Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies


The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) was established on 30 July 1996 by Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence. On 1 January 2007, ten years after its establishment, IDSS was formally inaugurated to become the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). In the new School, IDSS remains as a key component Institute focusing on security research to serve national needs while the School would take over its teaching functions.

Since its establishment, the School has acquired the reputation as a leading research and graduate teaching institution in strategic and international affairs in the Asia-Pacific region. RSIS will bring IDSS and NTU to the next level besides enhancing Singapore’s standing as a regional and international hub for higher education and research.

IDSS’ new name also serves to honour the contributions of the late Mr. S. Rajaratnam who held various Cabinet appointments until his retirement. He was also one of Singapore’s founding fathers and well respected as a visionary diplomat and strategic thinker.

Additional Materials from S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies: Policy Briefs | Journals: Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis

Working Papers

Title: The Cyber Extremism Orbital Pathways Model
Authors: Omer Ali Saifudeen
Date: November 2014

Title: China's Global Agricultural Strategy: An Open System to Safeguard the Country's Food Security
Authors: Cheng Guoqiang, Zhang Hongzhou
Date: October 2014

Title: Examining China's Assertiveness through the Eyes of Chinese IR Scholars
Authors: Huiyun Feng, Kai He
Date: September 2014

Title: John Anderson's Data Mining Mission to Sumatra in 1823: When Method Creates the Object
Authors: Farish A. Noor
Date: August 2014

Title: Explaining the Trajectory of Golkar's Splinters in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Authors: Yuddy Chrisnandi, Adhi Priamarizki
Date: July 2014

Title: Fostering Pro-social Behaviour Online: 'Nudges' in the Right Direction
Authors: Nadica Pavlovska
Date: June 2014

Title: America in Southeast Asia before the 'Pivot': The 'Battle of Quallah Battoo' in 1832
Authors: Farish A. Noor
Date: June 2014

Title: The Revival of the Silk Roads (Land Connectivity) in Asia
Authors: Pradumna B. Rana, Wai-Mun Chia
Date: May 2014

Title: Nuclear Deterrence: The Wohlstetter-Blackett Debate Re-visited
Authors: Rajesh Basrur
Date: April 2014

Title: Managing Tensions in the South China Sea: Comparing the China-Philippines and the China-Vietnam Approaches
Authors: Li Jianwei
Date: April 2014

Title: Economic Integration between South Asia and East Asia: A Perception Survey of Asian Opinion Leaders
Authors: Pradumna B. Rana, Wai-Mun Chia
Date: April 2014

Title: The Democratic Party Convention and Yudhoyono's Possible Game Plan
Date: March 2014

Title: The Road to 2014: Corruption, the Media and Parties' Electability
Date: February 2014

Title: Wahhabism vs. Wahhabism: Qatar Challenges Saudi Arabia
Authors: James M. Dorsey
Date: September 2013

Title: ASEAN-Canada Forum and Public Symposium 2013: Reflections on an Inclusive and Equitable ASEAN Community in 2015
Date: August 2013

Title: Enhancing Global and Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Management and Resolution
Authors: Ibrahim Gambari
Date: May 2013

Title: A New Containment-Policy – The Curbing of War and Violent Conflict in World Society
Authors: Andreas Herberg-Rothe
Date: May 2013

Title: The Eurozone Crisis and Its Impact on Asia
Authors: Pradumna B. Rana, Michael Blomenhofer
Date: February 2013

Title: Strengthening Economic Linkages between South Asia and East Asia: The Case for a Second Round of "Look East" Policies
Authors: Pradumna B Rana, Chia Wai-Mun
Date: January 2013

Title: Securing the State: National Security in Contemporary times
Authors: Sir David Omand GCB
Date: November 2012

Title: Malaysia's U.S. Policy under Najib: Ambivalence No More?
Authors: KUIK Cheng-Chwee
Date: November 2012

Title: Bangladesh-India Relations: Sheikh Hasina's India-positive Policy Approach
Authors: Bhumitra Chakma
Date: November 2012

Title: Governing for the Future: What Governments can do
Authors: Peter Ho
Date: September 2012

