CIAO DATE: 04/2012
Türkiye'nin İran Politikası 2010 (PDF)
Kemal İnat
Turkey’s Iran Policy 2010
Turkey’s relations with its Eastern neighbor Iran have constituted a larger portion in Ankara’s foreign policy agenda, comparing to recent years. Turkey’s increasing efforts in helping to resolve Iran’s nuclear problems by peaceful means have caused enormous effects in Ankara’s relations with Western countries. Against the opposition by the USA and other Western states Turkey has tried, by mediating, to avoid the problem to turn into conflict. Turkey’s foreign policy objectives such as ‘zero problems with neighbors’ and ‘resolving conflicts by increasing interdependency’, were also in place in its policies vis-à-vis Iran. In addition to that, Ankara has put particular emphasis on increasing economic ties with Iran in 2010.
Irak 2010 (PDF)
Mesut Özcan
Iraq 2010
This article examines the political, economic and social developments in Iraq in 2010 and the implications of these developments for the region. The most important development in Iraq in 2010 was the delayed parliamentary elections. Formation of the government after the elections took months and this fact increased the fears about the future of Iraq. Neighboring countries used several mechanisms to affect the political process in Iraq. The number of terrorist activities before and after the elections was on the rise during the year. Although political instabilities affected the future of the country, investments in areas other than oil sector increased in comparison with the previous years. A national consensus government formed at the end of the year and Iraqi people began 2011 with new hopes for their country.
Iran 2010 (PDF)
Cenap Çakmak
Iran 2010
The events in 2010 have confirmed that there are certain barriers before Iran to become a regional power and attain some of its foreign policy ambitions. Above all, Iran which has shown determination to preserve its nuclear program failed to fulfill some of its goals despite its carefully crafted policies. Despite some moves it took, Iran was unable to convince its opponents. As a consequence, it had to face concrete sanctions. The 2010 events also gave some hints that its domestic dynamics are equally important for its survival and attainment of its goals. The growing disgruntlement against the regime, the demands for change and pledges for further freedom cannot be repressed by reliance on violent measures. A growing number of people and groups ask for expansion of the sphere of freedoms and resist the threat and repression of the regime. The US considers the transformative impact of these domestic dynamics; and for this reason, for the time being, it keeps military measures out of the table.
Filistin 2010 (PDF)
Ali Balcı
Palestine 2010
This study attempts to analyze political developments in the context of the Palestinian Question during the year 2010. It mainly focuses on two topics. The first one is the peace talks between Palestinian Authority and Israeli government under the auspices of the United States and the second is the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. While the Israeli and Palestinian sides came together in the context of the aproximity talks during the first part of the year, and the USA forced the sides to start direct talks.
Lübnan 2010 (PDF)
Filiz Cicioğlu
Lebanon 2010
Lebanon, one of the most problematic countries in the Middle East for many years, has spent the year 2010 as more active foreign policy compared the previous years. After the parliamentary elections in 2009 and the establishment of the government, domestic political stability has been somewhat secured. The most important subject of the domestic agenda was the expectation of the decision of Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Although the decision was not made in 2010, this issue was one of the most debated issues among both groups within the country and their supporters abroad. The new government headed by Saad Hariri who tried to follow an active foreign policy has continued its efforts to establish close relations with regional countries. In this context the relations between Turkey and Lebanon is important. In 2010 besides Turkey, Iran emerged as an important partner. Another important development in foreign policy was warming relations with Syria. In addition to this, the visit of President Bashar al-Assad and Saudi King Abdullah was a significant foreign policy development in 2010. Turkey, Syria and Jordan, Lebanon initiated an integration process. In Israeli border, a conflict has occurred in 2010, but the event has been stopped before getting greater. Keywords:
İsrail 2010 (PDF)
Veysel Kurt
Israel 2010
Significant developments took place in Israel’s domestic and foreign affairs in 2010. Internal affairs were in down turn because of the coalition government which includes extreme religious parties that cause the inconsistency. Main reasons of the down turn were the deep disagreements that political parties have about peace talks with Palestinians, issue of the Jewish settlements, and relations with Turkey. Besides, a party leader was involved in a bribery and corruption scandal. Main headlines in foreign affairs were peace talks with Palestinians and relations with Turkey. Peace talks which began directly in September were break down because of the continuing Jewish settlements. This development also caused to deteriorate the relationships with USA. Two events that caused a big cleavage in the relationship with Turkey were “Lower chair crisis” and Israel’s attack to Gaza Aid Flotilla. In this attack 9 Turkish citizens were killed by Israeli soldiers and since then Israel-Turkey relationship has deteriorated. Turkey protested Israel, recalled its ambassador and rescinded military maneuvers. Although all of these tighten relationships, Turkey did not veto Israel’s membership application to OECD; and also Turkey sent two fire fighting aircrafts to help Israel against heavy forest fire. But these developments did not help to upturn the mutual relationship. Because of the dramatic decline in relations with Turkey, Israel tried to focus on the relations with other countries to replace Turkey with alternatives.
