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Iraq and Beyond: The New U.S. National Security Strategy

Jonathon Kirshner, Barry Strauss, Maria Fanis, and Matthew Evangelista

Peace Studies Program, Cornell University
Occasional Papers #27
January 2003

(PDF, 2 pages, 96 Kb)

Prevent Defense: Why the Bush Doctrine Will Hurt U.S. Interests
by Jonathon Kirshner
(PDF, 10 pages, 112 Kb)

On the National Security Strategy and American Policy Toward Iraq
by Barry S. Strauss
(PDF, 4 pages, 108 Kb)

Old Elements in the New Security Policy
by Maria Fanis
(PDF, 4 pages, 100 Kb)

The Peace Movements's Iraq Problem — and Opportunity
by Matthew Evangelista
(PDF, 9 pages, 112 Kb)

Full Text (PDF, 32 pages, 176 Kb)