Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

The North-South Center, University of Miami


The Dante B. Fascell North-South Center at the University of Miami is an independent research and educational institution committed to promoting better relations among the United States, Canada, and the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean by advancing knowledge and understanding of the major political, social, economic, and cultural issues affecting the citizens of the Western Hemisphere. The Center's research encompasses issues such as democratic governance, trade and economic policy, sustainable development, migration, civil society participation, and inter-American business and labor issues. This wide range of expertise has distinguished the North-South Center as a reliable resource for policymakers, scholars, and business leaders. Public-private partnerships with institutions in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada enhance the Center's research and outreach projects by communicating its work with a wide audience. The Center's research has also played a significant role in framing policy dialogue among key decisionmakers and scholars in the Americas.

The North-South Center Press publishes books, monographs, and reports that advance policy-relevant knowledge and understanding of the major contemporary economic, social, political, and cultural issues of Western Hemisphere relations. These publications represent an important resource from which policymakers, business practitioners, students, and professors can derive thoughtful insights, strategic assessments, and up-to-date research on vitally important inter-American policy issues.

Working Papers

General Working Papers

Title: The Changing Landscape of Financial Services in Latin America's Large Emerging Markets
Authors: Jerry Haar
Date: July 2003

Title: Was Failure Avoidable? Learning From Colombia's 1998-2002 Peace Process
Authors: Adam Isacson
Date: March 2003

Title: The United States and Colombia: The Journey from Ambiguity to Strategic Clarity
Authors: Gabriel Marcella
Date: March 2003

Title: A Review of European Perceptions of Cuba
Authors: Joaquín Roy
Date: February 2003

Title: Europe: Neither Plan Colombia, nor Peace Process - From Good Intentions to High Frustration
Authors: Joaquin Roy
Date: January 2003

Title: The Aftershock of 9/11: Implications for Globalization and World Politics
Authors: Richard Bernal
Date: September 2002

Title: Free Trade, Smart Borders, and Homeland Security: U.S.-Caribbean Cooperation in a New Era of Vulnerability
Authors: Anthony Bryan, Stephen Flynn
Date: September 2002

Title: Evolution of Coastal Management in Panama
Authors: Daniel Suman
Date: September 2002

Title: A Free Trade Area of the Americas: Implications of Success or Failure for the Members of the OAS
Authors: Stephen Keat
Date: August 2002

Title: The Effectiveness of Special Interventions in Latin American Public Primary Schools
Authors: Joan Anderson
Date: May 2002

Title: Democracy and the Future of Civil-Military Relations in Chile: An Exercise in Historical Comparison
Authors: Felipe Agüero
Date: May 2002

Title: Economic Development and Asymmetries in MERCOSUR: The Prospects of a MERCOSUR Regional Development Fund
Authors: Amaury Hoste, Fernando Masi
Date: April 2002

Title: Human Security: A Brief Report of the State of the Art
Authors: Khatchik Derghoukassian
Date: November 2001

Title: Thinking About Environmental Security: Southeast Asia and the Americas in Comparative Perspective
Authors: Frank McNeil, Joseph Stark
Date: October 2001

Title: Transnational Organized Crime: The Caribbean Context
Authors: Anthony T. Bryan
Date: October 2000

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Agenda Papers

Title: The Caribbean Security Scenario at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Continuity, Change, Challenge
Authors: Ivelaw L. Griffith
Date: September 2003

Title: NAFTA and Small Business Competitiveness in Mexico: The Impacts of Free Trade, Macroeconomic Policy, and Firm Management
Authors: Oscar Beltrán, Jerry Haar, Catherine Leroy-Beltrán
Date: April 2003

Title: New Approaches to Microfinance Client Assessment in Latin America
Authors: Brian Beard, Carter Garber
Date: March 2003

Title: NGO Advocacy Networks in Latin American: Lessons from Experience in Promoting Women's and Reproductive Rights
Authors: Bonnie L. Shepard
Date: February 2003

Title: In Search of the Endgame: A Long-Term Multilateral Strategy for Colombia
Authors: Myles Frechette
Date: February 2003

Title: A Resurgent MERCOSUR: Confronting Economic Crises and Negotiating Trade Agreements
Authors: Thomas Andrew O'Keefe
Date: February 2003

Title: The Argentine Implosion
Authors: Luigi Manzetti
Date: November 2002

Title: The New Cuban Immigration in Context
Authors: Max J Castro
Date: October 2002

Title: Colombia's Conflicts: The Spillover Effects of a Wider War
Authors: Richard Millet
Date: September 2002

Title: The Dominican Republic's 2000 Presidential Election: The U.S. Role in Supporting the Process
Authors: Kevin Michael O'Reilly
Date: April 2002

Title: The U.S. Engagement with Colombia: Legitimate State Authority and Human Rights
Authors: Gabriel Marcella
Date: March 2002

Title: The Dominican Diaspora Revisited: Dominicans and Dominican-Americans in a New Century
Authors: Thomas D. Boswell, Max J. Castro
Date: January 2002

