CIAO DATE: 11/2008
Volume: 3, Issue: 3
July - September, 2008
Imane Ziza
This paper gives a semiotic and multidisciplinary approach to MEMRI TV by analysing an Arabic video with English subtitles. It undertakes this task by describing thoroughly both the webpage and the video chosen and by arguing their selection. The analysis proceeds according to the methodology of Corpus Linguistics, Conversation analysis and Audiovisual Translation. Based on the results of the study, we could draw some conclusions which helped us confirm one of our major original hypotheses, that is, MEMRI TV may tend to manipulate selection criteria as far as videos are concerned.
El artículo tiene por objeto llevar a cabo un análisis semiótico multidisciplinar de una muestra del material audiovisual subtitulado del árabe al inglés que obra en MEMRI TV. Para ello, describimos detalladamente esta página web y el videoclip objeto del análisis y argumentamos los motivos de selección de ambos. Utilizando procedimientos metodológicos tomados de la Lingüística de Corpus, el Análisis Conversacional y la investigación en Traducción Audiovisual, analizamos el videoclip en base a una serie de hipótesis planteadas inicialmente. A la luz de los resultados obtenidos, sacamos las conclusiones oportunas que nos permitieron confirmar, con la evidente limitación de un solo caso de estudio, entre otras, una de las principales hipótesis planteadas, esto es, la manipulación en los criterios de selección del material audiovisual que ofrece MEMRI TV.
Francisco Galvache
This article analyses the different views that exist on religion in politics and in the society. It pays, particular attention to two positions frontally opposed: secularism and radical Islam. The article gives a historical review of both ideological streams and analyzes its implications for religious freedom social cohesion.
Este artículo analiza las diferentes visiones que existen sobre el papel de la religión en la política y la sociedad, prestando una atención particular dos posturas frontalmente contrapuestas: el laicismo y el islamismo. El artículo realiza una revisión histórica de ambas corrientes ideológicas y analiza sus implicaciones sobre la libertad religiosa y la cohesión social.
José Antonio Peña-Ramos
Madrid and London terrorist attacks in 2004 and 2005, European counterparts to those carried out in New York and Washington during 2001, have steadily increased EU institutions' concern about the phenomenon of violent radicalization, specially that of Islamist nature, as a possible previous step leading to Jihadist terrorism in a context of a continuous and even growing flow of immigration, namely from Muslim origins. The European Council deems paramount to achieve a deeper cooperation between civil society and authorities towards the prevention of these radicalization phenomena.
Rohan Gunaratna, René Pita
Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax, has been the main biological warfare agent studied and produced by countries that have historically retained biological weapons programmes. However, it has also been of interest to terrorist groups like al-Qaida and was the agent responsible for the Amerithrax crisis after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. This paper aims at analysing all these facts with emphasis on the Amerithrax crisis, and the possibility that jihadist terrorism could use this biological agent in terrorist attacks.
Bacillus anthracis, el agente etiológico del carbunco, ha sido el principal agente biológico estudiado y producido por los países que han contado con un programa de armas biológicas a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, también ha sido objeto de interés por parte de grupos terroristas como al-Qaida, y dio lugar a la denominada crisis del Amerithrax, también conocida como la «crisis del ántrax», tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Este trabajo analiza todos estos hechos haciendo especial hincapié en la crisis del Amerithrax y en la posibilidad de que el terrorismo yihadista pueda utilizar este agente biológico en atentados terroristas.
Islamic Activism in Jordan (PDF)
Juan Jose Escobar Stemmann
Manifestations of Islamic activism are abundant in Jordan. Traditional allies of the monarchy, the Muslim Brotherhood has participated in politics when the regime has opted for political openness. However, their moderation in domestic politics has been accompanied by a growing radicalisation with respect to foreign policy issues. In addition, Jordan has been a leading centre for Salafi intellectual output for decades. The emergence of a Jihadi current in the 1990s led to the creation of the first armed groups and Jihadi ideas have found favour with certain sectors of society in the country. Military intervention in Iraq and, in particular, the figure of Abu Musaf Al Zarqawi have resulted in Jordan becoming a favourite Al Qaeda target.
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