Strategic Analysis:
A Monthly Journal of the IDSA
March 1999 (Vol. XXII No. 12)
Strategic Framework for Defence Planners: Air Power in the 21st Century
, by Jasjit Singh
Sino-Indian Diplomatic Negotiations: A Preliminary Assessment
, by Sujit Dutta
Defence Industry Conversion in China, by Deba R. Mohanty
Open Sources Analysis:Chinese Thinking on Nuclear War And Information Operation
, by G.D. Bakshi
Chinas Energy Policy for the 21st Century
, by Swaran Singh
North Korea and Missile Trade
, by Rajiv Nayan
Regional Economic Integration and Politics: The Case of SAPTA, by Padmaja Murthy
IndiaBangladesh Transportation Links: A Move for Closer Cooperation
, by Sangeeta Thapliyal
Indian Nuclear Strategy: A Perspective for 2020
, by P.M. Kamath
The Rumsfeld Commission Report and US Missile Threat Perception
, by Kalpana Chittaranjan