Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe"


The Kolleg-Forschergruppe (KFG) is a new funding programme launched by the German Research Foundation in 2008. As a research college, it is intended to provide a scientifically stimulating environment in which innovative research topics can be dealt with by discourse and debate within a small group of senior and junior researchers. Key characteristics are a comprehensive Fellow Programme for guest scholars from elsewhere in Germany and from abroad, the promotion of young researchers and the opportunity to be released from teaching duties for a set period of time. The KFG “The Transformative Power of Europe” is one of three research colleges, which the DFG approved in the first funding period.

Additional Materials from Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe": Policy Briefs

Working Papers

Title: Moving beyond a Donor-Recipient Relationship? Assessing Partnership in the Joint Africa-EU Strategy
Authors: Karen del Biondo
Date: February 2015

Title: Building the ASEAN Center for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Response. Is ASEAN Learning from the Experience of the European Civil Protection Mechanism?
Authors: Angela Pennis i di Floristella
Date: January 2015

Title: International in Life, National in Death? Banking Nationalism on the Road to Banking Union
Authors: Rachel A. Epstein, Martin Rhodes
Date: December 2014

Title: Coordination of Social Security Schemes. The Case of SADC
Authors: Ockert Dupper
Date: May 2014

Title: Regional Organizations and Sanctions Against Members: Explaining the Different Trajectories of the African Union, the League of Arab States, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Authors: Elin Hellquist
Date: January 2014

Title: Mission Impossible - Why Crisis Management Missions Do Not Increase the Visibility of the European Union
Authors: Stephanie B. Anderson
Date: December 2013

Title: Those Who Knock on Europe's Door Must Repent? Bilateral Border Disputes and EU Enlargement
Authors: Andrew Geddes, Andrew Taylor
Date: November 2013

Title: The Transformation of European Migration Governance
Authors: Andrew Geddes
Date: November 2013

Title: Regional Blocs, Transnational Actors and Interest Mediation: The Cases of Mexico and Turkey
Authors: Işık Özel
Date: November 2013

Title: Templates for Trade: Change, Persistence and Path Dependence in U. S. and EU Preferential Trade Agreements
Authors: Ali Arbia
Date: September 2013

Title: The Life Cycles of Competing Policy Norms. Localizing European and Developmental Central Banking Ideas
Authors: Arie Krampf
Date: April 2013

Title: The EU as a Multilateral Rule Exporter. The Global Transfer of European Rules via International Organizations
Authors: Mathieu Rousselin
Date: December 2012

Title: The Consolidation of the Anglo-Saxon/European Consensus on Price Stability. From International Coordination to a Rule-Based Monetary Regime
Authors: Arie Krampf
Date: October 2012

Title: Not Another GMO. Explaining Europe's Approach to Nanotechnologies
Authors: Nico Jaspers
Date: September 2012

Title: Emissions Trading - A Transatlantic Journey for an Idea?
Authors: Katja Biedenkopf
Date: September 2012

Title: Assessing EU Leadership on Climate Change. The Limits of Diffusion in EU Relations with China and India
Authors: Diarmuid Torney
Date: September 2012

Title: Grounding the European Public Sphere. Looking Beyond the Mass Media to Digitally Mediated Issue Publics
Authors: Lance Bennett
Date: August 2012

Title: Tolerance as a European Norm or an Ottoman Practice? An Analysis of Turkish Public Debates on the (Re)Opening of an Armenian Church in the Context of Turkey's EU Candidacy and Neo-Ottoman Revival
Authors: Bilgin Ayata
Date: July 2012

Title: The Holy Trinity of Democracy, Economic Development, and Security. EU Democratization Efforts Beyond its Borders - The Case of Tunisia
Authors: Assem Dandashly
Date: July 2012

Title: Transformations on Whose Terms? Understanding the New EU-ACP Trade Relations from the Outside In
Authors: Ulrike Lorenz
Date: June 2012

Title: Europe and the Arab Revolutions. From a Weak to a Proactive Response to a Changing Neighborhood
Authors: Sally Khalifa Isaac
Date: May 2012

Title: The European Commission in the 21st Century. Core Beliefs on EU Governance
Authors: Liesbet Hooghe
Date: April 2012

Title: Beyond Federalism: Estimating and Explaining the Territorial Structure of Government
Authors: Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks
Date: April 2012

Title: Europeanization in Turkey. Stretching a Concept to its Limits?
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Digdem Soyaltin
Date: February 2012

