Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

Center for International Relations and Policy, University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation


The Center for International Relations and Policy is a member of the University of California’s Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. The head of the Center is Professor Richard Rosecrance. The Center serves not only as a member site for IGCC but also as an independent research center for students and scholars interested in a broad array of IR-based policy questions. To this end the Center has initiated a working paper series to encourage early stage discussion of scholars’ work and to allow for the exchange of ideas that might eventually influence policy makers across the globe.

Working Papers

Title: Can the Arab-Israeli Peace Proceess Continue?
Authors: Galia Golan
Date: August 1996

Title: The Future of Russia in Historical Perspective
Authors: Walter Pintner
Date: January 1996

Title: The Future of International Trade in Services
Authors: Jose Ripoll
Date: January 1996