URL: http://www.cess.org/
The Centre for European Security Studies is an independent non-governmental organisation based in the north of the Netherlands. From our tiny office in the old university town of Groningen, we run programmes that focus on democracy in the realm of defence and security. Our mission is to promote transparent, accountable and effective government in the security sector. In pursuit of this aim, we conduct research, provide policy advice, hold debates, organise roundtable discussions and offer training courses. We are able to carry out such a wide range of activities thanks to the co-operation of a wide network experts and partners, mostly based in Europe. The results of these collaborative efforts are presented here under the headings publications and events. Our work is also made possible by the support of governmental and independent sponsors.
Additional Materials from Centre for European Security Studies: Working Papers | Policy Briefs
Title: Strengthening Oversight of the Security Sector
Authors: Erik Sportel (ed), Vasili Tchkoidze (ed)
Date: October 2011