Title: Protecting the Environment While Opening Markets in the Americas
Authors: William Krist
Date: January 2002

Title: Caribbean Tourism: Igniting the Engines of Sustainable Growth
Authors: Anthony T. Bryan
Date: November 2001

Title: The Impact of MERCOSUR on the Automobile Industry
Authors: Jerry Haar, Thomas A. O'Keefe
Date: September 2001

Title: Protest and Collaboration: Transnational Civil Society Networks and the Politics of Summitry and Free Trade in the Americas
Authors: Patricio Korzeniewicz, William C. Smith
Date: September 2001

Title: Preferential Treatment in Trade: Is There Any Room Left in the Americas?
Authors: Fernando Masi
Date: August 2001

Title: Geography, Markets, Resources, and Development: The Assets of the Americas Revisited
Authors: L. Ronald Scheman
Date: July 2001

Title: Making and Unmaking Authoritarian Peru: Re-election, Resistance, and Regime Transition
Authors: Catherine M. Conaghan
Date: May 2001

Title: Lessons on Sustainable Development from Costa Rica's Forests
Authors: Eduardo Silva
Date: May 2001

Title: Immigration and Integration in the Americas
Authors: Max J. Castro
Date: May 2001

Title: When Democracy Isn't All that Democratic: Social Exclusion and the Limits of the Public Sphere in Latin America
Authors: Philip Oxhorn
Date: April 2001

Title: Free Trade and Worker Displacement: The Trade Adjustment Assistance Act and the Case of NAFTA
Authors: Antonio Garrastazu, Jerry Haar
Date: February 2001

Title: Institutional Challenges and Opportunities in Environmentally Sound Trade Expansion: A Review of the Global State of Affairs
Authors: Aaron Cosbey
Date: April 2000

Title: Moving Beyond Privatization in Latin America: The Government/Business Relationship
Authors: Robert Grosse
Date: March 2000

Title: Making Sense of Environmental Security
Authors: Frank McNeil
Date: February 2000

Title: The Mined Road to Peace in Guatemala
Authors: Susanne Jonas
Date: September 1999

Title: Latin American Trade Strategy at Century's End
Authors: Carol Wise
Date: June 1999

Title: Global Economics and Local Politics in Trinidad's Divestment Program
Authors: Anthony P. Maingot
Date: December 1998

Title: Democracy and Reform in Cardoso's Brazil: Caught Between Clientelism and Global Markets?
Authors: Nizar Messari, Willian C. Smith
Date: September 1998

Title: Democratization, health care reform, and ngo—government collaboration: catalyst or constraint?
Authors: Alberto Cardelle
Date: July 1998

Title: Stabilization and Its Discontents: Argentina's Economic Restructuring in the 1990s
Authors: Manuel Pastor, Carol Wise
Date: May 1998

Title: Women Coping with Crisis: Social Consequences of Export-Led Industrialization in the Dominican Republic
Authors: Helen I. Safa
Date: April 1998

Title: Free Trade in the Americas: Fulfilling the Promise of Miami and Santiago
Authors: Stephen Lander, Ambler Moss
Date: April 1998

Title: The New Face of Regionalism in the Caribbean: The Western Hemisphere Dynamic
Authors: Anthony T. Bryan, Roget V. Bryan
Date: March 1998

Title: The Implementation of Agenda 21 in Latin America, 1992-1997
Authors: Gisela Salomón
Date: March 1998

Title: As Mexico Imploded: Action and Inaction in the United States
Authors: Sidney Weintraub
Date: July 1997

Title: Trading Places: The Caribbean Faces Europe and the Americas in the Twenty-first Century
Authors: Anthony T. Bryan
Date: June 1997

Title: Trade Policy Options for Chile: A Quantitative Evaluation
Authors: Glenn W. Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherfod
Date: May 1997

Title: Possibilities and Realities of Cuba's Integration into the Caribbean: Perceptions of Cuban Entrepreneurs
Authors: Gerardo Gonzalez
Date: May 1997

Title: Privatization and Regulation: Lessons from Argentina and Chile
Authors: Luigi Manzetti
Date: April 1997

Title: Private Investment as a Financing Source for Microcredit
Authors: Carter Garber
Date: January 1997

Title: Caribbean Basin Economic Development and the Section 936 Tax Credit
Authors: Richard L. Bernal, Stephen E. Lamar
Date: December 1996

Title: Intellectual Property, Trade, and Economic Development: A Road Map for the FTAA Negotiations
Authors: Carlos A. Primo Braga, Robert M. Sherwood
Date: September 1996

Title: The Politics of Free Trade in the Western Hemisphere
Authors: Manuel Pastor, Carol Wise
Date: August 1996

Title: The Binational Center and U.S. Foreign Policy
Authors: Louis P. Falino
Date: June 1996

Title: Strategic Global Repositioning and Future Economic Development in Jamaica
Authors: Richard L. Bernal
Date: April 1996

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