CIAO DATE: 10/00
Strategic Analysis:
A Monthly Journal of the IDSA
April 2000 (Vol. XXIV No. 1)
Revolution in Military Affairs - An Appraisal
, by Kapil Kak
The Dragon Flying High? Examining China's Aerospace Industy: The Deng Era
, by Deba R Mohanty
Sino-south Asian Ties: Problems & Prospects
, by Swaran Singh
NPT Reviews Conference 2000: What lies in Store?
, by Manpreet Sethi
Ballistic Missile Defences: The Debate in the United States
, by Tara Kartha
A Failure Revisited: Closer Look at the Jan 2000 NMD Test
, by Dean Mathew
The Israeli Palestinian Track: Recent Developments
, by Farah Naaz
Defining Terrorism
, by Kshitij Prabha
Instability Parameters in Northeastern India
, by Dinesh Kotwal
Coping with Small Arms Threat in South Africa
, by Ruchita Beri
Information Technology - Advantage India
, by Akshay Joshi