Suudi Arabistan 2010 (PDF)
Muhittin Ataman, Nuh Uçgan
Saudi Arabia 2010
This study tries to analyze domestic and foreign policy developments in Saudi Arabia during the year 2010. The most important agenda of the Saudi domestic policy was the expectation of reforms. In particular, some steps were taken regarding women participation into public, economic and political life. The codification of law and legislation, required for institutionalization of the state, continued. In 2010, Saudi economy was still dependent on the price of strategic natural resources (oil and natural gas) and Hajj revenue. However, the government tries to diversify the economic structure of the state. In foreign policy, the Saudi government tries to play an active role in regional issues such as Yemen, Palestine and Iraq. It took some further steps to diversify its foreign relations. While it continued its positive relations with the United States, the Kingdom tried to develop its relations with Eastern powers such as China.
Mısır 2010 (PDF)
İsmail Numan Telci
Egypt 2010
In Egypt, 2010 has been largely dominated by the internal political developments. The ruling National Democratic Party has strengthened its existing position by first winning quite a large number of seats in Shura Council election and second, almost fully eliminating opposition parties in the parliamentary elections in December. The results has led many to think that the degree of the pressure on opposition would escalate following the elections. The NDP members and security forces have prevented opposition to conduct their election campaigns in many cities. Although rumours regarding corruption and unlawfullness during the election has been reported by national and international election observers, those reports were not taken into consideration by the Higher Election Committee. Members of opposition groups have organized demonstrations not only for exhibiting their discomfort because of the corruption during the election, but also cursing the attitude of police in the torture-killing case of Khaled Said. On the other hand, some cities witnessed clashes between Christian minority and some Muslims and local security forces were not able to prevent those conflicts. The intensity of clashes indicated the rising pressure on Christians in the country. Sinai Bedouins were also subjected to maltreatment by the Egyptian security forces. Mubarak administration have sent envoys to the region in order to establish a sustainable ‘peace’ with those Bedouin groups. The hardest challenge for Egypt in 2010 came from the southern neighbours. The Nile Basin Initiative countries have signed an agreement which threatened Egypt’s rights on Nile water. Cairo in response announced that the Nile waters are a “national security issue” for Egypt and any claim by other parties are not acceptable. Keywords:
Suriye 2010 (PDF)
Mustafa Yetim
Syria 2010
Many important developments occurred during 2010 in Syria has effected Damascus’ foreign and domestic policy. In this year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev paid a three-day visit to Syria, USA President Barack Hussein Obama appointed experienced diplomat Robert Ford as a new ambassador with the aim of repairing relations with Syria. During this period, the meetings between Syria and Israeli which Turkey has mediated have lost its credibility and concerns related to regional peace and stability has intensified. Therefore, USA and France have strived for revival of the talks. However, Syria has always emphasized that Turkey would be only actor to play a mediator role on conflicts between itself and Israel. Yet, since relations between Turkey and Syria have deteriorated after Flotilla Crisis, it is hardly possible for Turkey to play such a role. Still, Turkey has often stressed its desire to resume its mediation role between Syria and Israeli. On the other hand, Israeli oppose Turkey’s possible role on this conflict, assuming that Turkey has lost its “credibility” and “neutrality” in recent times. In this period, Syrian President Bashar Assad has shown great effort to break international isolation on Assad regime. In his search for greater international recognition, Assad paid a ten-day visit to Latin American Countries including respectively Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, and Argentine to boost economic and political cooperation between Damascus and these countries. Moreover, Syrian regime has carried out significance reforms to open its economy to foreign investment, thus aiming to improve its relations with EU countries. Assad government has also tried to play constructive role in Middle East by improving its relations with Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. During this period, it is also obvious that Syria no longer shares the policies of Iran on regional problems such as Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.
