Strategic Analysis:
A Monthly Journal of the IDSA
January 1999 (Vol. XXII No. 10)
Nuclear Weapons and No First Use: Need for Strategic Restraint
, by C. Uday Bhaskar
From Technology Demonstration to Assured Retaliation: The Making of an Indian Nuclear Doctrine
, by Manoj Joshi
The Status of the Nuclear World at the Close of the Century
, by Manpreet Sethi
Achieving Synergies in Defence
, by Vinod Anand
Trends in the Delimitation of Indias Maritime Boundaries
, by Rahul Roy-Chaudhury
Neorealist Theory and the IndiaPakistan Conflict*II
, by Rajesh Rajagopalan
Pakistan and SAARC
, by Padmaja Murthy
Regional Security Issues in Central/South Asia and Potential for Cooperation
, by P. Stobdan
Russian Policy Towards Central AsiaI
, by Jyotsna Bakshi
India and the ARF:The Post-Pokhran II Phase
, by Udai Bhanu Singh
Nepal-Bhutan Bilateral Talks and Repatriation of Bhutanese Refugees
, by Smruti S. Pattanaik