Title: Organizing Regulatory Convergence Outside the EU Setting Policy-Specific Conditionality and Building Domestic Capacities.
Authors: Julia Langbein
Date: December 2011

Title: Mechanism-Based Thinking on Policy Diffusion. A Review of Current Approaches in Political Science
Authors: Torben Heinze
Date: December 2011

Title: Good Governance and Bad Neighbors? The Limits of the Transformative Power of Europe
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Vera van Hüllen
Date: December 2011

Title: You Make Us Do What We Want! The Usage of External Actors and Policy Conditionality in the European Neighborhood
Authors: Esther Ademmer
Date: November 2011

Title: Decolonization by Europeanization? The Early EEC and the Transformation of French-African Relations
Authors: Martin Rempe
Date: May 2011

Title: Europeanization Subverted? The European Union's Promotion of Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption in the Southern Caucasus
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Yasemin Pamuk
Date: April 2011

Title: Decision-Making in Security and Defence Policy. Towards Supranational Intergovernmentalism?
Authors: Jolyon Howorth
Date: March 2011

Title: Is There a Puzzle? Compliance with Minority Rights in Turkey (1999-2010)
Authors: Gözde Yilmaz
Date: January 2011

Title: Patterns of Power. The EU's External Steering Techniques at Work - The Case of Democratization Policies in Morocco
Authors: David Budde, Mathias Großklaus
Date: December 2010

Title: Networks, Courts and Regional Integration. Explaining the Establishment of the Andean Court of Justice.
Authors: Osvaldo Saldías
Date: November 2010

Title: How European is European Identity? Extent and Structure of Continental Identification in Global Comparison Using SEM
Authors: Jochen Roose
Date: November 2010

Title: Democray and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited: Input, Output and Throughput.
Authors: Vivien Schmidt
Date: November 2010

Title: Post-Accession Conditionality: Support Instrument for Continuous Pressure?
Authors: Eli Gateva
Date: October 2010

Title: Emotions, Media Discourse and the Mobilization of Citizens: Conceptual Considerations and a Plausibility
Authors: Marianne van de Steeg
Date: October 2010

Title: Do Regional Organizations Travel? European Integration, Diffusion and the Case of ASEAN
Authors: Anja Jetschke
Date: October 2010

Title: The Emergence of a European Community of Communication: Insights from Empirical Research on the Europeanization of Public Spheres
Authors: Marianne van de Steeg, Thomas Risse
Date: August 2010

Title: Unpacking the Compliance Puzzle. The Case of Turkey's AKP under EU Conditionality
Authors: Beken Saatçioglu
Date: June 2010

Title: How International Law Standards Pervade Discourse on the Use of Armed Force: Insights into European and US Newspaper Debates between 1990 and 2005
Authors: Swantje Renfordt
Date: May 2010

Title: The Transformative Power of Europe Reloaded: The Limits of External Europeanization
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel
Date: February 2010

Title: Policy Matters But How? Explaining Non-Compliance Dynamics in the EU
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Tobias Hofmann, Diana Panke
Date: February 2010

Title: Europe as a Symbolic Resource. On the Discursive Space of Political Struggles in Poland
Authors: Artur Lipiński
Date: January 2010

Title: EU Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean. Cooperation against All Odds?
Authors: Vera van Hüllen
Date: November 2009

Title: The Asymmetry of European Integration or why the EU cannot be a "Social Market Economy"
Authors: Fritz W. Scharpf
Date: September 2009

Title: Structuring the European Administrative Space: Channels of EU Penetration and Mechanisms of National Change
Authors: Eva G. Heidbreder
Date: September 2009

Title: How European Protest Transforms Institutions of the Public Sphere: Discourse and Decision-Making in the European Social Forum Process
Authors: Nicole Doerr
Date: September 2009

Title: Diffusing (Inter-) Regionalism: The EU as a Model of Regional Integration
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Thomas Risse
Date: September 2009

Title: Bringing the Mass Media in: The Contribution of the Mass Media for Understanding Citizens' Attitudes towards the European Union
Authors: Silke Adam
Date: September 2009

Title: Neighbourhood Europeanization through ENP: The Case of Ukraine
Authors: Andrea Gawrich, Inna Melnykovska, Rainer Schweickert
Date: August 2009

Title: EU Administrative Conditionality and Domestic Downloading: The Limits of Europeanization in Challenging Contexts
Authors: Arolda Elbasani
Date: July 2009

Title: The Transformative Power of Europe: The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas
Authors: Tanja A. Börzel, Thomas Risse
Date: May 2009