Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 08/2013

Regaining a future? Lessons learned from education of young people in fragile situations

Birgitte Lind Petersen

August 2013

Danish Institute for International Studies


In many conflict affected countries young people struggle to find ways to regain a future after war. Many have nowhere to go and nothing to do. They are easily recruited into radical groups or criminal networks. They are perceived as a problem. A new DIIS report shows that carefully designed and locally appropriate education and training aimed specifically at youth can make a difference. But those forms of education and training that create fundamental changes, not only in the young people's lives, but also in their local societies, are long-term and expensive. The report discusses the interplay between violent conflict and fragility and youth education. It highlights the challenges and recent attempts among international agencies, governments and NGOs to face these. Furthermore, the report uncovers lessons learned from three different types of donor supported interventions for youth in fragile situations: secondary education, accelerated learning and technical and vocational training. The focus is on documented impact for young people and lessons learned for donors. Finally, the report discusses the main findings and provides recommendations for donors.