Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


The Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment seeks to be a leader on issues related to foreign direct investment (FDI) in the global economy, paying special attention to the sustainability dimension of this investment. The Center focuses on the analysis and teaching of the implications of FDI for public policy and international investment law. Its objectives are to analyze important topical policy-oriented issues related to FDI, develop and disseminate practical approaches and solutions, and provide students with a challenging learning environment.

Additional Materials from Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment: Working Papers

Policy Briefs

Title: The Challenges for Chinese FDI in Europe
Authors: Louis Brennan
Date: March 2015

Title: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, investor-state dispute settlement and China
Authors: Axel Berger, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen
Date: February 2015

Title: The Other Side of Transparency
Authors: Sophie Nappert
Date: February 2015

Title: Africa rising out of itself: The growth of intra-African FDI
Authors: Ralf Krüger, Ilan Strauss
Date: February 2015

Title: Host governments should not treat state-owned enterprises differently than other foreign investors
Authors: Steven Globerman
Date: January 2015

Title: Locating production and income within MNEs: An alternative approach based on formulary apportionment
Authors: Dylan G. Rassier
Date: December 2014

Title: Canada's non-reciprocal BIT with China: Would the US or Europe do the same?
Authors: Gus Van Harten
Date: December 2014

Title: The Road to Responsible investment Treaties
Authors: Roel Nieuwenkamp Kimmo Sinivuori
Date: November 2014

Title: Outcome Report of Roundtable on Governing Natural Resources
Date: November 2014

Title: In Defense of Bilateral Investment Treaties
Authors: Stephen M. Schwebel
Date: November 2014

Title: The Crucial Role of Infrastructure in Attracting FDI
Authors: Julian Donaubauer, Birgit Meyer, Peter Nunnenkamp
Date: October 2014

Title: Germany, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and investment-dispute settlement: Observations on a paradox
Authors: Ralph Alexander Lorz
Date: October 2014

Title: The Canada-China BIT 2012: Perspectives and Implications
Authors: Armand de Mestral
Date: September 2014

Title: How to deal with the growing incentives competition
Authors: Kenneth P. Thomas
Date: September 2014

Title: Good Governance of Third Party Funding
Authors: Catherine Kessedjian
Date: September 2014

Title: ICSID, public opinion and the effect of (hypothetical) elite messaging
Authors: Alexandra Guisinger, Alisha Anderson
Date: August 2014

Title: Withdrawing incentives to attract FDI: Can host countries put the genie back in the bottle?
Authors: Anna De Luca
Date: July 2014

Title: The Transparency Rules and Transparency Convention: A good start and model for broader reform in investor-state arbitration
Authors: Lise Johnson
Date: July 2014

Title: The rise of FDI income, and what it means for the balance of payments of developing countries
Authors: Miguel Pérez Ludeña
Date: June 2014

Title: Perspectives on topical foreign direct investment issues
Authors: James Nicholson, John Gaffney
Date: June 2014

Title: How to enhance labor provisions in IIAs
Authors: Rafael Tamayo-Álvarez, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Juan David Rodriguez-Rios
Date: June 2014

Title: Cost allocation in investment arbitration: Forward toward incentivization
Authors: James Nicholson, John Gaffney
Date: June 2014

Title: Which host country government actors are most involved in disputes with foreign investors?
Authors: Jeremy Caddel, Nathan M. Jensen.
Date: May 2014

Title: The rise of FDI income, and what it means for the balance of payments of developing countries
Authors: Miguel Pérez Ludeña
Date: May 2014

Title: China needs to complement its "going-out" policy with a "going-in" strategy
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Victor Z. Chen
Date: May 2014

Title: China needs to complement its "going-out" policy with a "going-in" strategy
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Victor Z. Chen
Date: May 2014

Title: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A critical perspective
Authors: Rainer Geiger
Date: April 2014

Title: Perspectives on topical foreign direct investment issues
Authors: Rainer Geiger
Date: April 2014

Title: Which host country government actors are most involved in disputes with foreign investors?
Authors: Jeremy Caddel, Nathan M. Jensen
Date: March 2014

Title: The case for a framework agreement on investment
Authors: Gary Hufbauer, Sherry Stephenson
Date: March 2014

Title: Regional concentration of FDI involves trade-offs in post-reform India
Authors: Peter Nunnenkamp, Wan-Hsin Liu, Frank Bickenbach
Date: March 2014

Title: Multilateral investment disciplines: Don't forget the GATS
Authors: Rudolf Adlung
Date: March 2014

Title: The "spaghetti bowl" of IIAs: The end of history?
Authors: Joachim Karl
Date: February 2014

Title: Government-held equity in foreign investment projects: Good for host countries?
Authors: Louis T. Wells
Date: February 2014

