CIAO DATE: 03/2011
February 2011
Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre
The recent democratic revolution in Tunisia swept away the authoritarian regime of President Zein el Abidin Ben Ali who had long held a tight grip on power in the country. He used the police to spread fear among the population, appointed loyalists to the head of the national union and ensured the ruling party was the only real player in the political system. His family were a hive of corruption. When the population revolted, it was therefore swift and decisive. This analysis considers who the key players were in these dramatic events. It looks at why the army betrayed Ben Ali and came out in support of the protestors. It provides an overview of the political landscape in the country, both under authoritarianism and now. It also considers the rise of civil society during the revolt, and the role they may play in the years to come. Lastly, it looks at the hope for democracy in Tunisia.
Resource link: Tunisia's democratic revolution and its actors [PDF] - 723K