Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

European Research Papers Archive


The ERPA network was founded by the Harvard Jean Monnet Chair, Prof. J.H.H. Weiler; the directors of the Cologne Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Prof. Fritz Scharpf and Prof. Wolfgang Streeck; Prof. Philip Alston (Academy of European Law) and Prof. Yves Mény (Robert Schuman Centre) of the European University Institute; and the editor of the European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Dr. Michael Nentwich. The editors of the founding series are members of the management board. In the meantime, a few further papers joined the network.

ERPA's aim is to provide a common access point for the online working paper series of the participating institutions in order to help researchers in the field of European Integration studies searching the growing number of working papers now available in the internet. ERPA is confined to high quality series in order to guarantee high standards. The participating series editors achieve this high level of scholarship by different means: while the Max Planck Institute, and the Harvard Jean Monnet Chair practise high-level internal refereeing, the Robert Schuman Centre and the EIoP have a double-blind review process with two referees per paper. All further participating series subscribe to a similar high-quality policy.

Working Papers

Title: What Is Political about Jurisprudence? Courts, Politics and Political Science in Europe and the United States
Authors: Britta Rehder
Date: April 2007

Title: The Making of European Private Law: Regulation and Governance design
Authors: Fabrizio Cafaggi, Horatia Muir Watt
Date: March 2007

Title: The European Commission as Network Broker
Authors: Susana Borrás
Date: March 2007

Title: Populism in the first European elections in the Czech Republic
Authors: Markéta Pitrová
Date: March 2007

Title: Corporate Values in Local Contexts Work Systems and Workers' Welfare in Western and Eastern Europe
Authors: Marta Kahancová
Date: March 2007

Title: A New Phase of European Integration:Organized Capitalisms in Post-Ricardian Europe
Authors: Martin Höpner, Armin Schäfer
Date: March 2007

Title: Theories and core principles of Dutch democracy
Authors: Ank Michels
Date: February 2007

Title: The Extra-Territorialisation of EU Migration Policies and the Rule of Law
Authors: Marise Cremona, Jorrit Rijpma
Date: February 2007

Title: Taxation and Democracy in the EU
Authors: Steffen Ganghof, Philipp Genschel
Date: February 2007

Title: Much Ado about Pluto? The 'Unity of the Legal Order of the European Union' Revisited
Authors: Christoph Herrmann
Date: February 2007

Title: New Modes of Governance in the EU: Common Objectives versus National Preferences
Authors: Manuele Citi, Martin Rhodes
Date: January 2007

Title: Exploring the EU's social constituency: Patterns of public claims-making in constitutional debates in France and Germany
Authors: Erik Jentges, Hans-Jörg Trenz, Regina Vetters
Date: January 2007

Title: European Debates on the Knowledge Institution:The Modernization of the University at the European Level
Authors: Peter Maassen, Johan P. Olsen
Date: January 2007

Title: The Relation between Democracy and Religion: Towards a European Discursive "Model";?
Authors: Camil Ungureanu
Date: December 2006

Title: The Problem of Legitimacy in the European Polity. Is Democratization the Answer?";
Authors: Claus Offe, Ulrich K. Preuss
Date: December 2006

Title: The Open Method of Coordination as practice - A watershed in European education policy?
Authors: Ase Gornitzka
Date: December 2006

Title: State Sovereignty, Popular Sovereignty and Individual Sovereignty: from Constitutional Nationalism to Multilevel Constitutionalism in International Economic Law?
Authors: Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Date: December 2006

Title: Self-regulation in European Contract Law
Authors: Fabrizio Cafaggi
Date: December 2006

Title: Multi-Level Judicial Trade Governance without Justice? On the Role of Domestic Courts in the WTO Legal and Dispute Settlement System
Authors: Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Date: December 2006

Title: Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the European Union
Authors: Carl-Fredrik Bergström, Henry Farrell, Adrienne Héritier
Date: December 2006

Title: Justice in International Economic Law? From the 'International Law among States' to 'International Integration law' and 'Constitutional Law'
Authors: Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Date: December 2006

Title: Higher Education as a Form of European Integration: How Novel is the Bologna Process?
Authors: Anne Corbett
Date: December 2006

Title: European Constitutional Identity?
Authors: Wojciech Sadurski
Date: December 2006

Title: Divided Government European Style? Electoral and Mechanical Causes of European Parliament and Council Divisions
Authors: Holger Döring, Philip Manow
Date: December 2006

Title: Current Legal Issues in the External Relations of the European Union
Authors: Michel Petit
Date: December 2006

Title: Consumer Citizenship in Postnational Constellations?
Authors: Michelle Everson, Christian Joerges
Date: December 2006

Title: Constructivist Approaches in International Relations Theory: Puzzles and Promises";
Authors: Antje Wiener
Date: December 2006

Title: Codecision and Institutional Change
Authors: Henry Farrell, Adrienne Héritier
Date: December 2006

Title: 'Solange, chapter 3': Constitutional Courts in Central Europe – Democracy – European Union
Authors: Wojciech Sadurski
Date: December 2006

Title: The Composition of the College of Commissioners: Patterns of Delegation
Authors: Holger Döring
Date: November 2006