Title: The China-United States BIT negotiations: A Chinese perspective
Authors: Sheng Zhang
Date: January 2014

Title: Recalibrating interpretive authority
Authors: Anthea Roberts
Date: January 2014

Title: Minority rules: State ownership and foreign direct investment risk mitigation strategy
Authors: Barclay E. James, Paul M. Vaaler.
Date: December 2013

Title: Beware the discretionary choices of arbitrators
Authors: Barclay E. James, Paul M. Vaaler
Date: December 2013

Title: Lessons from South Africa's BITs review
Authors: Xavier Carim
Date: November 2013

Title: Go out and manufacture: Policy support for Chinese FDI in Africa
Authors: Nikia Clarke
Date: November 2013

Title: Achieving sustainable development objectives in international investment: Could future IIAs impose sustainable development-related obligations on investors?
Authors: John Gaffney, Janani Sarvanantham
Date: November 2013

Title: Three challenges for China's outward FDI policy
Authors: Karl P. . Sauvant
Date: October 2013

Title: Toward a multilateral framework for investment
Authors: Nicolle Graugnard
Date: September 2013

Title: Downstream processing in developing countries: Opportunity or mirage?
Authors: Nicolle Graugnard
Date: September 2013

Title: Are trade-law inspired investment rules desirable?
Authors: Marino Baldi
Date: September 2013

Title: The need for an international investment consensus-building process
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Federico Ortino.
Date: August 2013

Title: The futile debate over a multilateral framework for investment
Authors: Axel Berger
Date: August 2013

Title: The global significance of transatlantic investment rules
Authors: Jonathan S. Kallmer
Date: July 2013

Title: Cost allocation in investment arbitration: Back toward diversification
Authors: Baiju S. Vasani, Anastasiya Ugale
Date: July 2013

Title: Myopic reliance on natural resources: How African countries can diversify inward FDI
Authors: Abdoul’ Ganiou . Mijiyawa
Date: June 2013

Title: How do consumer-focused multinational enterprises affect emerging markets?
Authors: Terutomo Ozawa
Date: May 2013

Title: Common structures of investment law in an age of increasingly complex treaty-making
Authors: Stephan Schill, Marc Jacob
Date: May 2013

Title: How the private sector is changing Chinese investment in Africa
Authors: Xiaofang Shen
Date: April 2013

Title: The Arab Awakening, act II: Time to move more boldly on investment
Authors: Anthony O’Sullivan, Alexander Böhmer
Date: March 2013

Title: A business perspective on a China - US bilateral investment treaty
Authors: Shaun E. Donnelly
Date: March 2013

Title: The compensatory nature of moral damages in investor-state arbitration
Authors: Jarrod Wong
Date: February 2013

Title: Investor-state dispute settlement: A government's dilemma
Authors: Joachim Karl
Date: February 2013

Title: Trying to change the rules for responding to arbitration unilaterally: The proposed new framework for investor-state dispute settlement for the EU
Authors: Ralph Alexander Lorz
Date: January 2013

Title: EU investment agreements and the search for a new balance: A paradigm shift from laissez-faireliberalism toward embedded liberalism?
Authors: Catharine Titi
Date: January 2013

Title: Inward foreign direct investment: Does it enable or constrain domestic technology entrepreneurship?
Authors: Saurav Pathak, André Laplume, Emanuel Xavier-Oliveira
Date: December 2012

Title: A China – US bilateral investment treaty: A template for a multilateral framework for investment?
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Huiping Chen
Date: December 2012

Title: Evaluate Sustainable FDI to Promote Sustainable Development
Authors: John M. Kline
Date: November 2012

Title: State-controlled entities as "investors" under international investment agreements
Authors: Jo En Low
Date: October 2012

Title: Is China's outward investment in oil a global security concern?
Authors: Ilan Alon, Aleh Cherp.
Date: October 2012

Title: Reconciling IMF rules and international investment agreements: An innovative derogation for capital controls
Authors: Elizabeth L. Broomfield
Date: September 2012

Title: Absent from the discussion: The other half of investment promotion
Authors: Lise Johnson
Date: September 2012

Title: A new economic nationalism? Lessons from the PotashCorp decision in Canada
Authors: Sandy Walker
Date: August 2012

Title: A good business reason to support mandatory transparency in extractive industries
Authors: Perrine Toledano, Julien Topal
Date: August 2012

Title: Starting anew in international investment law
Authors: M Sornarajah
Date: July 2012

Title: Attracting FDI through BITs and RTAs: Does treaty content matter?
Authors: Axel Berger, Matthias Busse, Peter Nunnenkamp, Martin Roy
Date: July 2012