Ürdün 2010 (PDF)
Zafer Akbaş
Jordan 2010
Jordan is one of the few Middle Eastern countries that established friendly relations with the western world, including the United States. Its peace agreement with Israel faces opposition from neighboring states as well as internal actors. External aid accounts a big percentage of country’s economy. Internally the most important problems are integration of refugees and demands by the opposition groups. The parliamentary election and economic reforms were the developments that set the political agenda in 2010.
Yemen 2010 (PDF)
M. Ali Akyurt
Yemen 2010
The agenda in Yemen in 2010 has been mainly dominated by the
events of the past years. Clashes that have been continuing since
2004 between separatist Husis and the Sana government since 2004,
has intensified in 2010. In addition to that clashes between Southern
Yemeni separatist movement and the central government have
continued, particularly in the second half of 2010. Another important
development for Yemen was the unification of Al-Qaida's Saudi and
Yemeni branches, establishing the new organization named Al-Qaida
of Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). AQAP have conducted various attacks on
Yemeni targets during 2010. 2010 have also witnessed the closure of
embassies of quite a large number of countries.
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri 2010 (PDF)
Cengiz Dinç
United Arab Emirates 2010
United Arab Emirates, although rich in fossil fuels, tries to diversify its economy by prioritizing trade, tourism and logistics as leading sectors. In 2010, the Emirates was busy in mending the damages of 2009 Dubai economic crisis. In terms of security, the Emirates, like other GCC members, is under Western security umbrella which is currently poised against the biggest perceived threat, Iran. UAE is very active in helping the U.S. in its war on terror and also in providing developmental aid to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine.
Kuveyt 2010 (PDF)
Bilal Yıldırım
Kuwait 2010
This article approaches the developments appeared in Kuwait’s foreign policy of 2010, and do this separating it into two categories, within the region and outside the region. Therefore, utilizing the news about bilateral relations especially published by official news agencies and unofficial media, the acts and discourses that reflect on the foreign policy attitude of Kuwait are revealed, and the domestic and structural facts that have deep impact on the making of foreign policy are brought to light.
Umman 2010 (PDF)
Rıdvan Kalaycı
Oman 2010
There is scarcely any opposition to Sultan Qaboos bin Said in Oman which has provided internal balance and with the influence of underpopulation enabled social peace within the country. Said, who has contributed a lot to the development of the country, is a beloved leader among the public. The year 2010 is significant for Said who came to power in 1970 since it is the 40th anniversary of being king of Oman. Therefore, that year many festivals and various celebrations took place. The excitement of 40th anniversary festivals among people doubled when the 2nd Asian Beach Games were held in Muscat. On the other hand, Muscat governance that tried to realize sustainable economic growth by means of creating economic variety, in other words, that tried to actualize the policies reducing dependence to petroleum and natural gas, also set ‘fight against inflation’ within their primary aims. Besides, Muscat governance was attentive to carry out balance policy Sultan Qaboos has been implementing for years and as a result of this policy, took an active role in releasing US citizen Sarah Shourd, who was captured by Iran.
Katar 2010 (PDF)
Ensar Muslu
Qatar 2010
Qatar, with its economic power to enhance its diplomatic activities in various ways, aided many countries and communities, predominantly those in Africa in 2010, initiated various mediation activities and hosted cultural organizations. Qatar, which has hosted various sport activities, became entitled to host a significant sport organization. Al Jazeera satellite channel is the most significant tool of the soft power of Qatar. In 2010, its relations with Iran, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Bahrain, and the United Kingdom were intense. Among them, the two powerful states of the region, Iran and Turkey, occupied the agenda. While the main agenda item of its relations with Iran was the possible American intervention, developments in economic relations principally constituted the relations with Turkey. Qatar has become one of the important economic actors thanks to its oil and natural gas revenues. Its economic activities cover investments in oil and natural gas drilling and plants; and also utilization of revenues received from these fields in other areas. Qatar founded some petrochemical plants and got into financial partnerships by buying shares of international banks in 2010. Many infrastructure and construction projects were prepared and some of them began to be carried out.
