CIAO DATE: 03/2013
Volume: 14, Issue: 3-4
Issue 3 & 4
A Year of Decision in Syria? (PDF)
Dr. Terry Terriff
Strategic Developments In The Western Pacific: Anti-Access/Area Denial And The Airsea Battle Concept (PDF)
Kyle D. Christensen
This article offers an initial review and assessment of the US 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review’s direction to the US Air Force and Navy to develop an AirSea Battle concept for defeating adversaries equipped with sophisticated anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) capabilities. The article contends that the development of these A2/AD systems, particularly by China in the Western Pacific, could become an operational challenge to the freedom of action of military forces in the region. This will require being able to maintain, and if necessary, re-establish freedom of action in the Western Pacific. The article begins by assessing the strategic context of China’s A2/AD strategy. It then goes on to describe in greater detail the AirSea Battle concept as a response to A2/AD strategies. Finally, it assesses the AirSea Battle concept’s utility from a coalition perspective. The article highlights a requirement for increased anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations, research on underwater superiority, and the creation of a Centre for Advanced Underwater Warfare Excellence (CAUWWE).
Enemies within our bosom: Nazi Sabotage in Canada (PDF)
Grant Grams
Rouen: La Semaine Rouge (PDF)
Stephen Bourque
While many are familiar with the Normandy Invasion, few American, Canadian or British citizens know about the massive air campaign waged against their occupied ally. This offensive lasted four long years and targeted most of France’s population centers and infrastructure. By the time the war was over, the Allied air forces killed as many French as the Germans killed British civilians during the “blitz” and vengeance weapon assaults, equaling between 60,000 and 75,000 out of a total of 150,000 French civilian deaths during the war were caused by Allied bombs. For Rouen’s civilians the war did not end on June 6, 1944. For more than two months, the city continued to see both the movement of German forces to the front and the continuation of attacks by fighter-bombers. After months of heavy allied bombing, Canadian troops finally moved into Rouen, ending the nightmare. Today, after decades of reconstruction, Rouen is a thriving, vibrant city. It has a beautiful riverfront, great shopping and wonderful cafés and restaurants. However, evidence of the wartime destruction is obvious: damage to the front of the Palace de Justice, the remains of burnt-out buildings, and the noticable differences in the architecture of buildings constructed before and after the war. Justified or not, the devastation of Rouen in 1944 is part of the Second World War’s sordid history. It is certainly a narrative worthy of understanding when evaluating the war’s effect on politics and society in the latter half of the twentieth century.
Military Coalitions in War and Peace: NATO and the Greek-Turkish Conflict 1952 – 1989 (PDF)
Stefan Brenner
This is an examination of the way in which the North Atlantic Alliance handled conflicts between members of it against the background of the Cold War and concludes that even though the North Atlantic Alliance is unable to resolve conflicts among its members simply on account of its existence, it has been able to contain them in the long term. This is in part due to a considerable degree on the skill of the NATO Secretary General, on the unity and willingness of the North Atlantic Council, and on high-level military authorities such as SACEUR. Being an institution, the alliance in addition had the advantage of having bodies like the NATO Council which held permanent sessions or an integrated command structure and was able to use them over a long period to gradually force the two parties to the conflict to be prepared to do something and accept some compromise.
The Federal Republic and War (PDF)
Michael Epkenhans
Canada and the Libya Coalition (PDF)
Rachael Bryson, Katie Domansky, Rebecca Jensen
Ancient Greek Coalition Warfare: Classical and Hellenistic Examples (PDF)
Berkhard Meissner
The Maritime Way in Munitions: The Entente and Supply in the First World War (PDF)
Keith Neilson
A Canadian Approach: Canada's Cold War Grand Strategy, 1945 to 1989 (PDF)
Matt Trudgen
Alliance-Building at the Dawn of Chinese Civilization (PDF)
Shu-Hui Wu
Advancing the Canada-US Alliance: The Use of History in Decision-Support (PDF)
Peter Archambault, Brad Gladman
Decision Making at the Theatre Strategic Level: ISAF HQ (PDF)
Heather Hrychuk
Andrew C.A. Jampoler, Horrible Shipwreck! Naval Institute Press, 2010. (PDF)
Paula L. Webb
Stephen Bourque
Amit Ranjan
Rita LePage
Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Zain Md Zaki, A.R. Songip, J. Prebagaran, Ng Boon-Beng