Social Sciences
Vol. 30, No. 4/December 1999
275th Jubilee of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Yu. Osipov
Conservative Geopolitics and Progressive Globalistics by L. Ionin
Russia In Transition
Russia in the 21st Century: Prosperity or Stagnation? by V. Kudryavtsev
Modern Problems of Fighting Crime in Russia
by Vladimir Kudryavtsev
Russia's Economy and the Crisis of Mutual Expectations by G. Kleiner
National Conflictology: About the Issue of Formation and Development by E. Stepanov
American Economic Aid to Russia: Main Problems and Trends by R. Zimenkov, V. Kurierov
Assets and Resources of Public Opinion by Yu. Levada
Psychology in the Future of Cognition of the World by A. Krylov
Revenge and Rewards by I. Mardov
Quantitative History in the Coordinates of Modernism by L. Borodkin
Dynamics of the Social Structure and Transformation of Social Consciousness
School of the Future by M. Rolik, V. Bondar
Book Reviews
James W. McAllister. Beauty and Revolution in Science A Dictionary of Darwinism and Evolution
S. E. Schnol. Heroes and Scoundrels of Russian Science
A. Rutkevich. Psychoanalysis: Origins and the First Stages of Development
Caroline Sutton. Swedish Alcohol Discourse
V. Zateyev, I. Ossinsky. Students of the 1990s
A Mozgovaya. Technological Risk and Ecological Component of the Populationšs Life Quality
Academic Life
275th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Science on the Threshold of the 21st Century
Contents of the Leading Russian Social Science Journals
Social Sciences, 1999, Issues 1-4