Title: Roll out the red carpet and they will come: Investment promotion and FDI inflows
Authors: Torfinn Harding, Beata Javorcik
Date: June 2012

Title: Much ado about nothing? State-controlled entities and the change in German investment law
Authors: Thomas Jost
Date: June 2012

Title: Law at two speeds: Legal frameworks regulating foreign investment in the global South
Authors: Lorenzo Cotula
Date: June 2012

Title: The Arab Spring: How soon will foreign investors return?
Authors: Paul Antony Barbour, Persephone Economou, Nathan M. Jensen, Daniel Villar
Date: May 2012

Title: FDI, catch-up growth stages and stage-focused strategies
Authors: Terutomo Ozawa
Date: May 2012

Title: Economic patriotism: Dealing with Chinese direct investment in the United States
Authors: Sophie Meunier
Date: May 2012

Title: The standing of state-controlled entities under the ICSID Convention: Two key considerations
Authors: Mark Feldman
Date: April 2012

Title: State-controlled entities control nearly US$ 2 trillion in foreign assets
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Jonathan Strauss
Date: April 2012

Title: The unbalanced dragon: China's uneven provincial and regional FDI performance
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Chen Zhao, Xiaoying Huo
Date: March 2012

Title: Is Chinese FDI pushing Latin America into natural resources?
Authors: Miguel Pérez Ludeña
Date: March 2012

Title: The (lack of) women arbitrators in investment treaty arbitration
Authors: Gus Van Harten
Date: February 2012

Title: National companies or foreign affiliates: Whose contribution to growth is greater?
Authors: Alice H. Amsden
Date: February 2012

Title: Different investment treaties, different effects
Authors: Clint Peinhardt, Todd Allee
Date: February 2012

Title: Towards the successful implementation of the updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Authors: Tadahiro Asami
Date: January 2012

Title: The public law challenge: Killing or rethinking international investment law?
Authors: Stephan W. Schill
Date: January 2012

Title: Nation states and nationality of MNEs
Authors: Seev Hirsch
Date: January 2012

Title: FDI stocks are a biased measure of MNE affiliate activity: A response
Authors: Mira Wilkins
Date: January 2012

Title: Knowledge, FDI and catching-up strategies
Authors: Francisco . Sercovich
Date: December 2011

Title: Investment incentives and the global competition for capital
Authors: Kenneth P. Thomas
Date: December 2011

Title: FDI in retailing and inflation: The case of India
Authors: Nandita Dasgupta
Date: December 2011

Title: Responsible business conduct: Re-shaping global business
Authors: John Evans
Date: November 2011

Title: Greek FDI in the Balkans: How is it affected by the crisis in Greece?
Authors: Persephone Economou, Margo Thomas
Date: November 2011

Title: The new Dutch sandwich: The issue of treaty abuse
Authors: George Kahale, III
Date: October 2011

Title: Chinese FDI in the United States is taking off: How to maximize its benefits?
Authors: Thilo Hanemann, Daniel H. Rosen
Date: October 2011

Title: Shaping global business conduct: The 2011 update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Authors: Manfred Schekulin
Date: September 2011

Title: Beyond treasuries: A foreign direct investment program for U.S. infrastructure
Authors: Geraldine McAllister, Joel H. Moser
Date: September 2011

Title: The world economic crisis as a changed circumstance
Authors: Hermann Ferré, Kabir Duggal.
Date: August 2011

Title: FDI stocks are a biased measure of foreign affiliate activity
Authors: Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Jean-François Hennart, Arjen Slangen, Roger Smeets
Date: August 2011

Title: Environmental concerns in international investment agreements: The "new era" has commenced, but harmonization remains far off
Authors: Kathryn Gordon, Joachim Pohl
Date: August 2011

Title: From the FDI Triad to multiple FDI poles?
Authors: Persephone Economou, Karl P. Sauvant
Date: July 2011

Title: Emerging challengers in knowledge-based industries? The case of Indian pharmaceutical multinationals
Authors: Gert Bruche
Date: July 2011

Title: Why and how least developed countries can receive more FDI to meet their development goals
Authors: Ken Davies
Date: June 2011

Title: The role of multinationals in sparking industrialization: From "infant industry protection" to "FDI-led industrial take-off"
Authors: Terutomo Ozawa
Date: June 2011

Title: The times they are a-changin' -- again -- in the relationships between governments and multinational enterprises: From control, to liberalization to rebalancing
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant
Date: May 2011

Title: The coming harmonization of climate change policy and international investment law
Authors: Daniel M. Firger
Date: May 2011

Title: Responsible agricultural investment: is there a significant role for the law to promote sustainability?
Authors: Nicolás Marcelo Perrone
Date: May 2011

Title: Is the party-appointed arbitrator a "pernicious institution"? A reply to Professor Hans Smit
Authors: Giorgio Sacerdoti
Date: April 2011