Title: Dividing the Korean Peninsula: The Rhetoric of the George W. Bush Administration
Authors: Sarah Teo
Date: August 2012

Title: Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis
Date: August 2012

Title: By Invitation, Mostly: the International Politics of the US Security Presence, China, and the South China Sea
Authors: Christopher Freise
Date: August 2012

Title: Role of Intelligence in International Crisis Management
Authors: Kwa Chong Guan
Date: July 2012

Title: The Influence of Domestic Politics on Philippine Foreign Policy: The case of Philippines-China relations since 2004
Authors: Aileen S. P. Baviera
Date: June 2012

Title: China's Economic Restructuring: Role of Agriculture
Authors: Zhang Hongzhou
Date: May 2012

Title: Reflections on Defence Security in East Asia
Authors: Desmond Ball
Date: April 2012

Title: Indonesia's Democratic Politics and Foreign Policy-Making: A Case Study of Iranian Nuclear Issue, 2007 - 2008
Authors: Iisgindarsah
Date: April 2012

Title: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) Negotiations: Overview and Prospects
Authors: Deborah Elms, C. L. Lim
Date: February 2012

Title: The Process of ASEAN's Institutional Consolidation in 1968-1976: Theoretical Implications for Changes of Third-World Security Oriented Institution
Authors: Kei Koga
Date: February 2012

Title: How Indonesia Sees ASEAN and the World: A Cursory Survey of the Social Studies and History textbooks of Indonesia, from Primary to Secondary Level
Authors: Farish A. Noor
Date: February 2012

Title: The Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) in the landscape of Indonesian Islamist Politics: Cadre-Training as Mode of Preventive Radicalisation?
Authors: Farish A. Noor
Date: November 2011

Title: Street, Shrine, Square and Soccer Pitch: Comparative Protest Spaces in Asia and the Middle East
Authors: Teresita Cruz-del Rosario, James M. Dorsey
Date: November 2011

Title: Monetary Integration in ASEAN+3:A Perception Survey of Opinion Leaders
Authors: Pradumna Bickram Rana, Wai-Mun Chia, Yothin Jinjarak
Date: June 2011

Title: Dealing with the "North Korea Dilemma":China's Strategic Choices
Authors: You Ji
Date: June 2011

Title: Assessing 12-year Military Reform in Indonesia:Major Strategic Gaps for the Next Stage of Reform
Authors: Leonard C. Sebastian, Iisgindarsah
Date: April 2011

Title: Rising Power… To Do What? Evaluating China's Power in Southeast Asia
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: March 2011

Title: CTTA: Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis Year End Report 2010
Authors: Rohan Gunaratna Gunaratna
Date: January 2011

Title: Combating Terrorism in Yemen Through the Committee for Religious Dialogue
Date: July 2010

Title: Forgetting Osama bin Munqidh, Remembering Osama bin Laden: The Crusades in Modern Muslim Memory
Authors: Umej Bhatia
Date: January 2008

Title: From Counter-Society to Counter-State: Jemaah Islamiyah According to PUPJI
Authors: Elena Pavlova
Date: November 2006

Title: 'Voice of the Malayan Revolution':The Communist Party of Malaya's Struggle for Hearts and Minds in the 'Second Malayan Emergency' (1969-1975)
Authors: Ong Wei Chong
Date: October 2006

Title: Islam, State and Modernity : Muslim Political Discourse in Late 19th and Early 20th century India
Authors: Iqbal Singh Sevea
Date: August 2006

Title: Twelver Sh'ite Islam: Conceptual and Practical Aspects
Authors: Christoph Marcinkowski
Date: July 2006

Title: Rewriting Indonesian History, The Future in Indonesia’s Past
Authors: Kwa Chong Guan
Date: June 2006

Title: Freedom and Control Networks in Military Environments
Authors: Paul T. Mitchell
Date: May 2006

Title: UNCLOS and its Limitations as the Foundation for a Regional Maritime Security Regime
Authors: Sam Bateman
Date: April 2006

Title: Globalization And Military-Industrial Transformation In South Asia: An Historical Perspective
Authors: Emrys Chew
Date: April 2006

