Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 03/2013

The US Firearms Industry: Production and Supply

Jurgen Brauer

February 2013

Small Arms Survey


This working paper considers economic aspects of the US firearms industry, specifically the civilian, private security, and law enforcement (i.e. non-military) markets for pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Although it provides estimates of annual firearms demand in the United States from 1999 to 2010, primarily the paper examines supply-side issues, including: (1) the number of firearms producers selling weapons to end users; (2) the number of firearms produced and disposed of in trade; (3) freedom of entry into and exit from the industry; (4) industry consolidation in the various firearms market segments; (5) competition by overseas firms; (6) firearms exports and imports that complement US-based production; and (7) the structure of the industry (ranging from competitive to monopolistic). The production of ‘miscellaneous firearms’ (e.g. machine guns or separate frames or receivers, actions, or barrelled actions; see below) and production for export are not considered in this paper. Similarly, intra-industry trade, such as contract manufacturing, is not dealt with here.