidding Thesis
Robert J. Brym, Bader Araj
ROBERT J. BRYM and BADER ARAJ contest Mia Bloom’s out-bidding thesis, which holds that suicide attacks are a currency for outbidding rivals in the competition for popular support. They find that public opinion data are inconsistent with the outbidding thesis and argue that support for suicide bombing is more a function of social solidarity than competition within the Palestinian community.
Book Review: Michael Goodman, Spying on the Nuclear Bear: Anglo-American Intelligence and the Soviet Bomb
Robert Jervis
Jorge I. Domínguez
Book Review: Robert G. Sutter, Chinese Foreign Relations: Power and Policy Since the Cold War
Andrew Mertha
Book Review: Athan Theoharis, The Quest for Absolute Security: The Failed Relations Among U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Richard L. Russell
Book Review: Elizabeth Borgwardt, A New Deal for the World: America's Vision for Human Rights (PDF)
Peter Juviler
Book Review: Jacques Semelin, Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide
Eric A. Heinze
Sabrina P. Ramet, The Liberal Project and the Transformation of Democracy: The Case of East Central Europe; Anna Grzymala-Busse, Rebuilding Leviathan: Party Competition and State Exploitation in Post-Communist Democracies
John A. Scherpereel
Book Review: Amy B. Zegart, Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11
Loch K. Johnson
Book Review: Mark Baldassare and Cheryl Katz, The Coming Age of Direct Democracy: California's Recall and Beyond
John G. Matsusaka
Book Review: Mark A. Smith, The Right Talk: How Conservatives Transformed the Great Society into the Economic Society; Kenneth M. Cosgrove, Branded Conservatives: How the Brand Brought the Right from the Fringes to the Center of American Politics
Earl Sheridan
Sandra K. Danziger
Book Review: Abe Zaidan and John C. Green, Portraits of Power: Ohio and National Politics, 1964-2004
Justin Phillips
Book Review: Bruce Miroff, The Liberals' Moment: The McGovern Insurgency and the Identity Crisis of the Democratic Party
Robert Speel
Book Review: D. Michael Lindsay, Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite
Brian Robert Calfano
Book Review: Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House
Stephen J. Whitfield
Book Review: Sheila Kennedy, God and Country: America in Red and Blue
Paul A. Djupe
Book Review: Steven S. Smith, Party Influence in Congress
Eric S. Heberlig
Book Review: Michael M. Franz, Paul B. Freedman, Kenneth M. Goldstein, and Travis N. Ridout, Campaign Advertising and American Democracy
Robert A. Jackson
Priscilla Wohlstetter
Book Review: David A. Nichols, A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution
L.A. Powe, Jr.
Book Review: José Ramón Sánchez, Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States
Ileana M. Rodríguez-Silva
Book Review: Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century
Peter R. Moody, Jr.
Book Review: Caroline A. Hartzell and Matthew Hoddie, Crafting Peace: Power-Sharing Institutions and the Negotiated Settlement of Civil Wars
Burcu Savun
Book Review: Zoltan Barany, Democratic Breakdown and the Decline of the Russian Military
Celeste A. Wallander
Book Review: Julie Hemment, Empowering Women in Russia: Activism, Aid, and NGOs
Valerie Sperling
Book Review: Steven A. Cook, Ruling But Not Governing: The Military and Political Development in Egypt, Algeria, and Turkey
Stephen J. King
Book Review: Adam N. Stulberg, Well-Oiled Diplomacy: Strategic Manipulation and Russia's Energy Statecraft in Eurasia
Andrew Barnes
Book Review: Nathan Gonzalez, Engaging Iran: The Rise of a Middle East Powerhouse and America's Strategic Choice
Suzanne Maloney
Book Review: Yoichi Funabashi, The Peninsula Question: A Chronicle of the Second Korean Nuclear Crisis
Youngshik D. Bong
Book Review: Charles L. Pritchard, Failed Diplomacy: The Tragic Story of How North Korea Got the Bomb
J.J. Suh
Book Review: Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea
Pierre Englebert
Book Review: Michael Tomz, Reputation and International Cooperation: Sovereign Debt Across Three Centuries
Anastasia Xenias
Book Review: David M. Primo, Rules and Restraint: Government Spending and the Design of Institutions
Robert C. Lowry
Book Review: Peter Charles Hoffer, Williamjames Hull Hoffer, and N.E.H. Hull, The Supreme Court: An Essential History
George Thomas
Book Review: Edward A. Purcell, Jr., Originalism, Federalism, and the American Constitutional Enterprise: A Historical Inquiry
Jonathan O'Neill