Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 05/2014

Who Wants to Farm? Youth Aspirations, Opportunities and Rising Food Prices

Jennifer Leavy, Naomi Hossain

March 2014

Oxfam Publishing


In an era of land grabs and environmental uncertainty, improving smallholder productivity has become a higher priority on the agenda for poverty reduction and food security. Yet emerging evidence about the realities and social norms and desires of young people in developing countries indicates a reasonably widespread withdrawal from work on the land as an emerging norm. While this is not new, policymakers are right to be concerned about a withdrawal from the sector. This working paper from the Institute of Development Studies explores questions of who wants to farm, and under what conditions. It asks what economic, environmental and social conditions would be favourable to active recruitment by educated young people into farming and explores the policy and programmatic conditions that are creating attractive opportunities in farming or agro-food industry livelihoods.