Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Institute of International Relations Prague


The Institute of International Relations (IIR) is an independent research organization. It conducts scholarly research, as well as analytical activities concerning international relations and Czech foreign and security policy.

It organizes conferences, seminars, and round-table discussions of experts, academics, and political professionals on international relations, security, and development issues.

Additional Materials from Institute of International Relations Prague: Policy Briefs | Journals: Perspectives: The Central European Review of International Affairs

Working Papers

Title: ABM Defense & Prospects of a New Russia-us 'Reset'
Authors: Yury Fedorov
Date: October 2013

Title: Checking the Czech Role in the European Neighbourhood
Authors: Petr Kratochvil, Elsa Tulmets
Date: May 2007

Title: Twinning Projects: Analyzing the Experience of
Authors: Lucie Konigova, Eliska Tomalova, Elsa Tulmets
Date: November 2006

Title: The Development and the Prospects of the Czech Left – the Role of the Communist Party
Authors: Vladimir Handl
Date: December 2005

Title: Policies of Visegrad Countries Towards CFSP/ESDP
Authors: Radek Khol
Date: (Date Not Available)

Title: Metaphors Europe Lives by: Language and Institutional Change of the European Union
Authors: Petr Drulak
Date: (Date Not Available)