Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 06/2011

Discontent with the World Bank's Excursion into Economic Geography: Lions and Butterflies Once More?

Robert M. Buckley, Thomas D. Buckley

April 2010

The New School Graduate Program in International Affairs


The World Bank‗s 2009 Reshaping Economic Geography has had overwhelmingly negative reviews by geographers. Why are they so unhappy with the Bank"s excursion into economic geography? One answer is that they have some valid criticisms. Another explanation, one that we think is important, is that some of their criticisms are not valid. We think that this problem arises because of cross disciplinary problems, filled with ―venom and incomprehension. We attempt to put what we think are misunderstandings to the side to clarify the most effective criticisms. If this can be done, perhaps the Bank"s foray into economic geography could be more usefully engaged by geographers and others.