Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 04/2013

Environmental governance of uranium mining in Niger: A blind spot for development cooperation?

Rasmus Kløcker Larsen, Christiane Alzouma Mamosso

March 2013

Danish Institute for International Studies


Niger is well known in international media as one of the world’s poorest countries, struggling with chronic structural hunger and malnutrition. What is less well known to many is that Niger also hosts the fourth largest uranium production in the world. Export values totaled over 348 million Euros in 2010 alone, representing more than twice the total development assistance finance received during the same year. The exploitation of the mineral wealth (incl. uranium, gold, phosphate, coal) by international investors is expanding, with granted and requested mining permits comprising close to 10% of the national territory. A growing body of media and NGO reports has pointed to severe environmental, social and human health impacts associated with the mining activities. In contrast, the environmental issues associated with the uranium mining sector, or mining activities in general, go seemingly without mention in the guiding documents of the principal development cooperation donors. A new DIIS Working paper prepared by Rasmus Kløcker Larsen and Christiane Alzouma Mamosso discusses the following questions: What progress has been achieved in the environmental governance of the uranium mining sector in Niger? What has been the contribution from development cooperation? How come donors and the Nigerien government appear to have overlooked the issues so widely reported among Nigerien actors?