Bahreyn 2010 (PDF)
Ahmet Öztürk
Bahrain 2010
As one of the small countries in the Persian Gulf region, the domestic political and economic developments in Bahrain in 2010, have been recorded in two main areas. These are general parliamentary elections and the lessening impacts of the global financial crisis on Bahraini society and economy. In the foreign policy subject and international arena, some regional and international threats have made Bahrain to seek close ties with neighbor states and allies. In 2010, Iran was counted as the source of major foreign threat and this pushed the country closer to regional and global allies, such as Saudi Arabia and the United States. Also, 2009 announcement of the Gulf States’ new huge armament program for the coming years has been a hot topic of discussion and debate in the region and the country in 2010.
Çağdaş İslam Arap Düşüncesi ve Cabiri (PDF)
Atilla Arkan
Contemporary Islamic Arap Thought and Cabiri
Muhammad Abid el-Cabiri, as one of the leading representative of Modern Islamic Thought, reflects the strengths and weakness of this thought. Modern Islamic thought focuses on the problem of progress, development and decline while neglecting the historical continuity of Muslim societies. Additionally, Modern Muslim thinkers disregard different dimensions of Modern Western thought which should be intellectually criticized. In this context, Classical Islamic Thought is often considered as the reason of the decline of Islamic Civilization. As a Modern Muslim thinker, Cabiri also shares the same intellectual framework. This article evaluates Cabiri within the framework of Modern Islamic Thought. Cabiri criticizes Islamic sciences (beyan) such as fıqh and kalam and claims that they cannot go beyond the borders of Arabic Language. Moreover he considers Tasawwuf (irfan) as the main responsible for the decline of Islamic thought as “an inactive intellect”. Demonstration (burhan), namely Philosophy, is not influential tradition in Muslim lands since the twelfth Century.
İran'da Siyasî Düzen Eleştirisi: Muhammed Müçtehid Şebisterî Örneği (PDF)
Muammer İskenderoğlu
Criticism of The Political System in Iran: The Case of Muhammad Mujtahid Shabestari
The relation between religion and politics has always been an important issue of debate among the intellectuals and religious scholars of Iran and the Iranian revolution contributed to the discussion of this issue in both theoretical and practical level. In today’s Iran, by harmonizing the Shiite theory of imamate with modern democracy a kind of political system is created which does not seem to be traditional, nor does it look like any modern political system. It has a constitution in which there are articles on issues that defines the structure of the institutions of modern state and their functions, rights of citizens and the responsibilities of the state towards them. But these rights are interpreted by the traditional scholars in such a way that in reality made these concepts meaningless. As a reformist scholar, Shabestari criticizes this interpretation of the traditional scholars which is in fact based on their reading of religion. For Shabestari, concepts such as human rights, democracy, tolerance, civil society and constitution are concepts that emerged in modern times and it is difficult to find them in traditional Islam. He claims that rationalization of political system and accepting these concepts with their commonly defined meanings that are compatible with the values of modern world is the only solution for the well-being of the political system of Iran as well as fort the system of other countries of the Islamic world.
Suudi Arabistan'daki Stratejik Doğal Kaynakların Önemi ve Siyaset ile Ekonomi Üzerindeki Etkisi (PDF)
Muhittin Ataman, Nuh Uçgan
The Importance of Strategic Natural Resources in Saudi Arabia and Their Impact on Politics and Economy
As the largest oil reserves in the world, Saudi Arabia’s dependence on strategic natural resources influences not only its economy but also its domestic and foreign policies. Saudi Arabia is dependent on a single product (oil) and on a single power (the United States). The Kingdom attempts to diversify its economy and foreign policy. Upon the decrease of oil reserves and exports in the midterm, the increase of governmental spending and the rapid increase of domestic oil consumption, Saudi authorities began to search for natural gas and attempt to have nuclear energy. Due to the possibility of these attempts to change domestic, regional and global balances, the Saudi Kingdom face difficulties in recent times.