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May/June 2003
The Rise of Ethics in Foreign Policy: Reaching a Values Consensus by Leslie H. Gelb and Justine A. Rosenthal
Once marginal, morality has now become a major force in foreign policy. For all the problems this development raises, the United States and the world are better off.
America Slams the Door (On Its Foot): Washington’s Destructive New Visa Policies by John N. Paden and Peter W. Singer
Harsh new restrictions on Muslim visitors have told potential friends that the United States no longer wants them. Goodwill is being squandered; Americans will pay.
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Why the Security Council Failed by Michael J. Glennon
One thing the current Iraq crisis has made clear is that a grand experiment of the twentieth century--the attempt to impose binding international law on the use of force--has failed. As Washington showed, nations need consider not whether armed intervention abroad is legal, merely whether it is preferable to the alternatives. The structure and rules of the UN Security Council really reflected the hopes of its founders rather than the realities of the way states work. And these hopes were no match for American hyperpower.
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How to Build a Democratic Iraq by Adeed Dawisha and Karen Dawisha
What follows the war in Iraq will be at least as important as the war itself. Nurturing democracy there after Saddam won’t be easy. But it may not be impossible either. Iraq has several assets doing for it, including an educated middle class and a history of political pluralism under an earlier monarchy.
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A Trusteeship for Palestine? by Martin Indyk
The Bush administration’s plan for Middle East peace is a road map to nowhere. A more ambitious approach will be necessary to parlay the bounce from a successful Iraq war into serious Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. The time has come to consider the notion of a trusteeship for Palestine.
The Forgotten Relationship by Jorge G. Casteneda
The September 11 attacks led the United States to replace its previous engaged and enlightened approach to Latin American relations with a total focus on security matters. This pullback has undermined recent regional progress on economic reform and democratization. To meet the pressing challenges ahead, Latin America needs the United States to be a committed partner.
Milosevic in The Hague by Gary J. Bass
Yugoslavia’s former tyrant now sits in the dock facing charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. Serving as his own counsel, Slobodan Milosevic rages against NATO conspiracies and victor’s justice. But these courtroom antics cannot detract from the trial’s great achievements: revealing the truth about Milosevic’s role in the Balkan wars and removing him from Serbian politics once and for all.
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Is Turkey Ready for Europe? by Michael S. Teitelbaum and Philip L. Martin
Brussels has delayed a decision on whether to admit Turkey to the EU. This caution is wise: it may aggravate the Turks, but no one really knows what consequences accession would bring, and Turkey has yet to achieve Europe’s economic standards. History suggests that open borders would bring a flood of Turks northward looking for better jobs--a negative development for all the countries involved.
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Untangling India and Pakistan by K. Shankar Bajpai
India and Pakistan remain caught in a dangerous deadlock over Kashmir. Pakistan-backed terrorists continue daily provocations against India, and an increasingly frustrated Indian government feels that it has no recourse short of full-scale war. The only way out is for both sides to accept that their current strategies are not working and to start talking. And only the United States can help them do that.
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Reviews & Responses
Putting Liberty First: The Case Against Democracy by John B. Judis
In his provocative new book, Fareed Zakaria argues that without liberty, democracy can lead to trouble--both abroad and at home.
Free Trade Optimism: Lessons From the Battle in Seattle by Dani Rodrik
A new memoir from Mike Moore, the former director-general of the World Trade Organization, sheds light on the institution and ponders globalization’s challenges.
Democracy Promotion by Paula J. Dobriansky and Thomas Carothers
The undersecretary of state for global affairs defends the administration’s pro-democracy policies; Thomas Carothers responds.
Just and Unjust Words by Matthew Evangelista
You Be the Judge by John Ragosta, Navin Joneja, and Mikhail Zeldovich
The Cure Is Worse . . . by Adam M. Smith
Live or Learn by Allen McDuffee
Why the French Fuss by Paul Kellogg