Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 02/2010

Die Anspruchsinflation des Wirtschaftssystems

Jens Beckert

September 2009

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies


The paper takes a theoretical look at the current financial and economic crisis, drawing on existing theories on crises of capitalism. I develop the thesis that the theories of “ungovernability” and “late capitalism” were wrong in locating the origins of crises in contemporary capitalism only indirectly in the economy. The theory of late capitalism, however, rightfully pointed out that the state cannot reduce its influence over the economy without endangering the functioning of markets themselves. This is due less, however, to the difficulty of maintaining loyalty, i.e. political support for the capitalist system than to the more immediate challenge of sustaining the preconditions for the system’s economic viability. Today, a theory of the crises of capitalism must devote much more attention to the intrasystemic preconditions of the economic system.