Title: Myanmar and Argument for Engagement: A Clash of Contending Moralities?
Authors: Christopher B. Roberts
Date: March 2006

Title: International Regime Building in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Cooperation against the Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Drugs
Authors: Ralf Emmers
Date: February 2006

Title: Changing Conflict Identities: The case of the Southern Thailand Discord
Authors: S.P. Harish
Date: February 2006

Title: The LTTE’s Online Network and its Implications for Regional Security
Authors: Shyam Tekwani
Date: January 2006

Title: The Korean War June-October 1950: Inchon and Stalin in the "Trigger vs. Justification"; Debate
Authors: Tan Kwoh Jack
Date: January 2006

Title: The Incidence of Corruption in India: Is the Neglect of Governance Endangering Human Security in South Asia?
Authors: Shabnam Mallick, Rajarshi Sen
Date: January 2006

Title: Securitizing/Desecuritizing the Filipinos' ' Outward Migration Issue'in the Philippines' Relations with Other Asian Governments
Authors: José N. Franco
Date: January 2006

Title: Securitizing border-crossing: The case of marginalized stateless minorities in the Thai-Burma Borderlands
Authors: Mika Toyota
Date: January 2006

Title: Securitization Of Illegal Migration of Bangladeshis To India
Authors: Josy Joseph
Date: January 2006

Title: Re-conceptualising the Military-Industrial Complex: A General Systems Theory Approach
Authors: Adrian Kuah
Date: January 2006

Title: Non-Traditional Security Issues: Securitisation of Transnational Crime in Asia
Authors: James Laki
Date: January 2006

Title: Food Security and the Threat From Within: Rice Policy Reforms in the Philippines
Authors: Bruce Tolentino
Date: January 2006

Title: Environmental Management and Conflict in Southeast Asia – Land Reclamation and its Political Impact
Authors: Kog Yue-Choong
Date: January 2006

Title: Bandung And The Political Economy of North-South Relations: Sowing The Seeds For Revisioning International Society
Authors: Helen E.S. Nesadurai
Date: January 2006

Title: The Impact of RMA on Conventional Deterrence: A Theoretical Analysis
Authors: Manjeet S. Pardesi
Date: December 2005

Title: The East Asian Experience: The Poverty of "Picking Winners"
Authors: Barry Desker, Deborah Elms
Date: December 2005

Title: Africa and the Challenge of Globalization
Authors: Jeffrey Herbst
Date: December 2005

Title: Local Elections and Democracy in Indonesia: The Case of the Riau Archipelago
Authors: Nankyung Choi
Date: November 2005

Title: Piracy in Southeast Asia New Trends, Issues and Responses
Authors: Catherine Zara Raymond
Date: October 2005

Title: Geopolitics, Grand Strategy and the Bush Doctrine
Authors: Simon Dalby
Date: October 2005

Title: China's Political Commissars and Commanders: Trends & Dynamics
Authors: Srikanth Kondapalli
Date: October 2005

Title: Maritime Disputes In The South China Sea: Strategic And Diplomatic Status Quo
Authors: Ralf Emmers
Date: September 2005

Title: Autobiography, Politics And Ideology In Sayyid Qutb's Reading Of The Qur'an
Authors: Umej Bhatia
Date: September 2005

Title: Global Jihad, Sectarianism and The Madrassahs in Pakistan
Authors: Ali Riaz
Date: August 2005

Title: Great Powers and Southeast Asian Regional Security Strategies: Omni-Enmeshment, Balancing and Hierarchical Order
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: July 2005

Title: The State And Religious Institutions In Muslim Societies
Authors: Riaz Hassan
Date: June 2005

Title: On Being Religious: Patterns Of Religious Commitment In Muslim Societies
Authors: Riaz Hassan
Date: June 2005

Title: How Bargaining Alters Outcomes: Bilateral Trade Negotiations And Bargaining Strategies
Authors: Deborah Elms
Date: June 2005

Title: Civil-Military Relationship And Reform In The Defence Industry
Authors: Arthur S. Ding
Date: June 2005

Title: Towards Better Peace Processes: A Comparative Study Of Attempts To Broker Peace With MNLF And GAM
Authors: S.P. Harish
Date: May 2005

