CIAO DATE: 05/2012
October 2011
Centre for European Security Studies
This book is published in the framework of the Georgia Parliamentary Programmme (GPP). The programme started in December 2008 and aims to promote good governance and to strengthen democratic control of the security sector in Georgia. Together with its Georgian partner, the Centre for European Integration Studies (CEIS), CESS has been working with key groups of the Georgian Parliament and society in order for these groups to understand what democratic control of the security sector entails and to acquire the necessary skills to exercise effective oversight of defence and security. The GPP consists of workshops and trainings for members of parliament, parliamentary staff, civil servants, NGO representatives and journalists. They deal with subjects like budgetary oversight, defence policy formation and planning, and the various instruments parliament can use to obtain information from the government. In the book Georgian experts assess the status of democratic oversight of the security sector in their country and to make recommendations for the way forward in Georgia’s ongoing reform process.
Resource link: Strengthening Oversight of the Security Sector [PDF] - 557K