Title: Rational Choice and EU Politics
Authors: Mark A. Pollack
Date: November 2006

Title: One Path or Several? Understanding the Varied Development of Tripartism in New European Capitalisms
Authors: Sabina Avdagic
Date: November 2006

Title: Towards an Organization Theory of International Integration
Authors: Morton Egeberg
Date: October 2006

Title: Decision-making under Pressure: The Negotiation of the Biometric Passports Regulation in the Council
Authors: Jonathan P. Aus
Date: September 2006

Title: Domestic Politics and Referendums on the Constitutional Treaty
Authors: Gemma Mateo González
Date: May 2006

Title: Participatory Governance and European Administrative Law: New Legal Benchmarks for the New European Public Order
Authors: Rainer Nickel
Date: January 2006

Title: A Constitutional Basis for Effective External Action?
Authors: Marise Cremona
Date: January 2006

Title: The power of norms in the transposition of EU directives
Authors: Antoaneta Dimitrova, Mark Rhinard
Date: November 2005

Title: The access of business interests to European Union institutions: notes towards a theory
Authors: Rainer Eising
Date: November 2005

Title: Conjunctural Causation in Comparative Case-Oriented Research: Exploring the Scope Conditions of Rationalist and Institutionalist Causal Mechanisms
Authors: Jonathan P. Aus
Date: November 2005

Title: Collective Bargaining Practices in Eastern Europe: Case Study Evidence from Romania
Authors: Aurora Trif
Date: November 2005

Title: Turkey's Reform Effort Reconsidered, 1987-2004
Authors: Kivanç Ulusoy
Date: October 2005

Title: Synergies and Tradeoffs in International Cooperation: Broadening, Widening, and Deepening
Authors: Jörg Friedrichs, Jordan Mihov, Maria Popova
Date: October 2005

Title: Making and Breaking the Rules: French policy on EU "gouvernement économique" and the Stability and Growth Pact
Authors: David J. Howarth
Date: October 2005

Title: It's the Process Stupid! Process Tracing in the Study of European and International Politics
Authors: Jeffrey T. Checkel
Date: October 2005

Title: Implementation and European integration: A review essay
Authors: Ulf Sverdrup
Date: October 2005

Title: Economic Integration, EU-US Trade Conflicts and WTO Dispute Settlement
Authors: Fritz Breuss
Date: October 2005

Title: After Hierarchy? Domestic Executive Governance and the Differentiated Impact of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers
Authors: Torbjorn Larsson, Jarle Trondal
Date: October 2005

Title: Administering information: Eurostat and statistical integration
Authors: Ulf Sverdrup
Date: October 2005

Title: When and Why the Council of Ministers of the EU Votes Explicitly
Authors: Fiona Hayes-Renshaw, Wim van Aken, Helen Wallace
Date: September 2005

Title: Unity and diversity - European style
Authors: Johan P. Olsen
Date: September 2005

Title: The political organization of Europe: Differentiation and unification
Authors: Johan P. Olsen
Date: September 2005

Title: No Exit from the Joint Decision Trap? Can German Federalism Reform Itself?
Authors: Fritz Scharpf
Date: September 2005

Title: A Coordinated Approach to Regulation and Civil Liability in European Law: Rethinking Institutional Complementarities
Authors: Fabrizio Cafaggi
Date: September 2005

Title: Towards Statehood? The EU's move towards Constitutionalisation and Territorialisation
Authors: Thomas Christiansen
Date: August 2005

Title: Language Minorities in Europe: Dying species or forerunner of a transnational civil society?
Authors: Hans-Jörg Trenz
Date: August 2005

Title: The Limits of Europeanization: Regulatory Reforms in the Spanish and Portuguese Telecommunications and Electricity Sectors
Authors: Jacint Jordana, David Levi-Faur, Imma Puig
Date: July 2005

Title: The EU's fledgling society: From deafening silence to critical voice in European constitution making
Authors: John Erik Fossum, Hans-Jög Trenz
Date: July 2005

Title: Rethinking European Law's Supremacy
Authors: Damian Chalmers, Christian Joerges, Rainer Nickel, Florian Rödl, Robert Wai
Date: July 2005

Title: Two Variations on a Theme: Different Logics of Implementation Management in the EU and the ILO
Authors: Miriam Hartlapp
Date: June 2005

Title: The Role of Public Discourse in European Social Democratic Reform Projects
Authors: Vivian A. Schmidt
Date: June 2005

Title: Mediatisation and democratization
Authors: Hans-Jörg Trenz
Date: December 2003

Title: Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union: Who Captures Whom?
Authors: Cornelia vWoll
Date: 2001

Title: Will the Constitutional Treaty Contribute to the Legitimacy of the European Union?
Authors: Heidrun Abromeit, Sebastian Wolf
Date: (Date Not Available)

Title: National, European and Community Patent Protection: Time for Reconsideration
Authors: Hanns Ulrich
Date: (Date Not Available)

Title: Much Ado About Nothing? National Legislatures in the EU Constitutional Treaty
Authors: Tapio Raunio
Date: (Date Not Available)