CIAO DATE: 07/2009
September 2008
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
♦ Kumasi needs to position itself strategically as a cultural destination, communicate its
attributes more effectively to tourists already in Ghana and differentiate itself from other
cities and attractions
♦ Position should entail marketing a larger cultural region than just Kumasi
♦ Several positioning statements can transmit Kumasi's new marketing strategy:
*Kumasi - Heart of the Kingdom of Ashanti
*Ashanti - The Hidden Kingdom
*Kumasi - Come and See!
♦ Kumasi is well placed to capitalize on the growth of tourism in Ghana due to its status
as a cultural capital
♦ The financial impact of tourism growth is potentially significant for the city and its
surrounding districts
♦ The creation of the Ashanti Region Marketing Corporation is fundamental to proper
coordination among stakeholders
Resource link: Kumasi Marketing Strategy: Tourism [PDF] - 745K