Title: The Security Of Regional Sea Lanes
Authors: Joshua Ho
Date: May 2005

Title: Multilateralism, Sovereignty And Normative Change In World Politics
Authors: Amitav Acharya
Date: May 2005

Title: Southeast Asian Maritime Security In The Age of Terror: Threats, Opportunity, And Charting The Course Forwards
Authors: John Bradford
Date: April 2005

Title: Deducing India's Grand Strategy Of Regional Hegemony From Historical And Conceptual Perspectives
Authors: Manjeet Singh Pardesi
Date: April 2005

Title: Maritime Terrorism In Southeast Asia: A Risk Assessment
Authors: Catherine Zara Raymond
Date: March 2005

Title: The Indonesian Military As A Professional Organization : Criteria And Ramifications For Reform
Authors: John Bradford
Date: January 2005

Title: Malaysia And The United States: Rejecting Dominance, Embracing Engagement
Authors: Helen E.S. Nesadurai
Date: December 2004

Title: "Constructing"; The Jemaah Islamiyah Terrorist: A Preliminary Inquiry
Authors: Kumar Ramakrishna
Date: October 2004

Title: China In The Mekong River Basin: The Regional Security Implications Of Resource Development On The Lancang Jiang
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: July 2004

Title: The Shifting Of Maritime Power And The Implications For Maritime Security In East Asia
Authors: Joshua Ho
Date: June 2004

Title: Examining The Defence Industrialization - Economic Growth Relationship:The Case Of Singapore
Authors: Adrian Kuah, Bernard Loo
Date: June 2004

Title: UAVs/UCAVs – Missions, Challenges, And Strategic Implications For Small And Medium Powers
Authors: Manjeet Singh Pardesi
Date: May 2004

Title: Technological Globalisation And Regional Security In East Asia
Authors: J.D. Kenneth Boutin
Date: May 2004

Title: Singapore's Reaction To Rising China: Deep Engagement And Strategic Adjustment
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: May 2004

Title: Outlook for Malaysia's 11th General Election
Authors: Joseph Liow
Date: March 2004

Title: Not Many Jobs Take A Whole Army: Special Operations Forces And The Revolution In Military Affairs
Authors: Malcolm Brailey
Date: March 2004

Title: Globalization And Non-Traditional Security Issues: A Study Of Human And Drug Trafficking In East Asia
Authors: Ralf Emmers
Date: March 2004

Title: Outlook On The Indonesian Parliamentary Election 2004
Authors: Irman G. Lanti
Date: February 2004

Title: Testing Alternative Responses To Power Preponderance: Buffering, Binding, Bonding And Beleaguering in the Real World
Authors: Chong Ja Ian
Date: January 2004

Title: Force Modernisation Trends In Southeast Asia
Authors: Andrew Tan
Date: January 2004

Title: Critical Mass: Weighing in on Force Transformation & Speed Kills Post-Operation Iraqi Freedom
Authors: Irvin Lim
Date: January 2004

Title: The Advent of a New Way of War: Theory and Practice of Effects Based Operations
Authors: Joshua Ho
Date: December 2003

Title: The Indo-Chinese Enlargement Of ASEAN: Implications For Regional Economic Integration
Authors: Helen E.S. Nesadurai
Date: November 2003

Title: Revisiting Responses To Power Preponderance: Going Beyond The Balancing-Bandwagoning Dichotomy
Authors: Chong Ja Ian
Date: November 2003

Title: Pre-Emption and Prevention: An Ethical and Legal Critique of the Bush Doctrine and Anticipatory Use of Force in Defense of the State
Authors: Malcolm Brailey
Date: November 2003

Title: Fireball on the Water: Naval Force Protection-Projection, Coast Guarding, Customs Border Security & Multilateral Cooperation in Rolling Back the Global Waves of Terror...from the Sea
Authors: Irvin Lim
Date: October 2003

Title: American Unilaterism, Foreign Economic Policy and the 'Securitisation' of Globalisation
Authors: Richard Higgott
Date: October 2003