Title: Are resurging state-owned enterprises impeding competition overseas?
Authors: Nilgün Gökgür
Date: April 2011

Title: The backstory of China and India's growing investment and trade with Africa: Separating the wheat from the chaff
Authors: Harry G. Broadman
Date: February 2011

Title: The pernicious institution of the party-appointed arbitrator
Authors: Hans Smit
Date: December 2010

Title: State-controlled entities as claimants in international investment arbitration: an early assessment
Authors: Michael D. Nolan, Frédéric G. Sourgens
Date: December 2010

Title: How much do U.S. corporations know (and care) about bilateral investment treaties? Some hints from new survey evidence
Authors: Jason Webb Yackee
Date: November 2010

Title: What will an appreciation of China's currency do to inward and outward FDI?
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant, Ken Davies
Date: October 2010

Title: Mining for facts: PacRim Cayman LLC v. El Salvador
Authors: Alexandre de Gramont
Date: September 2010

Title: Will China relocate its labor-intensive factories to Africa, flying-geese style?
Authors: Terutomo Ozawa, Christian Bellak
Date: August 2010

Title: Political risk insurance and bilateral investment treaties: a view from below
Authors: Lauge Skovgaard Poulsen
Date: August 2010

Title: The response to the global crisis and investment protection: evidence
Authors: Kathryn Gordon, Joachim Pohl
Date: June 2010

Title: Foreign direct investment and U.S. national security: CFIUS under the Obama Administration
Authors: Mark E. Plotkin, David N. Fagan
Date: June 2010

Title: FDI incentives pay—politically
Authors: Nathan M. Jensen, Edmund J. Malesky
Date: June 2010

Title: Thinking twice about a gold rush: Pacific Rim v El Salvador
Authors: Gus Van Harten
Date: May 2010

Title: How BRIC MNEs deal with international political risk
Authors: Premila Nazareth Satyanand
Date: May 2010

Title: It's time for an EU Investment Promotion Agency
Authors: José Guimón
Date: March 2010

Title: Is a model EU BIT possible—or even desirable?
Authors: Armand de Mestral
Date: March 2010

Title: U.S. BITs and financial stability
Authors: Kevin P. Gallagher
Date: February 2010

Title: President Obama's International Tax Proposals Could Go Further
Authors: Reuven S . Avi-Yonah
Date: February 2010

Title: International investment law and media disputes: a complement to WTO law
Authors: Luke Eric Peterson
Date: January 2010

Title: The global economic crisis and FDI flows to emerging markets: for the first time ever, emerging markets are this year set to attract more than half of global FDI flows
Authors: Laza Kekic
Date: October 2009

Title: Sovereign wealth funds: much ado about some money
Authors: Charles Kovacs
Date: October 2009

Title: Can the U.S. Remain an Attractive Host for FDI in the Auto Industry? New Labor Policy and Flexible Production
Authors: Terutomo Ozawa
Date: October 2009

Title: The growth of Brazil's direct investment abroad and the challenges it faces
Authors: Luís Afonso Lima, Octavio de Barros
Date: August 2009

Title: Outward investment by Trans-Latin enterprises: reasons for optimism
Authors: Michael Mortimore, Carlos Razo
Date: August 2009

Title: Outward investment by Trans-Latin enterprises: reasons for optimism
Authors: Michael Mortimore, Carlos Razo
Date: August 2009

Title: Indian FDI falls in global economic crisis: Indian multinationals tread cautiously
Authors: Jaya Prakash Pradhan
Date: August 2009

Title: National Security with a Canadian Twist: The Investment Canada Act and the New National Security Review Test
Authors: Subrata Bhattacharjee
Date: July 2009

Title: Are SWFs Welcome Now?
Authors: Veljko Fotak, William Megginson
Date: July 2009

Title: Land grab or development opportunity? International farmland deals in Africa
Authors: Lorenzo Cotula
Date: June 2009

Title: International Investment Arbitration: Winning, Losing and Why
Authors: Susan D. Franck
Date: June 2009

Title: Improving infrastructure or lowering taxes to attract foreign direct investment?
Authors: Christian Bellak, Markus Leibrecht
Date: June 2009

Title: While global FDI falls, China's outward FDI doubles
Authors: Ken Davies
Date: May 2009

Title: A new geography of innovation – China and India rising
Authors: Gert Bruche
Date: April 2009

Title: The global financial crisis: will state emergency measures trigger international investment disputes?
Date: March 2009

Title: The revised national security review process for FDI in the US
Authors: Mark E. Plotkin, David N. Fagan
Date: January 2009

Title: The FDI recession has begun
Authors: Karl P. Sauvant
Date: November 2008