Title: The Correlates of Nationalism In Beijing Public Opinion
Authors: Alastair Iain Johnston
Date: September 2003

Title: In Search of 'Suitable Positions' in the Asia Pacific: Negotiating the U.S. China Relationship and Regional Security
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: September 2003

Title: Sovereignty and the Politics of Identity in International Relations
Authors: Adrian Kuah
Date: August 2003

Title: Examining the Role of Foreign Assistance in Security Sector Reforms: The Indonesian Case
Authors: Eduardo Lachica
Date: April 2003

Title: The WTO in 2003: Structural Shifts, State-Of-Play and Prospects for the Doha Round
Authors: Razeen Sally
Date: March 2003

Title: The War On Terror And The Future Of Indonesian Democracy
Authors: Tatik S. Hafidz
Date: March 2003

Title: Seeking Security In The Dragon's Shadow: China and Southeast Asia In The Emerging Asian Order
Authors: Amitav Acharya
Date: March 2003

Title: Deconstructing Political Islam In Malaysia: UMNO'S Response To PAS' Religio-Political Dialectic
Authors: Joseph Liow
Date: March 2003

Title: Regionalisation of Peace in Asia: Experiences and Prospects of ASEAN, ARF and UN Partnership
Authors: Mely C. Anthony
Date: January 2003

Title: A UK Perspective On Defence Equipment Acquisition
Authors: David Kirkpatrick
Date: January 2003

Title: The Securitization of Transnational Crime in ASEAN
Authors: Ralf Emmers
Date: November 2002

Title: Report on IDSS Panel Dialogue on "The Future of Indonesia's Islam: The Quest for an Equilibrium"
Authors: Irman Lanti, Leonard Sebastian
Date: November 2002

Title: Liquidity Support And The Financial Crisis: The Indonesian Experience
Authors: J. Soedradjad Djiwandono
Date: November 2002

Title: The Political Economy of FDI Location: Why Don't Political Checks and Balances and Treaty Constraints Matter?
Authors: Andrew Walter
Date: October 2002

Title: Not Yet All Aboard... But Already All at Sea Over Container Security Initiative
Authors: Irvin Lim
Date: October 2002

Title: Indonesia and the Washington Consensus
Authors: Premjith Sadasivan
Date: October 2002

Title: Hegemonic Constraints: The Implications of September 11 for American Power
Authors: Evelyn Goh
Date: October 2002

Title: Financial Liberalization and Prudential Regulation in East Asia: Still Perverse?
Authors: Andrew Walter
Date: October 2002

Title: Islam and Society in Southeast Asia after September 11
Authors: Barry Desker
Date: September 2002

Title: 11 September and China: Opportunities, Challenges, and Warfighting
Authors: Nan Li
Date: September 2002

Title: Reconceptualizing the PLA Navy in Post--Mao China: Functions, Warfare, Arms, and Organization
Authors: Nan Li
Date: August 2002

Title: Attempting Developmental Regionalism Through AFTA: The Domestic Politics-Domestic Capital Nexus
Authors: Helen E. S. Nesadurai
Date: August 2002

Title: What Fear Hath Wrought: Missile Hysteria and the Writing of "America"
Authors: Tan See Seng
Date: July 2002

Title: International Responses to Terrorism: The Limits and Possibilities of Legal Control of Terrorism By Regional Arrangement with Particular Reference to Asean
Authors: Ong Yen Nee
Date: July 2002

Title: Great Power Politics in Contemporary East Asia: Negotiating Multipolarity or Hegemony?
Authors: Tan See Seng
Date: July 2002

Title: Understanding Financial Globalisation
Authors: Andrew Walter
Date: June 2002

Title: The Evolution of China's Maritime Combat Doctrines and Models: 1949-2001
Authors: You Ji
Date: May 2002

Title: The Concept of Security Before and After September 11
Authors: Amitav Acharya, Steve Smith
Date: May 2002

Title: Democratisation In South Korea And Taiwan: The Effect Of Social Division On Inter-Korean and Cross-Strait Relations
Authors: Chien-peng Chung
Date: May 2002

Title: Comprehensive Security: The South Asian Case
Authors: S. D. Muni
Date: January 2002